September goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
Fire away :-)


  • inkysmurf
    20 push ups - max right now is 13 &1/2
    and a 100kg/220.4lbs deadlift max right now is 85kg/187.3

    September lets do this....x
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    OK, I think I've got my head around these...

    Uni - submit my assessment tasks on time. Catch up with, and keep up with, online lectures.
    Work - marking... always marking... catch up and then return all tasks within 2 weeks of receiving them.
    Exercise - SL - twice / week, cycle - once / week, yoga - once / week, 10,000 steps - 4x/week, PT - once / week

    Deadlift - my weight.

    Squat - start again with the bar before the end of the month

    Just normal progression with the rest of the SL lifts...

    Weight - track on WW, keeping to the PP program. Reduce to UNDER 70kg this month!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Get back into the gym and be able to bench my body weight by the end of the month.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Just back from a very boozy food-filled week away at a resort! I gained 4 lbs - we'll call this a bulk!

    My goals - gym 2 x/week strong lifts
    Run - 3 times a week - building up to 10 km for my race in November.
    Cross-training or a third gym visit, if able!

    Track food and eat at a mild deficit to return to my pre-vacay weight.

  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    August was a HUGE fail! Between new job, out of town, and bronchitis I don't think I have lifted in 3 weeks.
    So September is like a NEW Beginning.
    No weight goals, just a goal of being consistent, lifting twice a week, taking my vitamins and supplements to keep from getting rebound bronchitis!
    And to take progress pics end of Sept/early October.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    I'm happy to say that I've achieved my August goal of being very consistent with my lifting. However, my newbie gains are coming to an end, and I have been stalling on most of my lifts.

    My September goal is to break through these plateaus -- I am now moving on to intermediate programming (I'm going to try the Texas method). Let's see how it works out!

    I've also been turning my attention to bodyweight exercise. Chin-ups are coming along well. This past month I've graduated from the assisted chin-up machine and am now cranking out my very own, honest-to-God, chest-to-the-bar, pure and full chin-ups. I'd like to aim for a set of 8 by month's end...this is a very difficult goal, but I will go for it.

    I haven't tested my push-up max for quite some time, but I'm fairly confident I can hit 40 full ones by the end of September. My ultimate pushup dream is 50, but I'm not really interested in going past that.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hm. right. form form form
    work on pressups - I can't even do one full one yet, so that's the goal!
    as is an unassisted pull-up... but I'm still at 35kg of assistance, so maybe not in September!

    log everything for the full month - and focus on them pesky macros! I've just done a full week's logging (go me!) and I used to do it, so it must be possibe :)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Getting back to lifting to lifting after a two week break. I took it because I was waiting for my foot to heal, but I really should have taken it for the sake of not having taken a lifting break since April. Goals:

    -Lose body fat. I had been eating about 1850. I think that's pretty much maintenance for me, since I wasn't shrinking. During my break (no exercise at all), I cut down to about 1500-1600. I'm going to see how I feel eating 1650-1700 and adding lifting back in. Also planning on adding some bodyweight stuff like You Are Your Own Gym type workouts a couple days a week.

    Lifting goals -
    Squats -deloading a little on squats to get low low low. I want to get as low at 165 as I can get at 150 right now.
    Everything else - just progress and be consistent :)
  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    1) Not miss a lifting session this month

    2) Do 2 sessions of HIIT per week (got to get this bodyfat down)

    3) Don't kill anyone at work

    4) Work on getting more protein every day
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    -Work on Couch to 5k for a run in October
    -Finish this round of Stronglifts. No weight goals since I have to keep adjusting, so I'm going to say I want to finish with higher weight than what I'm pushing now.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    1. Keep logging and hitting those macros. Keep focusing on the protein and dairy - upping my dairy intake kas made a huge difference in how full I feel. I'm eating at TDEE-20 as I have a lot of body fat to shift, not sustainable long term with the lifting but we'll see how it goes.

    2. Lift. 3x a week. No excuses. I've spent a month getting the food logging down until it is automatic, now it's time for the lifting to begin again. Weight not important at this stage - form and consistency to nail that habit in.

    3. Get enough sleep. I'm really really bad with this and everything I read says it's a really important part of the whole health deal. Last night I must have had 3 hours sleep. I go to bed too late and then I read. So I'm thinking about a mandatory bedtime but it makes me a bit anxious. I've always classed myself as a night time person and am never in bed before 12. I really need to be hitting the sack about 10 o'clock but that feels ludicrous so I'm thinking about 11pm. And that's not the time I start prepping for bed. I'm not allowed to go into the kitchen and load the dishwasher or make my lunch for the following day. That's the time I kiss the dogs good night and get my *kitten* up the stairs. Out of everything I think this will be the toughee.

    That's more than enough. Trying too many things always leads to failure with me - so much so that I might even push out the sleeping thing for another month and just concentrate on bedding in the lifting routine. We'll see.

    Good luck with all your goals x
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    get my backside into gear.... see my thread "my plan"
  • WynterWarrior
    Hello, I've been lurking this past month on the 5X5 forum, but now on week 3 of the programme, so here are my goals:

    Continue to train solidly for the next 4 weeks (I've not missed a workout)
    Incorporate more cardio into non 5x5 days.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Keep lifting and progressing with my 3x8 ... as slowly as it takes. I no longer care about any numbers, really, just progression in general and maintaining strength or maybe even adding some more. Had my general check-up today and my doc seems happy with what I've been doing, so it's probably time to relax and accept the fact that I really am heading in the right direction and doing what I'm supposed to. So just stay the course, basically.

    Keep working on cardio/endurance. Kinda itching for the weather to cool down a bit so I can take the party outside more. Do a 5K color walk/run/jog some time this year or early next year, and start preparing for it in earnest.

    Keep practicing yoga on a daily or at least every-other-day basis.

    Keep getting on that elliptical at least a couple times a week.

    Going to our local ladies' PL meet in a couple weeks and cheer everyone on to the best of my ability!
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Do not give up. I love lifting and there is no reason not to keep going. I must keep going even when it seems I'm not making progress or it's too slow. I MUST remember that progress is being made even if I can't see it in the short-term.

    HIIT or some cardio at LEAST 2x per week.

    Did I mention, do not give up. I seem to have this mental block where I quit or weird out after I start seeing progress. I should meditate on that to see if I can figure out WHY I sabotage myself after a while. I remember having a good body and I liked the feeling (although it's becoming a distant memory, sigh).

  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Did I mention, do not give up. I seem to have this mental block where I quit or weird out after I start seeing progress. I should meditate on that to see if I can figure out WHY I sabotage myself after a while. I remember having a good body and I liked the feeling (although it's becoming a distant memory, sigh).

    *insert counseling quickie*

    Yanno, many times a person can become afraid of succeeding because now all of a sudden the bar is raised, you know what you're actually capable of, and there's a different set of expectations to deal with. That can be challenging for us who prefer our comfy cozy cushy bubbles.

    Mmmmmm bubbles. *hugs bubble*


    *takes out needle*

    *pops bubble*

    *starts growing*

    /end counseling quickie :flowerforyou:
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Dani- that was great.
    And you are awesome.

    Must break out of bubble. now.
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    do 5 push-ups. Right now I can't even do one.
    attempt to intake more water
    weight 2 times a week, and cardio 1 or 2 times

    Compliment myself once a day!
  • fromaquasar9
    I am the prodigal son, (prodigal daughter?), returning to MFP, 5x5 and a healthy lifestyle after about 18months (travel, injury, general laziness), so my september goals are all about re-establishing that routine!

    1. Lift 3 x a week
    2. Meet my macro's for protein and fat every day (I'm a vegetarian this is an on-going challenge for me)
    3. Squat 58 kg (current 50kg), Bench 32kg (current 27.5kg) and Deadlift 52kg (current 45kg) ( I know they are little, but can only go up from here right!)
    4. Do 2 x yoga a week (my hips are buggered without it)

    :) - I'm Jess by the way, nice to meet y'all x
  • amyrob56
    New to this group. Have book New Rules.... Bought 12# bar and dumbells - Check!

    Goals: Read Book - take measurements - plan 1st lifting routine - Start Lifting during Vacation 9/25 - 10/1

    Keep up food journaling