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  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I fell way off the wagon Saturday -- perfect storm of friends inviting me out to a nice restaurant, plentiful booze flowing, an unexpected second trip to the fair, etc. Sunday I was so hungover I didn't bother to log but rather grazed willy-nilly on whatever seemed least likely to make me vomit/most likely to appease the Headache Gods in the moment. I'm kind of embarrassed at myself; I can't remember the last time I had an actual hangover.

    Anyway, back at it today. I've pre-logged my whole day, I'm not going to have my usual after-work beers (because: embarrassed), and while the scale was up by .6 today I think most of it is sodium bloat. My plan is just to ride out the embarrassment and bloat, see where I'm at tomorrow or Wednesday, and try not to kick myself too hard.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Right there with ya avskk. My Saturday didn't start off too badly but culminated in some at home drinking with a bunch of friends who broke out the tortilla chips, salsa, and chocolate. It threw me off a bit because I'd allocated myself some extra calories for a few bottles of beer on Saturday but wasn't anticipating all the snacks.

    On the plus side, I hit 20,000+ steps on my Fitbit for the first time ever on Saturday, just from puttering to the gym and the city and all around, so the extra food probably didn't do too much damage, but still I'd rather not have wasted so many calories just because other people around me were eating. I don't even *like* tortilla chips that much :noway:

    And yesterday was just off-plan and meh. Didn't start out too badly- went out for breakfast/brunch with friends; turns out my favourite local cafe has added calories to their menu so I could work around that and still have my tasty brunch; dinner was okay as well; but I was longing for chocolate all day long and ended up caving a few times. I just wish there wasn't so much of it in the house, but my housemates aren't trying to lose weight so it's not really fair to ask them to stop buying it.

    So lessons learned from the weekend; bad decisions lead to more bad decisions, and I need to up my game when it comes to tracking and whatnot at weekends. I feel bloated and kind of gross today, but I have my food planned and I'm feeling good about it.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    After being really good all week (low carb, no alcohol, staying under calorie goal), I spent the weekend pigging out on Chinese take out and drinking booze. I'm sure the salt alone has made me gain weight. I feel like I can recover though, I'm ready to go back to being good.

    I didn't log my calories from the weekend. I don't even know how much I ate. Do you guys think I should put in estimates just to record it or should I skip those days and keep going? I don't want to only record when I'm being "good" but frankly if I'm going to eat Chinese then I'm not going to bust out the food scale and measure it. I'm happy if I put it on a plate instead of eating straight out of the carton haha. Get in my face, yummy lo mein!
  • I'm back up the 3 pounds I lost from my weekend at home, drinking and eating more than I usually do, plus i got my period yesterday. I'm hoping they will come off during the week. I am planning one last hurrah for this weekend to go out to a steakhouse and enjoy a couple glasses of wine and then September will be super strict. I may not be able to lose the 10 pounds I want to by October 1st but I really want to tone up my arms because I absolutely hated how they looked in all the pics from this past weekend and I don't want to feel that way about my brother's wedding pics on October 5th.

    It's really annoying losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again! Need to get over this hump!
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    I think I've successfully transitioned to black coffee (from coffee with lots of half & half), so yay! It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
  • I think I've successfully transitioned to black coffee (from coffee with lots of half & half), so yay! It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

    This was one of my little changes too! I thought I would miss the half and half but nope...only complaint is now my coffee is burning hot!
  • GettingMooreInShape
    GettingMooreInShape Posts: 80 Member
    So sorry to hear about your pup, threatsofpizza! I am going through something similar, except my dog is just 9 years old and is in chronic kidney failure. He's not in pain but is dying a slow death :( It's so damn hard to watch and I am dreading the moment I find him laying dead somewhere. I spent Friday night cuddling with him and bawling my eyes out.

    Just remember, don't take your emotions out on food or eating.. in the end, bingeing or junk food won't make you feel any better!

    Sending good thoughts your way!
  • MN127
    MN127 Posts: 4
    I just signed up today and was under my calories, including wine (not franzia, not sorry), and I worked out for the first time in 2 weeks! I've never done any kind of calorie counting in my life, so this is all kinds of exciting. How can you tell how many calories you burn? I just guesstimated... I'm doing T25.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I just signed up today and was under my calories, including wine (not franzia, not sorry), and I worked out for the first time in 2 weeks! I've never done any kind of calorie counting in my life, so this is all kinds of exciting. How can you tell how many calories you burn? I just guesstimated... I'm doing T25.

    I used to just go with whatever came up when I pulled the exercise from the MFP database but now I have a heart rate monitor! I got a little cheapie one with a chest strap and a watch but my friend just bought a Polar chest strap that syncs with her phone and is supposed to be super accurate. Now I kind of want one haha. MFP overestimates calorie burn, usually.
  • MN127
    MN127 Posts: 4
    I just signed up today and was under my calories, including wine (not franzia, not sorry), and I worked out for the first time in 2 weeks! I've never done any kind of calorie counting in my life, so this is all kinds of exciting. How can you tell how many calories you burn? I just guesstimated... I'm doing T25.

    I used to just go with whatever came up when I pulled the exercise from the MFP database but now I have a heart rate monitor! I got a little cheapie one with a chest strap and a watch but my friend just bought a Polar chest strap that syncs with her phone and is supposed to be super accurate. Now I kind of want one haha. MFP overestimates calorie burn, usually.

    Anywhere you would recommend buying? Any particular brand? T25 workouts aren't listed in mfp, so I looked in a beach body message board for a calorie estimate. No idea how accurate that is.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm up two pounds today. Two! Overnight! I know it's water weight -- weekend full of sodium & booze, blah blah blah -- but mother****er, I was really excited to be able to solidly say I'd lost 30 pounds.

    Guzzling water like a fool today is my entire plan. If I don't pee every hour I will be sorely disappointed.
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I've taken to weighing myself just twice a month because if the scale doesn't move fast enough I get totally discouraged and binge. Friday is my day (it's the 15th and the 30th) and even though I have been so good I'm already scared that the scale won't have moved.
  • Week 2 Weigh In:

    SW: 150.6 (13 Aug)
    CW: 144

    I lost 1.2 lbs this week. I guess I have to be happy with that, but in my mind it's not enough. This is why I haven't been under 140 in years bc I just give up and go back to eating all the food and maintaining (around 145ish) through a lot of exercise. But, I'm not going to quit this time and will continue to work on accepting the fact that realistically I'm going to lose only 1-2 lbs/wk from now on.

    My scale does the body fat and muscle % so I'm keeping track of those also.
    BF was - 0.5%
    M was + 0.2%

    *I like how they rounded my number of lbs lost up to 7. lol It's really 6.6, but I'll take the 7.*
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
    Naomi, I am really impressed to see your stats! We're at pretty much the same starting weight, so that's awful inspiring to me!

    Towards the end of last week, I somewhat fell off the wagon (as witnessed by my lack of logging... so busy!!).... I was organizing a fundraising event for my theatre company that took place on Saturday and didn't adequately prepare for all the running around so there was looooooots of eating on the fly. (I could also make the hormone excuse, but since I didn't really binge on chocolate or salt or anything, I don't think that's a legit excuse...)

    I don't regret it at all though and now I know that I'll just have to be more organized in the future.

    Also, I brought free weights to my hotel this week, so even though I can't go to Body Barre, I can do Tank Top Arms in my massive hotel room! Hooray!

    I continue not to weigh myself, but I will measure myself when I return home on Sunday and we can go with that.
  • Thanks eraweir. It sounds as if you're really busy and it really is hard to always make the best food choices or get in the exercise in those situations. That's great though to bring your weights w/ you and workout in your hotel room.

    I think I have an "advantage" in that I don't work right now and therefore have much more time to work out/cook healthy food and all that. I do go to school full time, but am only spending about 6 hrs on Mon-Wed in school right now.
    If I actually had to go to work full time, like most of y'all on here do, I'm sure I wouldn't be doing so great. I know I would use every excuse in the book for why I couldn't eat right or exercise.

    I know several people have mentioned measurements. I should do that too, but would probably forget exactly where/how I measured and my #s would be not very accurate.
    My gym just got one of those Biopod? things to measure body fat and whatever else they do. I hope to be able to do that sometime soon because I really want to see those #s instead of just obsessing over the # on the scale.
  • Today has kind of sucked. i am having a hard time not emotional eating. a well meaning coworker brought me a giant lindt bar, which I ate most of. Instead of my usual big salad and chicken I had a very greasy bacon sandwich.
    I also randomly burst into tears many times.
    My dog, who could easily run 5k with me this time last year will no longer be here. She just won't be and that is really hard for me to get a handle on. She has been my constant companion for 14 years. My first dog. My only dog.
    My mind feels like it is in a blender and my heart is being slowly gound into a pulp. I just want to eat everything and nothing.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I'm so sorry threatsofpizza!!! That is just the worst. I wish I could say something to make it better but that just hurts.

    If you console yourself with food, it's ok. There is plenty of time to focus on healthy eating and weight loss, you won't ruin anything if you take a break from thinking about it for a bit.

    I'm just so sorry about your dog :(
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member

    Anywhere you would recommend buying? Any particular brand? T25 workouts aren't listed in mfp, so I looked in a beach body message board for a calorie estimate. No idea how accurate that is.

    I know you can get them on Amazon. I ended up randomly getting mine at a grocery store in Oregon but I think if you don't buy online maybe a sporting goods store?

    Polar is supposed to be a really good brand but they are kind of expensive. The one I have is a Gaiam/Oregon Scientific and it was about $30. Here's a link:
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    I am so, so sorry for your loss threatsofpizza. *hugs* I still get teary when I think about my dog and he passed away 9 years ago. It's a devastating blow, and it's perfectly okay to let diet and weightloss take a back seat for a while; do whatever you need for yourself right now.
  • MN127
    MN127 Posts: 4
    Threatsofpizza, please know you are in our thoughts and no one here will judge you for taking a break if you need it.

    Sphebhart, thank you for the recommendations! I've been looking at a couple Polars on Amazon. I'll let you know what I go with.