Weight-in #1

Alright here we go step on those scales this morning and start your first first check!

I am 138 as of today.

I cant wait to see how hard you guys/gals work this week to get two pounds off! C: WE CAN DO THIS! I wish everyone the best of luck and I believe in you!

Remember to drink water and to stretch!
Be aware of what you are putting in your body! (EAT CLEAN, NOT LESS)
& Exercise Exercise Exercise! Walking! running! jumping rope! zumba!



  • zombiedad_wdm
    August 23rd: 261 lbs

    Goal Weight: 230 lbs by February 2014

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 210 lbs by June 2014

    I wish we would have weighed in a couple days ago. I have already lost 4 lbs this week and would have loved to have counted those towards the 20 lb goal. More of a challenge! Let's do this!

  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Ok, I'll bite!

    After a disappointing week & a half of the scale not budging, it finally started to move again on Wednesday! I have been losing 2#/week pretty consistently, with a few higher & a few lower... I've also lost close to 30" in the areas MFP tracks including 7# in my waist!

    SW 4/8/13 326#
    CW 8/23/13 285# (I weigh myself every day, but I officially post on MFP on Saturdays)

    Mini goals: 275 by 9/30 (Husband's birthday), in the 260's by 10/27 (my son's birthday), and 250# by 12/20 (Christmas/family reunion) So by November 1st I hope to be at 265. The holidays may be a challenge, but I am highly motivated!

    Ultimate goal weight 150 by 4/8/15 (2 years on MFP) with a total loss of 176#! Good luck everyone!
  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    I weigh in today at 254, but my goal is to be under 200. My first goal is to obviously get down 20 lbs. the key for me is making sure i work out and I'm trying to vary the workouts too (swimming, running, Zumba class, strength training, yoga,etc). I'm super pumped to lose the weight- let's do this !
  • jazcndoit
    jazcndoit Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Sw: 230.8lbs
    Gw: 220

    Today was the first day in 4.months that I weigh myself n oh how disappointted I feel to see that #.. I started this fight a year ago weighing 278lbs n by March I had lost 71lbs!! I was 8lbs away from onederland but then the biggest obstacle I have ever had came in, knee surgery.. ACL reconstruction n miniscus repair.. I thought I would be able to atleast keep a handle on my eating but obviously that was not the case.. anyways enough with the pity party lol... I've always had excellent results with the challenges n here goes my all!!

  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I weighed in this morning and was down 1 pound.... not too bad since I just started on Wednesday. I have a vacation coming up in mid October so I am going to have to work really hard at this 20 pound goal.

    Good luck everyone!
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
    SW; 299
    CW; 266.6
    Nov 1 goal is least 20!
    over all goal 150-160 Have ever long it takes!
    Doing petty good since I started at first of June.
    Good luck to all!!!
  • MikeL217
    OK! My weight today was at 200 exactly. GW is 180 by November 1st!
  • myfbil
    myfbil Posts: 31 Member
    I started on Wednesday also, and weighed in this morning 1 lb down. Congrats on your good start!
    I'm looking forward to this -20 by Nov because I have an event on Nov 2nd and it will be a nice surprise to see their faces. :) Good luck everyone.
  • sniegparslina
    sniegparslina Posts: 40 Member
    So, I suppose I started with 75.6 and it's 75 today :) So, 0.6 kg.
    8.4 kilos to go :D
  • Whodatmedat
    Okay I missed the introduction so this counts as both posts for me! My name is Amanda, and I'm 20 years old...started my weight loss as soon as I hit my heaviest weight of 185 early October and now I need a group like this one to help me lose the last 20 pounds for me to hit my ultimate weight loss goal :) I look forward to seeing good results for everyone!

    Today I weigh in at 145 pounds.
  • Inc1961
    Inc1961 Posts: 34 Member
    Been at this 2 weeks now and this morning was down a total of 5 lbs! Yes!!!!
    My goal weight is still another 20 lbs away, but I'm headed in the right direction.
  • donitchell
    donitchell Posts: 142 Member
    SW: 180.4
    2LB LOSS. :smile:
  • SimplyMeLucia
    SimplyMeLucia Posts: 20 Member
    My current weight as of yesterday was 276. My ultimate goal is to be under 200s again :)
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
    SW: 299
    CW: 266.6

    Weigh in!

    Aug 26 265.2
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    CW #228
    My goals:
    # 218 9/28 a month before my birthday.
    # 208 10/28 my birthday
    # 198 11/5 last day of 90 challenge @my gym.