Back to work, back off track

Hey guys...

I recently started back teaching again, and this week has been KILLER! Going from laying on the couch most of the day to being on my feet constantly, always having to be on my toes, meetings, planning, and the's hard to explain how exhausting teaching can be to someone else. It's as if your brain is physically working out from being on every second of every hour you are working.

I was able to get up at 5AM some days, but only did 3 days of JM this week where I was planning 5. I tried to plan a few evening aerobics classes, but I was bone tired. Had some off days (long day at work picking up fast food on way home, date night) and was really discouraged thinking about things this morning.

Also hard on weekends to work out, because boyfriend doesn't work out with me during the week. On the weekends he does want to but I get up at 8 or 9 ready to go, and he doesn't really get going until around noon. I just don't seem to manage working out on weekend afternoons/evenings, so there is a bit of a disconnect there. He WON'T get up before 10:30, and he never wants to exercise after work during the week. Any suggestions from those who have significant others?

The good news is that even through the reduced exercise and bad meals, I lost two whole pounds this week! I think it is due to me being on my feet so much again, and I can't depend on losing more weight because of that but it was the boost I really needed right now since I didn't lose any the week before.

I suppose my goal now is to try for 4 days of Jillian this week, and maybe aim for just one evening exercise class. Then hopefully my body can build up some energy. I am nervous, because my job is very time-intensive and has always been, let's be honest, my excuse for derailing me in the past. This year my goal is to make my health my number one priority. Any encouragement is appreciated, and I am so glad to be part of this little corner of MFP where everyone is so awesome :)


  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    Right there with ya my friend. I say get up before bf on the weekends and workout. By the time he is up you will be ready for the day. I totally understand how you feel and it is like a mental marathon getting back on track. Good job for getting a few workouts in and the loss!!! Take baby steps, It will be alright and you will balance it eventually. My abdominal tone is lacking since I went back and I keep gaining and losing the same damn 4 lbs, but I'm keeping at it. This past week was better than the previous for me. First week with kids, I did the video twice and ran twice. This past week I did the video three times and ran 3 days, would have ran yesterday and today if I didn't feel so crappy. Oh yea, sick. Stress from going back combined with allergens, always makes me sick start of September. Lovely times.
  • mrshallewell
    Do it seperately, but make a challenge!!!

    Each think of something that you want at the end of the month and make it a challenge to see who gets in the most workouts of whatever and which ever of you wins gets what you want paid by the other. Draw up a chart as well and put it on the fridge as motivation.

    I love things like this cos im proper artsey fartsy, and i love challenges where i get stuff at the end. my challenge this month is no more chocolate after today (cleared out the house) and to stick to 1200 cals every day and i will get a new pair of jeans at the end, no expense spared.
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    Hey guys...

    I recently started back teaching again, and this week has been KILLER! Going from laying on the couch most of the day to being on my feet constantly, always having to be on my toes, meetings, planning, and the's hard to explain how exhausting teaching can be to someone else. It's as if your brain is physically working out from being on every second of every hour you are working.

    I was able to get up at 5AM some days, but only did 3 days of JM this week where I was planning 5. I tried to plan a few evening aerobics classes, but I was bone tired. Had some off days (long day at work picking up fast food on way home, date night) and was really discouraged thinking about things this morning.

    Also hard on weekends to work out, because boyfriend doesn't work out with me during the week. On the weekends he does want to but I get up at 8 or 9 ready to go, and he doesn't really get going until around noon. I just don't seem to manage working out on weekend afternoons/evenings, so there is a bit of a disconnect there. He WON'T get up before 10:30, and he never wants to exercise after work during the week. Any suggestions from those who have significant others?

    The good news is that even through the reduced exercise and bad meals, I lost two whole pounds this week! I think it is due to me being on my feet so much again, and I can't depend on losing more weight because of that but it was the boost I really needed right now since I didn't lose any the week before.

    I suppose my goal now is to try for 4 days of Jillian this week, and maybe aim for just one evening exercise class. Then hopefully my body can build up some energy. I am nervous, because my job is very time-intensive and has always been, let's be honest, my excuse for derailing me in the past. This year my goal is to make my health my number one priority. Any encouragement is appreciated, and I am so glad to be part of this little corner of MFP where everyone is so awesome :)

    Here are my thoughts--I am also a teacher (31 students in an urban district) and understand the exhaustion:

    Get a Fitbit to keep you honest about your activity at work. This week, I burned about 350 calories a day at work (8000 steps on average).
    Work out right when you get home; I have found that if I do it right away, it gets done. Don't sit down!! Just do it. Break your pattern. 30 minutes is nothing.
    Why wait for your BF? My husband and I NEVER work out together. He can do his own thing, you do yours. I don't wait for him and he doesn't wait for me.
    Lastly, stop making excuses. Take control of YOU. Leave work early enough so you don't have to get fast food. Plan and prep your meals on Sundays. Salads are simple if your veggies are chopped and you have canned beans, lean meats and low fat cheese ready to go.
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    Progress, thanks for the encouragement! I will try and build up little by little. I also have really bad allergies right now, need to start taking meds again to try and tame them.

    Kerry, I liked your idea but my bf is rail thin and isn't interested in working out that much. Maybe he'd be willing to treat me to something small if I meet my goal each month, hehe :blushing: Get some GREAT jeans :flowerforyou:

    MMR, I am putting a heart rate monitor on my birthday wish list, and planning to buy a food scale soon. I don't count work as exercise, and selected sedentary here on MFP so that I can see actual workout calories.

    I typically don't leave late enough for fast food, but the first week back has been 12-hour days nearly every day. Am planning on cooking large meals on weekends so I can have Glad packs ready to go :wink: 30 minutes could be doable, I need to bring workout gear in my car!

    Thanks, everyone! I am attempting to move from job-focused to more health-focused this year, and it's going to be a challenge but I am willing to try. I don't NEED my bf to work out with, but weekends would be the only time we do exercise together and it's fun to go with him. I think I *will* just head out early morning and do my own thing, then maybe later on in the day do some racquetball.