
Hi All!

Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Emmy. I've been battling with under eating, over eating, and purging on and off since I was 16. It has become more prevalent in my life in the past 4 years, especially with the stress of my job and the travel that comes along with it. I've been in therapy for the past year and have been diagnosed with depression and a generalized anxiety disorder. In the past few months, my personal and work life have been turned up side down a bit. I hope to use this as a way to start to get a handle on my disorders and to have a more positive outlook.

I definitely want to talk more with others who have similar eating issues. I have never had the opportunity to discuss with anyone who has personally struggled with an eating disorder before. I think it will help a lot.




  • yulinda
    yulinda Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Emmy! I have suffered from basically everything you listed with the exception of the anxiety disorder and I tend to binge and purge much more frequently then under eat, although I have completed several stints of fasting. Right now I am battling my bulimia head on and am loving myself through recovery. I am 33 and have dealt with some form of eating disorder/body image issue since the age of 10. I am more than willing to be a member of your support system!!!

  • shrinkingbeauty12
    :happy: hi emmy! im 23 and have batteled with eating disorders for about 6 years now! im here for anyhting you want to talk about or need support with!
  • KikigetsSkinny
    Hi ladies/gents
    I'm a 30 yr married lady that's struggled with body image and strict restrictive behavior in te past.
    I've let myself get to a weight I don't like. Join me as I try to do this the healthy way,
    It's a battle every day!
    Feel free to say hi!
  • TheSkinnyPride
    Hi Emmy and everyone else.

    Ive also gone thru diferent ed`s since I was 14 (im 31 now) with some ed free stages , and Im currently undergoing a purgative anorexia phase which began some year and a half ago. It started with some weight I couldnt loose the healthy way and before I noticed I was under unhealthy habits again. I went down from a BMI of 21 to a bmi of 17 in less than 6 monts
    First it was some sort of bulimic phase, followed by overexcersing, untill I reached purgative anorexia. At present it seems like Im turning into restritive anorexia again which is what I had when very young. I know its sad but I cant help it. I know I shouldnt be doing this but I cant stop. I just HAVE to starve and loosing weight is everything I can think of... you know how it is.

    I was at 49kg just a week ago and bounced so Im dropping again from 52,9. (bmi 19)This happens a lot to me latelly, bouncing 2 or more kg in a day which takes me weeks to shred back. Its making me very weak despite Im not medically underweighted (yet)

    Im hoping to meet more people my age and same problem
  • emily27uk
    emily27uk Posts: 23 Member
    Glad I found this group. I find a lot of the ED groups are full of young girls who just don't have to deal with normal life as well as an eating disorder. I find it hard knowing that I have to eat in order to keep my mind intact and not make mistakes at work and there is the constant battle of not wanting to finish my food because of the calories but then not wanting to throw it away as I worked hard all day to afford to pay for that food and I dont want to waste it.

    I am 25 now and been struggling with anorexia and bulimia for the last 10 years. Of those two I feel the anorexia took over my life the most and the longest but the bulimia did the most damage to my body. I actually found stopping the purging quite easy once I became aware of the damage and disrepair my body was in but now Im stuck in a cycle on binge and gain. I cant seem to kick the habit of eating and eating and eating once I put one thing in my mouth.

    So now Im here trying to loose this weight without tipping into bad habits :)

    Emily xxx
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Apple. I used to be 179lbs and with a diet program I went on, I lost 60lbs in 7 months. I'm 113lbs this morning. After the program ended and I was to go on maintenance, I felt lost and didn't know what to do. I've heard so much people regaining the weight they've lost in a short amount of time. I ended the program at 116lbs, it's been 2 months and I've lost 3 lbs. The diet I was on didn't allow sugar, rice, bread, pasta, nuts etc. A lot actually. We had to have 3 meals a day which was 5 hours apart which meant I had to snack in between because I was hungry. I'd snack on crackers or fruit. I was doing well with the program but now I'm just lost. I'm so obsessed with food and what to eat and what not to eat. It's like I've lost my relationship with food. Not knowing if I'm hungry or I'm eating just because I was trained to eat at that time. Also, counting calories is making my head spin. I've been on a low calorie diet for so long that I feel like I've messed up my metabolism and therefore I feel like the calories these calculators are computing for my age, height and weight are wrong. So I restrict myself. I don't know what to do anymore. There was one time I ate so much food that I purged. I felt awful. I never told anyone until now. I don't want to gain all the weight anymore but I don't want food to take over my life. I really don't. I've been so depressed over it. I can't enjoy life anymore even though I've lost the weight. I can honestly say I was more carefree when I was overweight. Now Ir really don't know what to do with myself. :(
  • JosieFury
    JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
    Almost 30, been like this since 1989. (Yeah. Not proud of that.) I'm more or less an open book and tend to change my profile picture to me in a horse mask to fend off creepers. Also a bit random and disjointed.
  • shea33ana
    shea33ana Posts: 19 Member
    I am 33 mom of four, restrictive bulimic since 13, maintained very well kept binging and purging to minimum until last 5 years, then I just went off the deep end with it, can't seem to break the cycle, my last binge/purge was last night. I am at a insane 198 pounds and I am determined not to hit the 200 mark. I have been setting up a restrictive but healthy eating plan with only safe foods in hopes that this will save me from the cycle. Hoping to find friends to offer support in helping me, not to starve myself but to keep to from binge/purge. If you would like to be friends please sennd a request.
  • Kathy_TheVampireSlayer
    Hello everyone! I am 30 yrs old, mostly struggling with binging / purging.
    Looking for friends more my age that know the struggles of having an ED after teenage years.
    Glad i found this group. everyone is welcomed to add me :)
  • activia51
    Hi everyone! I am new to this group and am looking for support. I am in my 50's and receovering from eating disorder, however it still is with me for sure. I have gained weight the last few years, especially the last year, and trying to be o.k. with it. I find these days that I am using food though more and more, as a comfort for stress and my ed says, go ahead, you deserve it! Just trying to take it one day at a time still, but finding it harder. Not hopping on the scale every day anymore though.
  • activia51
    Hi Emmy.

    I had my first bought with ed when I was about 11. Somehow with a dr. help and honestly he scared me straight back then, I got past and went on pretty normally for many years. Actually until as a much older woman. I still am trying to find the exact trigger that started my spiral again, but in any case, it came back very strong. Much harder to deal with I must say for me as a older woman. My thing was restrict, exercise and have one "cheat day" . It just got more and more out of control very quickly. It ruled my life unfortunately to this day, still calls a lot of the shots in my life. I was glad to see this group for older women who struggle with this and hopefully can help one another.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Given that people seem to all ready be using this as a the general introduction thread, I'll just add my own here. Luckily or not, I didn't develop an ED until about a year ago. I originally wanted to slim down due to the fact that I'm a distance runner and the fact that, in general, the lighter you are the faster you run. Originally it was going to be a few pounds. A few turned into a lot more and witrh the help of a calorie counting website like MFP, it only added fuel to the fire.

    And yes, I'm a guy so on top of the normal stuff I'm still trying to come to terms witht he reality that guys can get EDs, in addition to getting back to an acceptable weight for me.