
Hey Everyone,

I'm pretty new to being involved in the community on MFP. I've used the site for a while but keep falling off the wagon so I'd like to meet some people to help keep my motivated. One of my main reasons for getting back to MFP was something that happened to me this week. I had a kidney stone and had to spend a day in the ER. I'm only 21 and my eating habits are getting out of control. This trip to the hospital has made really want to take better care of myself. I am really motivated to get back to the healthier weight I was once at. Right now I'm about 200 pounds and I would like to get back to 170 where I was in high school. I'm really excited to be trying to get healthy again. A little more about me I guess, is that I am currently an English Secondary Education major and will be student teaching one year from now. I love kids and really want to teach them and help them. I also love to write and have a dream of publishing a novel one day. I have already started writing stories for a few good ideas. I guess I'm a pretty ambitious person. I also just really like hanging out with friends and watching movies, reading, and watching baseball or playing golf. Anyway, I look forward to being part of the group and if anyone wants to add go right ahead! Haha I don't really know how to add other people myself yet.
