Aug. :-)

Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
Well it's here, August is here. Time is flying for me, my son will be starting kindergarten soon, as summer is almost over for us. I wish they never grow up, that I could keep time in a bottle.

The start of August has had it's ups and downs and we are only into it 5 days. Last day watching the crazy 10 year old was Thursday and while I won't miss it, my kids will. :( Then my hubby's grandma died and we had the funeral on Friday. It was good to see family. Hubby had a family reunion on Sunday ( different sides) and it was nice to see family and relaxing. Today we were invited by some out of state family, to an amusement center. It was fun! The kids had a blast and I had fun watching. LOL, for real though I did watch and help the with games but I got to ride in a go cart, do mini golf and bat in the batting cages. I haven't done those things in years. So needless to say I felt like a kid but my body may not in the morning :)

I stepped on the scale this morning and I thought I really shouldn't as TOM is here, not to mention all the good eats at the reunion but I thought what the heck. And........drum roll....there was a loss. Not a large one but still a loss! I hope that means I am going to finally see the scale start moving again. It has been a long time in coming. I just feel like maybe I shouldn't log it cause I'll be back to the same next week. So well as I already said fingers crossed.

I have not been pushing play but hope to be next week. I hope you ladies are all doing well and pushing play or moving, sweating for me. :-D


  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi Vini and everyone else!

    I really dislike that I can't access the message board on my phone. So, here I am on the laptop on mfp...1st time in a long time. I have been logging in on mfp but I have not been logging in my food diary and I haven't been pressing play that much either. This month of August is flying by so fast. My kids start school on the 28th and I will be starting my Medical Assistant program on the 26th.I have been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds for the past summer already. My motivation is just not there anymore. Laziness has really taken over. I hope to find my groove sometime soon. I'm glad you're all still around and pushing through. Take care all!

  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Hi ladies!! I know it's been FOREVER since I posted. Well, I finally have an update; I'm now 7 weeks pregnant =) Obviously this means that my weight loss journey is over for now, so I won't be around MFP for awhile. I'm trying to keep as active as I can and walking about 5 miles per week... which works better some weeks than it does on others. So far this week I find myself either stuffing my face, really nauseous, or sleeping. I'm hoping to be up for a walk sometime this weekend.
  • cklowery36
    cklowery36 Posts: 151 Member
    I guess I'm not alone when saying that It's been a while since I've posted too! Thank you Stel for bringing me back with a reminder.

    Well ladies, as of 7/29, I'm single and in the process of all the drama and tears, I can gladly say I've only gained 3 pounds! :) SO awesome not having to start all over again. Today HIIT saved me. I've been in a black hole emotionally since Saturday because I fault my ex for putting me in the position to start all over again and do all this work to change my name and regain my life. After a terrible weekend, I can say that I just finished the 15 minute HIIT and I feel a lot better than I did before. I'm not at 100, but I'm way better.

    So it looks like I might have to get back into my TF routine because it was the only thing that was truly fun for me. I just mean the cardio. for strength training, I usually do P90. Good to see you ladies again! Have a good night!
  • lucy_878
    lucy_878 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey ladies! Long time.....well with posting. Jeni I am so excited for you! Congrats. Vini congrats on your loss lady! We just have to keep pushing. CK it is now your time to shine. Regroup and take single life by storm! I pushed play this morning and it felt great.
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I logged my horrific day of eating today. 1st time for me to log my food in awhile now. I need to keep myself accountable. I gained 3 lbs in the past 2 weeks. This early meno I'm going through is really putting my hormones out of whack. I get all the symptoms of a period (esp the PMS'ing and eating everything I lay my eyes on) without the bleeding. There is a 10 day Provera pill that I can take to restart my period but I don't like how I feel when I'm on it. I'm just not right, even if its only 10 days.

    Anyway, Congratulations Jeni on your awesome news. I'll pray for a healthy pregnancy for you.

    Connie~ Glad to see you back on here and I'm sorry for what you're going through. As Lucy said, it's your time to shine!! Now you can think of yourself and heal your heart within. You're doing great.

    Lucy & Vini, you're inspiring me to push play and I will double up tomorrow since I missed my Day 1 of TF today. Fire 30 in the a.m and HIIT 15/Stretch 10 in the p.m.

    So glad to hear from you all. I saw this quote on FB "You can't fake fitness" and it woke me up!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • cklowery36
    cklowery36 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning Ladies! Thanks Lucy & Stel for the great encouragement. I just finished 30 day shred level 1 for my workout today so I can get in some quick strength and ab work. I'll be alternating that with Turbo Fire's Cardio. I was up late and as a result I got up late, so fitness first today, other things will follow. Time to get started on the meals now. Have a good day ladies!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hello my friends,

    I was supposed to start the Medical Assistant program today and I've been pondering and been given a swift kick in the bootie to not concentrate on a new class but to get all my credentials updated. I used to be a Surgical Tech before I had the kids so I'm concentrating my efforts on that path again. I need to get recertified as a Surg Tech again and look for a job in which I loved and have forgotten about. Whenever I see old episodes of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, I'm reminded of how much I loved working in the Operating Room. I always paid more attention to the surgical cases and not the drama. So, I know what I just wrote has nothing to do with fitness but I just wanted to let you know that I dropped all my classes for the semester and going towards the Surgical Tech path again. I will be spending most of my time studying for that. I know I won't get a job right away, but yes I'm in the market for one within the next 6 months.

    Week 2 of Turbo Fire starts today. I calculated and if I do only 12 weeks, I will be done before Thanksgiving and 20 weeks will take me to the 1st week of the new year. I was really liking how I was looking in March/April then summer and "life" kicked in after my plateau and eating ice cream as meals was a daily event. I'm back on track, well, I'm on the track....still trying to balance out everything.

    Hope you're all pressing play and know that I'm thinking of you always Vini, Lucy, Jeni & Connie!
  • cklowery36
    cklowery36 Posts: 151 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Stel, I know that what you wrote had little to do with your workouts to you, but it's part of the whole equation isn't it?! I'm starting to finally realize (and sometimes the realization comes and goes) that our lives are this total package: fitness, family, finances, friends, faith, the whole shebang. They're interconnected and research shows that when there's a major life change, fitness can take a back seat. I'm glad you shared your life change! I think it helps us to see the connections and encourages us to keep up with the fitness part while the rest is "under construction!" :)

    As for me, I finished Turbo Fire 45 EZ this morning and feel pretty good. Doing laundry, getting my shake ready and DRINKING IT since I didn't get a chance to do that yesterday. And for the non-fitness part, I mentioned that I must be adjusting to post-divorce life when I sleep and wake up in the middle of the bed. lol. I'm learning how to forgive and move on, and as I'm doing it, the spotlight that was on the those relationship issues and feelings is now on my present-day life. I can finally begin to focus on what I am doing and not what was done. It almost feels like a miracle.

    Hope you ladies have a great day!