Anyone Doing GF and FODMAPS Diet?

Hello! I'm new here and I had a few questions. My doctor recently told me to eliminate all gluten from my diet (due to severe bloating) and to also eliminate things like onions, garlic, peppers, apples, raw almonds, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. He didn't say it, but I guess those are IBS triggering foods. Quick note; I just took a blood test this afternoon to see if I have Celiacs. I know it will come up negative because I pretty much stay away from gluten to begin with (although not as much as I should). I'm just really confused over adding the FODMAPS diet to my daily routine. I'm really not too sure what I can eat in terms of spices and marinades. For instance, I make turkey muffins. They call for onions, celery, and chipotle. I know the onions and onion powder is out, but what about chipotle? What do you use if you can't have onions or garlic? Those are two pretty big staples in our house. No red pepper flakes but chili powder is okay? What about non MSG soy sauce for marinade? I have a list of foods that I can and cannot eat but I can't find things like soy sauce or red cooking wine. What's a safe chicken breast marinade? I would greatly appreciate any feedback or help. I'm really trying to sort this out because I cannot take the discomfort or bloating any longer. Thanks so much! Lori


  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I don't know the answers to your questions, but have you tried looking up the types of foods you are supposed to avoid? Generally they are classed together. I know I have to stay away from large quantities of nightshades, they aggrevate my joints- that's potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cayenne. Most of your list is considered gaseous forming but not necessarily causing other issues unless you have identified it as an intolerance. The classification might give you more clarity.

    As for soy sauce- take a look at Bragg's. Its gluten-free. In the states it might be billed as coconut aminos?

    I would use leek in place of onion, if its allowed? And I would sautee whatever you use to increase the flavour. I might also try fresh sage leaves if they are ok, or fresh parsley. Change the leafy herb based on the dish. Chopped kale is also quite tasty and can round out a flavor palate- but it could fit under cruciferious veggies category...

    Wheat was my big trigger. I will say though that it took several months for the wheat to completely clear my system. If its that, then your gut in theory should start to heal allowing you to maybe add things back in. Go back to the basics- foods with only one ingredient on the list. As you get used to it, its easier to appreciate the simplicity of the individual flavours?
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Thank you so much for responding. I checked out the leeks. No, but that's okay. As long as I can use chili powder and most herbs I'll be okay for now. I think I only have to do this for four weeks and then I can slowly start adding foods back in. I actually have Bragg's Aminos but I can't use it for now because it contains soybeans. Grrrr. I figured I can marinate my chicken in olive oil, some apple cider vinegar, and whatever herbs I choose at the time. I see my primary doctor tomorrow and will actually ask him to have my gallbladder checked. Thanks again for your help! Lori
  • krisjnic
    krisjnic Posts: 24 Member
    I think lemons and limes are ok in low doses on the FODMAPS - adding those juices to your olive oil for a marinade seems like it would be a good option.

    Also, at, they suggest onion flavor can be gained with chives or the green part of scallions. For garlic they recommend sauteing whole garlic cloves in oil and then removing them, to get the flavor without the high FODMAPS part. There seems to be other interesting tips at that site, too. Good luck!
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Good to know. Never thought about sauteing the garlic, then removing it. Olive oil and lime or lemon would be good, too. Love the chives and scallions (green part) idea! Man, this diet is hard. I love my spices! I mean, if you're eating fish and chicken (mostly), you gotta have some spices on there! Thanks so much for the website link. Have a great week! Lori