Introductions - Tell us about yourself



  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! everyone! I'm Amy, When i started in June at 299 and I have already lost 34 pounds
  • Please this is my first time , can you give me an idea how to do, with the meals, please can you help me,,,thanks
  • bb_phat
    bb_phat Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I'm Erica.

    I'm just getting back onto MFP after a bit of a break. I've lost 37lbs, and would ideally like to lose 30 more, but am first aiming for 16.

    I love running, and am trying to get back into the habit of running every day. I have my eye on a few half marathons in November/December and am deciding which to go with so I can start my training plan!

    As for my diet, about 2-3 months ago I discovered I am gluten intolerant, so as I continue to try to lose weight, I am also trying to learn about what I can and cannot eat... for the rest of my life. It's a challenge and adventure that's for sure.

    Feel free to add me to share support!
  • lynda4964
    lynda4964 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lynda and this is my first venture into using MFP. I have done WW for the past year and lost 36 lbs. but I still have about 70 to go. I will be thrilled to lose 30 Christmas. I hoping this challenge will make the journey a little easier!!
  • Hi. I'm Tina. I just set a goal to lose 30lbs by end of the year and if I do, my husband and I will take a two week vacation. I have lost 2lbs so far of the 30lbs and 15lbs from when I started in June. So 28 to go!!
  • Eldee36
    Eldee36 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Linda. I started with MFP in mid July and have lost 13.5 pounds so far. If I can lose another 30 by Christmas, I'll be halfway to my ultimate goal of 95 pounds. Looking forward to interaction with the group. :)
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    Hello, I'm Angel, I've lost 12 pounds so far. I'm planning to immigrate to New York from Canada near the end of November and I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds by then, 30 by Christmas would be awesome I just don't know if it's do-able for me. My ultimate goal from today is to lose 103 pounds so I have a long way to go haha. I'm still smoking currently, and I lack the will power to do anything so I'm hoping I can make any sort of change and continue to change into next year. :)
  • KadenSmile
    KadenSmile Posts: 45 Member
    Hey all!

    My name is Laura, and I think that my goal is going to be to loose 20lbs by Christmas, and to stop binging by that time.

    I'm trying to be the turtle who goes slowly to win the race, so if I loose 30, then awesome, but if I only loose 20, then I'll still be proud of myself for reaching my goal.

    I am currently 5'7 and around 204.1lbs, and am looking forward to being back in "one-derland" again.

    I hope you're all having an awesome day, and I am looking forward to doing this journey with you all!

    Laura ;)
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! Mary Ann here - and I'm a turtle, too... I didn't get into this body quickly, so I'm trying to remember I won't get out of it that quickly, either. But hey, so far, so good!

    I'm starting from an awesome place, really - 5'11" and about 144 lbs (142 yesterday, but alas!). I'm really hoping to concentrate on redistribution (fat/muscle) vs actual poundage, but let's be honest... if the scale goes down, my smile gets bigger :smile: Used to be SO much better in my body, but years of a desk job (with awesome folks that are pros at potlucks!) has taken its toll.

    I'm hoping that by getting back into some serious strength training I'll be able to pack on some calorie-munching muscle to the point I can still eat, drink, and be merry. I know it'll never be quite the same as in my younger days, but hey, I'm good with that. Times change. I'm working now with what I've got. I won't be deprived. I will be realistic. And if I can comfortably fit into my jeans by Christmas.... which must include being able to sit down (!!!), I'll be BEYOND happy (right now I can't even squish myself in whilst standing).

    My current plan is setting calories on MFP to 1 lb/week lost, but if I fall short that's okay (turtle, remember! it's just a guide...), doing "real" cardio 3x week (35 mins on my NordicTrak ski machine in front of the tube), 2x week jogging (blech - husband talked me into just doing a mile to keep up bone strength), and 3x week modified power-lifting-type strength training. Half hour walk at lunch M-F, half hour dog walk in the evening. Man, it takes a LOT of time. But it's a good investment. I'm the best asset I've got. Gotta take care of it!

    Protect your assets, folks! Invest in them, and you'll be rewarded!!! Go, team!! :smile:
  • Moe0112
    Moe0112 Posts: 123 Member
    Hello all, my name is Monique or Moe and I joined mfp last Sept. I've had some good and some bad the weight I had lost I stop coming on here and gained it all back. So here I am trying again to do something and stick with other for the long haul.
  • Loluka88
    Loluka88 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello all, I'm Nadine. I've always been overweight but ever since having a baby (two years ago) I added on a bunch of weight that I haven't been able to shed at all. I'm very interested in making new friends on here and I'm active every day.

    I'm currently 224 lbs and my goal is to get down to 135. I miss being able to easily touch my toes and bend over. Now that I have a toddler I need to be able to keep up with her as well! To make the 30 lb goal by Christmas I'll have to lose two lbs a week which is what I now have my MFP profile set to. That's 1240 calories a day. Any food ideas you have please send my way. I'll probably end up doing 20-30 minutes of cardio on my elliptical machine every day to really ensure that I don't go over my amount.

    EDIT: By the way, love the picture of Sakura, Ino, and Hinata.
  • kasey721
    kasey721 Posts: 5 Member
    I started back on MFP on 6/24/13 and set my goal at 50 lbs. by Christmas. My BMR says I need to consume 2,000 calories daily to maintain my weight, so I decided to cut that down to 1,500 and to start a low-impact, walking exercise program. At first I could only go 15 minutes at a 2.0 mph pace without getting winded. But now, 2 months later, I'm up to 60 minutes a day now, at a consistent 3.5 mph and the weight is, slowly but surely, coming off.

    Luckily, I have a community park nearby and can usually get over there twice a day for about 30 minutes each time to walk around the park. I look at the time element as a commitment to getting my weight off and getting healthy again.

    I would like to lose the remaining 43 lbs. in a reasonable, consistent manner, so that I can keep it off this time. I am SO tired of playing this "yo-yo weight game". I'm on meds for high BP, cholesterol and heart disease and I really need to follow through on my commitment to take better care of me. I have a desk job that led me to pack on the pounds and we all know how easy it is to make excuses for not working out. But, over time, if you sit on your butt all day and don't ever work out, you'll pack on the extra weight and have to play this game to get the weight off.

    I'm looking forward to hearing what others say and being supportive as they try to drop their pounds, too. Good luck everyone!
  • Ready2Lose1987
    Ready2Lose1987 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone. My name is Niki. I am 26 years old. I currently weigh 224 pounds. My ultimate goal is to get down to 130 pounds by Summer 2014. If I meet my goal, my mom and sister are taking me on a cruise to celebrate. I would love to lose at least 225 pounds by Christmas. This would get me out of the 200's, something I haven't been since high school 8 years ago.
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    Hi all. I'm Bobbie. A little about myself - I am 45 years old, a wife (25 years), mom, and 5th grade teacher. My daughters, ages 17 and 21, are the most amazing girls ever. I have the most incredible and supportive husband any person could ever ask for. I have been through a lot in the past year. I have been on MFP for over a year now and my weight loss efforts have stalled for a variety of reasons. Last December I had my first arthroscopic hip surgery to repair some congenital defects that resulted in a torn labrum. The recovery was slow but my April I was back to the gym and doing my favorite activity - spin. On July 1, I had my second surgery (other hip) to make the same repairs. That surgery went even better than the first. Just this week I started running again (on grass). My goal is to pass my "hip sport test" on September 20 so that I can get full release from PT and the doc. My mother passed away in mid July and I had some job issues (that have resolved themselves). So in all I have had a rough 9 months. My weight has slowly started creeping up again - in part because a.) I am not holding myself accountable, b.) a lot of stress in my life, and c.) inability to exercise 5 - 6 days per week. I am still rehabbing my hip so the most I can do right now is 3 days. I have to rest so that I don't develop inflammation and more scar tissue. Anyway, I am consumed with thoughts about my weight and my appearance at this point and am fed up with myself for letting this get out of hand. Today I have recommitted to being a healthier person and stop feeling sorry for myself. This group and your support will go a long way in holding me accountable for what I need to do to drop the weight and be healthy again. My goal is 35 pounds and I am not going to allow my head to settle for anything less. I will gladly accept any friend requests because I also want to be able to support you in your efforts so please feel free to friend request me. I look forward to getting to know you. I wish all of you much success in your effort to reach your goals.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Hello, I'm Bonnie. I started at 282 in January of 2012. Lost 44, gained back 30, started again at 268 in January 2013. Now I weight 189, and have about another 30 to lose. Really want to lose it by the end of the year. I'd love to finally weight less than my husband, who weighed 277 in January and has been holding steady at 177-182 since June.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Liz. I weigh about 210 right now so if I could get down to 180 by christmas that would be AWESOME! I got this big by eating my emotions and now I'm going to try handling my emotions by exercising.

    My game plan:
    Bike three miles to (and from) the free fitness courses offered by my University every weeknight.
    Go for a 30 min run MWF mornings
    Log food, stay in my calorie range and stop drinking that damned soda!

    I also joined a Rugby team... Don't know how that will turn out, but I hope it will be great.
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah, ummm, I'm Nell....last year I lost 40 lbs Jan.-Sept. Had some health issues but really that was just an excuse, gained 30 back and on the road to losing it AGAIN, ugh. September through Christmas is the time of year I enjoy with my family, friends and the endless focus around food activity. I love to cook, bake and have used that to love my family, they are well loved, lol! It scares the beejeebers out of me to even post this. Yet I will not give in to the fear and look forward to being able to EnJOY this years festivities!
  • Hi my name is Tabatha! My ultimate goal to get down under 200. But my short term goal is to be down to 30 pounds by Christmas if more that's awesome! I just joined MFP about 3 1/2 weeks ago thanks to one of my awesome sis in laws. I am proud to say she is down over 30lbs so far and my other sis in law is down 23lbs.So proud of both of them!! I lost 30lbs last year and then I lost my dad in October and my whole world and diet went upside down. So now I am fighting to get back to where I was and go beyond it. I am learning to eat better and try new foods. Welcome any new recipes or tips.:happy:
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    I will be 51 in a few days. I am a mother of 2 boys (31 and 27) and a step mother to 1 boy (24) and twin girls (21). I have 3 granddaughters (11 and twins that are 8) and 2 grandsons that turn 1 this year but aren't twins, I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 3 years. I am from KY but live in Daytona Beach FL. I work as a secretary at a university. I had a mini stroke in May, thanks to diet and exercise I am doing so well. I enjoy reading detective novels, crocheting, going to the beach and spending time with family and friends. My family doctor wants me to loose a total of 50 pounds but my cardiologist says I need to loose 90 MORE pounds. The cardiologist is looking at the BMI chart so I am screwed since I am only 4'11" ohwell I am the leader of a weight loss support group called TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly).
    I have lost and gained + more the same 50 pounds for the last 31 years.grumble I always thought of it as a "diet" and never changed my habits. This time I think of it as a "lifestyle change" I don't deprive myself of anything, if I am going to be successful this time I have found I have to figure out what fits me....if I want mac n cheese I have mac n cheese instead of having a scoop full I measure out a 1/2 cup serving and I log it. I have been a member of MFP for 210 days and I am still weighing and measuring and logging ALL my food.
    Can't wait to be a part of this group and meeting new friends and giving and getting ideas and support.,
    Good luck to all, friend me if you like.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Welcome New members!! feel free to add me and I'll be making sure I stay on top of this group so that we make updates every week. IF you have any ideas feel free to let me know.

    Add me as a friend as well as any new members if you want to get the maximum support!!! Happy 3 day weekend and we are kicking this group off right with almost 100 members in less than 24 hrs
