"The Zombies Caught You"

MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
So I decided that I would enjoy the cool morning weather and do my run outside and then figured I had been doing well enough on the treadmill that I would finally try the Zombie Chases... and OMG, I did not evade a single one! I swear, it knew when I was going up a hill, and when I was starting to get tired.

My questions: How much faster and for how long do I have to run to evade the zombies, and how will I know if I do?


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I haven't tried the chases yes, but from what I read you need to go faster than your current pace by 10% & maintain it for 60 seconds. Anyone else please feel free to chime in & correct me if I'm wrong.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    The voice-over will tell you when you've successfully outrun the hordes of undead.
  • MelissaDoc
    MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
    Gosh, I swear I was sprinting up those darn hills lol. I will try again tomorrow!
  • MelissaDoc
    MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
    I evaded TWO out of the four Zombie chases this morning, Success!! Thanks guys!
  • missmylin
    missmylin Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome!! Keep going Runner 5 :-)
  • Ash112
    I haven't tried the chases yes, but from what I read you need to go faster than your current pace by 10% & maintain it for 60 seconds. Anyone else please feel free to chime in & correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thank you! I've been wondering the same thing. Very helpful. I just got the app yesterday and managed to evade all the zombies on my first run but today I was caught. My dog, who I swear is in league with the zombies, took off in the opposite direction towards a zombie (my neighbor) right in the middle of a chase and dragged me to crawl! Lost a pair of underwear. :-( The town really could have used that!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    @ Ash112 lol... yes a pair of underwear would have come in handy back @ base. Thanks for the post it made me laugh in an otherwise dreary work day.