How do you eat and what is your goal?

We all can admit it, we can't be perfect all the time. Are you embarrassed of how you eat or feel? Do you feel bad because you went out to eat more than once a month? Do you feel like you over eat or under eat? What are your goals as you how you eat? Welcome to our My fitness Pal group!


  • I eat 1200 calories a day. I pretty much eat whatever I want I just try to stay around my calorie limit. I exercise about an hour or so day. No shame here!
  • For about 5 months, I didn't eat any carbs or starches from foods. I did pretty well, minus the once a month sushi and occasional sugar rush. I lost 20 lbs. Metformin 2000 a day I'm sure helped, but I blew it last month when my younger brother without health problems was eating so much stuff in front of me. I took a bite here, or there of his, but never ordered my own haha. I'm going back to my carb/starch free. I'd really like to kick the sugar, but sometimes it's just hard.

    As for goal, my next goal is 180lbs. Depending on the day I'm either 189 or 191 now, which is the smallest I've been in 11 years. Beyond that, my goal is 160 (depending on how I look at 170-I'm 5'8" with a large bone structure) I've been trying to be more active lately, even if it is something as simple as Wii Fit or one of my exercise games on Wii for an hour.

    I think one of my biggest cop outs is "Oh, I worked out today, I can have this..." or something to that effect, completely negating the work I did. That is a habit I would really like to break.
  • Hi! So glad we have a group and are doing this together. At the moment I am eating about 1400 calories a day. I have been eating ok and really do not have many limits on what I eat. I have been on MFP for about 3 weeks or so now. I have lost 6.6 lbs. My ultimate goal is 165. I am currently at 251 from 257.6. My first goal is 240, then 225, then 200, then 185, 175, and finally 165. I want to reach it by next summer. Is it possible? Hell yes it is. I am going to exercise more and actually try to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals from my daily food. Yesterday I almost hit 2000 calories and drank soda too but it is ok, Rome was not built in a day . Before one bad day would ruin my block of healthy eating and I would quit, now it is just lets move on and start fresh the next day. I think I was ashamed of my eating but now with actually being able to admit it, I feel free.
  • I eat 1200 calories a day. I pretty much eat whatever I want I just try to stay around my calorie limit. I exercise about an hour or so day. No shame here!

    You look great! Have you had success with that?
  • For about 5 months, I didn't eat any carbs or starches from foods. I did pretty well, minus the once a month sushi and occasional sugar rush. I lost 20 lbs. Metformin 2000 a day I'm sure helped, but I blew it last month when my younger brother without health problems was eating so much stuff in front of me. I took a bite here, or there of his, but never ordered my own haha. I'm going back to my carb/starch free. I'd really like to kick the sugar, but sometimes it's just hard.

    As for goal, my next goal is 180lbs. Depending on the day I'm either 189 or 191 now, which is the smallest I've been in 11 years. Beyond that, my goal is 160 (depending on how I look at 170-I'm 5'8" with a large bone structure) I've been trying to be more active lately, even if it is something as simple as Wii Fit or one of my exercise games on Wii for an hour.

    I think one of my biggest cop outs is "Oh, I worked out today, I can have this..." or something to that effect, completely negating the work I did. That is a habit I would really like to break.

    I honestly kick the sugar habit by first consuming more water. Then I use substitutes for drinks and then when I crave sugar I would use raw cocoa or fruit to help crave it. I took baby steps but honestly i can't stand soda. Raw cocoa can actually be good for you too!
  • Hi! So glad we have a group and are doing this together. At the moment I am eating about 1400 calories a day. I have been eating ok and really do not have many limits on what I eat. I have been on MFP for about 3 weeks or so now. I have lost 6.6 lbs. My ultimate goal is 165. I am currently at 251 from 257.6. My first goal is 240, then 225, then 200, then 185, 175, and finally 165. I want to reach it by next summer. Is it possible? Hell yes it is. I am going to exercise more and actually try to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals from my daily food. Yesterday I almost hit 2000 calories and drank soda too but it is ok, Rome was not built in a day . Before one bad day would ruin my block of healthy eating and I would quit, now it is just lets move on and start fresh the next day. I think I was ashamed of my eating but now with actually being able to admit it, I feel free.

    I love your goals. I am a undereater but try to reach at least 1200. I know if I eat healthy I can pretty much eat much more. its not always about the calories (reason to hate MFP) but mainly the carbs. I cut out gluten and lost 40 lbs in 4 months without trying. Getting on Metformin at a dose of 1800 and above works well too. I just added myo insitol to my vitamins as well.
  • First off, please note that I am Spanish. I think in kilos, not pounds, so apologies for that! :)
    I have been using MFP for about 6 months. By this I mean that i downloaded it 6 months ago... I used it for 1.5 months, lost 4kgs, forgot about it for almost 3 months and when i went to check i had put 2kgs back on... Started counting calories again until we decided that I would quit my job and we would move house. I have now put another kg on since I quit working 2 weeks ago :(
    We have a puppy (4months old on the 6th! ^_^) and one of the reasons why I was excited about getting him was that I wanted to take long walks that would help keep me fit, but I am still struggling with getting into the routine of it since we moved....
    We are about ready to start trying for a baby and I need to lose 10kgs (at least!) in order to boost my fertility. Apart from that, I would have to loose around 30kgs for my ideal weight.... but I don't plan on being perfect, so 10kgs will make me happy :-P
    I haven't been tracking my calories for about a month, and now that I have more time I am planning on really working on my diet, more specifically the types of foods I eat! My boyfriend loves rice and pasta, and I just cook the same thing for both of us (only I eat smaller portions, I don´t tend to eat too much, just the wrong things XDDD).
    So it looks like he will have to get used to whole grain pasta, brown rice and grilled meat/fish from now on! lol
  • I eat 1200 calories a day. I pretty much eat whatever I want I just try to stay around my calorie limit. I exercise about an hour or so day. No shame here!

    You look great! Have you had success with that?

    Thank you :) I have lost 70 lbs or so since March 2012. I still have about 20 to go and its coming off a lot slower now but it works for me.