Monday August 26th

Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
What is everyone's goals for today. How are you going to make it a fantastic day?


  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Well this past weekend was a hit and go. I did the color run (I walked) with my dad and my 5 year old niece. It was a blast!!! It was a 5k walk/run and let me tell you...I didn't even notice that I walked 3 miles because it was just FUN! I highly recommend you do one in your lifetime if it's near or in your city!!!

    Today is my family's biggest loser competition weigh in and dinner night. I am not feeling well, but I am still going to walk my butt off during work and get 12,000 steps in today and also drink TONS of water. I am also dog/house sitting this week so I plan to walk the dog everyday after work (minus today since I have the dinner). So I am going to make a plan up for this week.

    Have a great Monday all! :)
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Oh lets see, maybe I'll go coach again after work, then if I have any energy, i'll walk/jog the track or steps. Right now i wanna skip outta work and go back to bed!!!! i need a nap.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    My plan for today is to get some strength training in and then finish the day with some yoga. I'm likely to go over my calories today too. I just had a new adjustment down on them (the biggest drawback of losing weight :smile: ) and I didn't eat enough this weekend compared to the exercise I did, so I think a little extra eaten today will be okay.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Today I will overcome my fear of the unknown - I'm going to go to one of the Anytime Fitness locations in the city where I work since my home town location is still closed, and I am going to figure out how to run on the treadmill. Truthfully both of those things stress me out. I'm sure it will be fine once I'm there and's just a matter of getting myself there and going.

    It's hot again today so getting in water won't be a problem - I'm on my 4th bottle of water already at 9:13 am.

    Ordinarily I would be getting on the scale at the gym tonight and since I'm not....well I'm feeling kind of like I'm on vacation from making good food choices. I didn't bring a lunch today so there's my immediate challenge.
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    I might go get my head examined today, because I have a mental problem with food and controlling what I put in my mouth. Until I can get an appointment, I'll drink plenty of water, try to hit Whole Foods or someplace where I can get a healthy lunch (since I did not pack anything today). I need to work on blocking out this annoying little voice that tells me to eat what I want, and enjoy life and going out with friends, and drink and be merry because life is short. It seems like one day of fun starts a downward spiral, so I just need to get my head back in the game. I'm a rambling mess today, sorry…