I have become Paranoid

Raasy Posts: 972 Member
OK fellow runners I need some help. I am a fairly new runner, but I am training to run a half marathon in October. My actual running is not the problem that I have become paranoid on. You see I am a 5'4" female who is overweight (one of the reasons i took up running). Well I have been doing my runs in the early morning and had become accustomed to running outside at 5am. I was running around a block that has a couple of schools, one of which is a High School. All during the summer months while school was out I was running, I felt OK doing this even though it was pitch black outside, because the High School Cross Country team was always out on the HS track or running around the same block I was doing. Well now that school is back in session. the HS is empty at 5am. the block is empty at 5am.

Now I am paranoid of being out at 5am by myself, running by myself, with no one in sight !!!!

This paranoia has really sunk in in the last couple of weeks and has pretty much brought my training to a halt. I really like training first thing in the morning since I can get it done before work. And I do run with pepper spray in my hand at all times. But still I cant help but be paranoid. I feel like I am being watched or that someone might try to grab me. I know the chances of this happening are slim, but there has been a girl grabbed in this same area before a few years back. So that is always in the back of my mind.

So I am reaching out to you runners for suggestions, how can I get over the paranoia of running so early? When do you find you do the most running? Any ideas would be helpful!! Please offer what suggestions you might have!! I am really concerned that if I don't get past this that I am gong to be no where near ready for my half in October.

Some things I have thought about is looking into some self defense classes in hope that this may help boost my confidence. I have also thought about starting work earlier and then maybe heading out on my runs about 6-6:30am, when there is more light outside. But then I have to deal with a lot warmer weather and more traffic.


  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Not sure what help I can provide - only to say that I'm usually heading out the door no later than 4:30 am for my mid-week runs (actually weekend runs too, especially when they're super long). I've always felt completely safe on my runs. I typically encounter delivery people (newspaper and food for restaurants), the occasional homeless person and the same few bicyclists. Oh, and skunks and feral cats. The way I see it, the people that are out to do no good are probably all asleep at 4:30 am. I tend to freak myself out more when I'm out alone just after sundown.

    You know yourself better than anyone as far as what will make you feel most comfortable. Easy steps - always make sure someone knows where you'll be running, what time you've left and when to expect you to return. Run with confidence (don't look meek), don't wear headphones if you want to maintain maximum awareness, wear reflective gear and learn some self defense if that will put your mind at ease. Personally, I don't carry pepper spray - for one I hate having anything in my hands while running and I hear that pepper spray can often end up working against you, not for you.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Can you drive to a busier area to do your running?

    Also know that there are probably people on the HS campus that early. I teach high school and even though my first class doesn't start until 7am, I am usually in my room by 5:30. The swim team and water polo team are often practicing by the time I get there. Our custodian is on campus before me as is the vendors for the vending machines.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    This paranoia has really sunk in in the last couple of weeks and has pretty much brought my training to a halt. I really like training first thing in the morning since I can get it done before work. And I do run with pepper spray in my hand at all times


    So, you run in a place that's so dangerous to you that you run while opening displaying a weapon?

    That's unsafe (never draw a weapon until it's needed and never point a weapon at anything you don't want to destroy) and I would think it to be very emotionally unhealthy.

    What about finding places to run that feel more safe to you and, second, find a therapist?

    PS - take care not to run behind someone. You could be, to a casual observer, someone running after another person while carrying a can of pepper spray. Simply put, that may not end well.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The thrill of being a woman.

    Is there a running group that runs early? Otherwise running later is probably your only other option. I'm not sure where you'll find a trafficked area at 5:30 am.

    I sometimes feel uncomfortable running late/early, but I've always kind of had a "F' it" mindset. If something happens, it happens and I'm not sure there's that much I can do to prevent it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    FWIW, being hyperaware of personal safety is something that many women share:

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Here is another description of our normal level of awareness

  • SilverCityzen
    SilverCityzen Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe do an assessment of your area at some time when you are NOT feeling paranoid, to try to get as accurate of an idea of the danger level there as possible. That will give you something solid as a yardstick for the rest of your preparations.

    Then, if you feel safer carrying a small can of pepper spray, I'd say do that. It is a really good idea to practice with those (get another canister for practice), so you know first hand what the spray pattern is, etc. Don't count on this to immobilize an attacker, though.

    Something else that might help is one of those freon-powered horns. Those things are obscenely loud, and could be of benefit both in deterring an attack and calling attention to the situation.

    Definitely agree with dorianaldyn about run with confidence. And DON'T wear earphones. You want to look like you are aware of your surroundings. It doesn't hurt to actively look around... turn your head type stuff. Make it clear to any observers that you are aware of what is going on around you.

    Most scoundrels are looking for an easy mark. So you want to take steps to not look like one of those. A self-defense class probably wouldn't hurt, plus that will give you that much more exercise. Try to find one that has information on how to walk. Some studies were done a few years ago, and the most common cause of people being chosen for attack is that "they walk funny". This is hard to quantify, and it has mostly to do with again making it obvious that you are alert and aware of your surroundings.

    Avoid, if you can, places where there are places to hide that come up close to your running path... trees, shrubs, etc. That gives the bad guys a place to hide out in.

    Also, be aware that you will never be able to reduce the danger factor to zero, given that state of our culture these days. So there will always be some risk, even if you went out at noon. The main thing is, you want to project to any observers that you are alert, aware of your surroundings and have a plan. Be it an air horn, pepper spray or whatever.

    Best of luck to you! And good on ya!
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I agree with all that has been said. While I do run with earphones on, they are low enough that I can easily hear background noise. That said, the delivery people, garbage collectors and the like all seem to know who I am, given that I run pretty much at the same time during the week. I would also note the assessment that if you're fearful enough to carry pepper spray in your hand that you may need to reassess where you run. I can say that if I saw you with a can of pepper spray around me I would be suspicious of you, as in my area that's just not normal. Other than that you just need to acclimate to your new environment it seems.
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    I guess I need a therapist too. (Or a penis). I've been running at that hour for the past 4 years & I've always had those fears as well. But I'm not gonna let what could happen stop me from doing what I love.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advise and kind words. it is a dangerous world we live in these days and anything can happen I understand that. So I am hoping that I can be a little stronger in my runs and get over my little fears that I have. I just need to work at it a little more.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    When I run really early or really late, I play my music at a low level. It's no worse than you'd get from some cars and I don't think anybody out at that hour is going to get offended at 2 minutes of Maroon5.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    If the area you run in is objectively safe, then I agree that you just need to keep doing it and try to relax. I have a small can of pepper spray that I have clipped to my spibelt, and while I think it is most likely I would have to use it on a dog rather than a person, it does at least give me one weapon to use. I live in a very safe area, but that means I end up running past a lot of fields where I am all alone! Early in the morning is probably one of the statistically least likely times to get messed with, though!
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    You could look for a different route, or you could also look for a group of early runners. If these aren't viable options for you... maybe running a little later isn't such a bad idea. If you're training for a race that starts at 8am, you'll be more used to a warmer weather!

    I agree with what some have said before... If you run with your pepper spray on your hand at all times, you're not going to enjoy your run or actually focus on it if you think you'll get attacked any time! I understand that people feel differently about safety and surroundings... but I think it shouldn't keep you from enjoying your runs. I live in one of the most dangerous cities in Central America, and I still go out for my runs. I just plan my routes beforehand and make sure they're busy with people and cars. I prefer to run in long boulevards with sidewalks, than on regular streets. That way I don't have to stop every time I make it to the next stoplight in the block.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Early in the morning is probably one of the statistically least likely times to get messed with, though!

    I don't know. I haven't seen any studies on the topic. I do remember that there were a series of rapes in the parking garages of downtown Minneapolis at 5pm - one of the most trafficked times- when I was growing up. I don't think that night time is less safe because you are more likely to be attacked. I think it's less safe because its harder to be aware of your surroundings and there are fewer people about. The same would be true in the early morning.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I have actually mapped out several areas around me now, trying to change things up a little. I honestly dont feel that I am concentrating on the pepper spray in my hand when I run. I really dont think about it unless I see someone or something I am unsure of.
    I have also started to go running about 6am instead of 5am, since there is a little more light at that time and seems to be a little more activity going on outside at that time. I am not saying that I am still not nervous, but I am trying to relax a little.
    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, I did find a running group local but they only run early Saturday mornings, and then on Tuesday evenings at a local high school track for interval training. I am going to try running with them several times to make friends and see if there are any early runners in that group, maybe get a running partner that way as well.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I have actually mapped out several areas around me now, trying to change things up a little. I honestly dont feel that I am concentrating on the pepper spray in my hand when I run. I really dont think about it unless I see someone or something I am unsure of.
    I have also started to go running about 6am instead of 5am, since there is a little more light at that time and seems to be a little more activity going on outside at that time. I am not saying that I am still not nervous, but I am trying to relax a little.
    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, I did find a running group local but they only run early Saturday mornings, and then on Tuesday evenings at a local high school track for interval training. I am going to try running with them several times to make friends and see if there are any early runners in that group, maybe get a running partner that way as well.

    I think that's a good idea to meet people via the running club - I'm sure most of them must run other times than when the club meets.

    Besides, the other benefit of running with others is you'll spur each other on so it will probably improve your running too - something I've been thinking about for myself. :)