Update on who are you?

Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
we have alot of newer people in here, and was getting people confused, and since I haven't been around much lately, am getting people mixed up......so who are you?Just the basics, and are you taken? Or dating?

40 years young
from CT
Divorced for 2+ years, and online dating...just had date #3 with new guy.....see where it leads :tongue:


  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    Homestead, Florida
    Currently in a relationship but you guys aren't getting rid of me that easy
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Moe....

    41, live in Los Angeles but originally from NY
    Divorced almost 4 years
    I'm dating from many sources but recently met a guy with potential while I was out with a friend so we'll see what happens.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm Rachel
    I turned 30 on July 5
    I have only ever been in one relationship, from 25-27.5
    I'm from a small town of about 6,000 in the no-man's land between Buffalo and Rochester, NY
    I'm starting a job in Moscow, Russia on Sept 2
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    39 years old
    Divorced mom with one soon to be 10 year old daughter
    Currently in a relationship with a great guy.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member

    41 yr old
    Northern CA native
    single and ready to mingle (only if my german shepherd allows)
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member

    I'm Lauren.
    Originally from New Jersey :sick: but moved to Pensylvania 10 years ago for college and never left
    Single since 2007 minus 2 short-lived 2-month long relationships. Currently online dating...still...:sad:
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am Carly

    30 years old

    I live in the beautiful state of Montana

    Been seperated for 18 months now and in the process of getting a divorce (Attorney likes to take her sweet *kitten* time) after a 10 year marriage and 13 years together.

    I have 3 wonderful children

    I am completely new to the whole dating scene and sometimes feel like I have no idea what I am doing.....I have had a few dates here and there, but there is a person of interest and hope things will workout there.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    From Nova Scotia, Canada
    37 years old single Mom
    Just had date 5 with a great new guy with lots of promise *fingers crossed*
  • OperationSuperKAT
    OperationSuperKAT Posts: 886 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    I'm Kate
    28 years old for about another three weeks
    I live in Cedar Falls, IA currently for graduate school, but am officially a New Englander :drinker:
    Quite happily single! I might date here and there a bit over the next couple of years, but I kind of want to just be selfish and focus on me since I have this great opportunity to transition into the career I've always dreamed of having!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    33 years old
    Alberta, Canada
    Dating my bf for 4 months now, met on EHarmony!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi :drinker:

    34 years old
    Divorced about 4 years ago, had a relationship for 3 years, both relationship didn't work out with opposite people for the same reason.

    Not currently looking to break my "single-ness"
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    29 years old
    originally from the Midwest, currently living in Switzerland
    still enjoying the single status
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    PJ from Boston, MA
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Dave or David depending on the situation.
    42, never married. In a realtionship for the last 5 months.
    Originally from Illinois near St. Louis, Missouri. Currently in Springfield, Illinois (about 90 miles from where I grew up). I've lived in Texas, Tennessee and (very briefly) in Chicago too.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    Me, I'm Helen

    I'm 45 and have never been married and haven't been in any real relationship for probably 15 yrs...I am a confirmed bachelorette.

    forgot to mention, I'm from Iowa
  • juliasnewlife
    juliasnewlife Posts: 50 Member
    Southern Indiana
    Open to possibilities but concentrating on me right now.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Sort of new to this group, kind of a lurker :)

    Laur, 25, Salt Lake, and dating, mostly online. It's a strange world out there, yesterday I got a message from a guy who's username is 'areyounexta'. I didn't respond partly cuz I'm paranoid and watch too many crime shows, I mean most mass murderers wouldn't display obvious outward signs, but you never know... hah.

    edit for typo.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    29 and holding... for a few years now.
    Perpetually Single and comfortable with that for now
    Graduate School (Engineering) runs my life
    Rural Missouri
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hi guys sorry I've been off the gird I had surgery a couple weeks ago-

    I'm Camy
    Barely 39
    From the land of corn and pigs, Iowa
    Divorced in 2008,had year relationship and am currently online dating.

    Moe- good luck with the new guy!!

    PJ- Is that all we get??
  • Onperch
    Onperch Posts: 45 Member
    Hiya Peeps !

    I'm 42. Never married, no kids. I'm from the hills of Pennsylvania.

    Somebody has to be the late bloomer.. :wink: