
The Diehards haven't been very diehard over the summer, but it's September now and time to get focused! Time for a September challenge? Any ideas?


  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Absolutely Lepert, we need to do something to get my motivation back! Other than kick me in the butt daily that is!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Take em or leave em, but these are some of my ideas…hope others post as well, because I’m in definite need of some new ideas/motivation!

    Keep up your normal work out routine, plus, add these bonuses:
    Monday - 25 squats
    Tuesday - 25 push ups
    Wednesday - 25 crunches
    Thursday - 25 jumping jacks
    Friday - 25 lunges
    Saturday - 60-second planks (2)

    Try some of these swaps for 1-2 weeks:
    - Still drinking soda (even diet)? Ditch it for water!
    - Drinking coffee with milk, cream, creamer, sugar, Splenda, etc. in the morning? Switch to plain tea.
    - Cocktail hour with friends after work? Switch to water (save money and calories!), and just enjoy the company.
    - Swap one snack of fresh fruit for fresh veggies instead (broccoli is much more nutrient bang for your buck than pineapple!)
    - Love a cold glass of milk, or milk on your cereal? Try unsweetened almond milk.
    - Using ground beef for your tacos or spaghetti? Switch to ground turkey breast (99% lean)
    - Love mixed nuts or smoked almonds? Buy the raw, unsalted variety next time.
    - Cook a huge pot of beans or lentils in the crock-pot, serve over brown rice and have a meatless dinner at least one night a week.
    - Do you like peanut butter or almond butter? Stay away from “no stir” varieties and opt for raw, organic (if possible). This eliminates the added palm oil (and usually sugar).
    - Wheat thins or other crackers on the grocery list? Switch to lower cal Wasa bread varieties.
    - Going out to eat? Split an entrée, or order an appetizer or side salad for your meal. Or box at least half of your regular sized portion as soon as it arrives to the table.
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Why don't we have a weight goal AND a fitness goal together?
    We can still stick with the reasonable 12 pounds in 12 weeks and then add something like improving recovery rate of heart rate after workout OR increasing number of side planks by 10%. by the way, I'm at 0 side planks at the moment! We should be accountable again by posting numbers every week. I hope we find something to do quickly. In the meantime, I'm off for a quick workout. [ quote]
    The Diehards haven't been very diehard over the summer, but it's September now and time to get focused! Time for a September challenge? Any ideas?
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Jessica Smith has a fall challenge on you tube for free. Everyday is a different activity all there for you. Take a look and tell me what you think.
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    OK - good idea! I'll commit to getting to the gym a minimum of twice a week during the month of September. (hoping to go more but this sounds very doable).
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    ok guys! Time to commit! Let's make the fall challenge plan.
    Can our moderator's help move this forward?
    Looking forward to a great fall season.:bigsmile: