20 Tips to Curb Sugar Cravings and Kick the Addiction


  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Good tips, thanks for posting!
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Thank you for sharing!
  • Sara13CH
    Sara13CH Posts: 85 Member
    Great Article! Thank you so much for sharing. I will be using those tips!

    I was looking for a list of sugar names and this is what I found:

    1. Barley malt
    2. Barbados sugar
    3. Beet sugar
    4. Brown sugar
    5. Buttered syrup
    6. Cane juice
    7. Cane sugar
    8. Caramel
    9. Corn syrup
    10. Corn syrup solids
    11. Confectioner’s sugar
    12. Carob syrup
    13. Castor sugar
    14. Date sugar
    15. Dehydrated cane juice
    16. Demerara sugar
    17. Dextran
    18. Dextrose
    19. Diastatic malt
    20. Diatase
    21. Ethyl maltol
    22. Free Flowing Brown Sugars
    23. Fructose
    24. Fruit juice
    25. Fruit juice concentrate
    26. Galactose
    27. Glucose
    28. Glucose solids
    29. Golden sugar
    30. Golden syrup
    31. Grape sugar
    32. HFCS (High Frustose Corn Syrup… Very Bad!)
    33. Honey
    34. Icing sugar
    35. Invert sugar
    36. Lactose
    37. Malt
    38. Maltodextrin
    39. Maltose
    40. Malt syrup
    41. Mannitol
    42. Maple syrup
    43. Molasses
    44. Muscovado
    45. Panocha
    46. Powdered Sugar
    47. Raw sugar
    48. Refiner’s syrup
    49. Rice syrup
    50. Sorbitol
    51. Sorghum syrup
    52. Sucrose
    53. Sugar (granulated)
    54. Treacle
    55. Turbinado sugar
    56. Yellow sugar
    Bonus (Fake Sugars):
  • moonbaby12
    moonbaby12 Posts: 89 Member
    wow thanks Beana!!!
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Wow that is a crazy long list of names for sugar!! I knew some of them but some of them are new to me. For example "Panocha"?!
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for the tips and the list of sugar names. That's a heck of a list!!!
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