BBC 2 tonight ( 21/08 ) weight program

Hi, BBC 2 tonight at 9 the first of 12 program's about 3 groups of people who are on weight Loss program's . Might be worth a watch !


  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I'm watching it atm. They already showed a clip of asking someone 'do you think you'll ever get to a point of not thinking about food?'. hahahaha. Food is goooood! I'm always thinking of what yummy stuff I'll eat next.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Also watching it...bringing back memories of Slimming World meetings I used to drag myself to!
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I've never been part of a club like that. Doesn't look like something I'd enjoy. Having seen the WW person having to write a diary and keep her points I'm a bit confused about what a friend of mine who tried MFP said it was too much work and far harder to track food. :s Looks harder to keep track of WW stuff and write it all by hand!
  • JustMeee333
    Going to watch this tonight, I've never been part of any club like that either.

    My answer to do "do you ever think you'll stop thinking about food?" question would be, No.. how could we? You need food every single day of your life to live, so the temptation to overeat is going to be there everyday! Food is everywhere, arrrggghhh!
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    I recorded it and just watched it. I quite enjoyed my time at both WeightWatchers and Slimming World but it's way too much money and effort. This is much easier, plus I can do it on my phone while I'm at work. The programme was funny but also a bit sad.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I thought it was a good programme that didn't go the usual shock! horror! route for a change - just regular people with different reasons for being overweight. The meetings wouldn't be for me though I could see where it would keep you 'honest' if you had to get weighed in front of everyone.

    I nearly joined WW Online (before remembering MFP did pretty much the same thing for free) but their website put me off - far too much pushing their own over-processed products (and watching the programme it looks like at the end of each meeting they have a little shop to sell you more of it).
  • alexsheena
    What is the program called I can't seem to find anything on iplayer.

    *edit*: right after i send this i find it. It's called welcome to the world of weight loss right.
  • alexsheena
    I just finished watching it and I quite enjoyed it. I thought it was quite honest which a lot of those shows aren't they usually just show the good results to promote the programs but it wasn't all good news, a real account I'd say. It was a bit sad though because some of them were very consumed by it all and even when they had got to goal they still didn't seem happier or feel like they could do it on their own. They said they felt like it was life long yet they said if they stopped going to meetings they'd gain weight again. I know a lot of people on those kinds of programs and none of them have kept the weight off after.
  • JustMeee333
    I enjoyed the programme, but those kind of meetings are not for me. I'd find the whole thing quite patronising, but if it works for them great. I found it sad too,in the case of the girl with body dysmorphic disorder. I assume it was just a one-off programme?
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    You need food every single day of your life to live

    Incorrect :wink:
  • JustMeee333
    You need food every single day of your life to live

    Incorrect :wink:

    Ah, there's always one. You know exactly what I meant, no need to be quite so pretentious :wink: and especially without a comment about the actual programme in question anyway.