Scared! Bleeding during 1st trimester?

Hey guys. I am currently between 4-5 weeks pregnant with number two and have just noticed that I am spotting a little bit. It's no where near the amount you bleed when you have a period, just faint. Is this normal or should I be concerned?



  • ezamorsk
    ezamorsk Posts: 2 Member
    I had some bleeding during the 11th week which was similar to what you're describing. I went straight to the doctor and they took a swab, some urine and a blood sample. It turned out my progesterone levels were low and I also had the beginnings of a yeast infection. I took two pills each day (one for the progesterone and one for the infection) and everything was back to normal within a couple of days. I went for a follow-up the next week and all of my levels were fine

    It's definitely worth going to check at the doctor and I'm sure your ob/gyn will be grateful for your early intervention rather than letting a potentially small problem get bigger. Best of luck!!!
  • Floflo83
    Floflo83 Posts: 2 Member
    I think you should call your doctor. Let him/her decide if it is a concern or not. Bleeding during pregnancy can be normal but it can also be sign that something it wrong.
  • I agree it's worth a call. It really could be nothing but after having one miscarriage I never take it lightly. W my 2yo I had pretty heavy bleeding at 6-7 weeks for almost 2 weeks & at first felt sure I was losing the pregnancy but thankfully she stuck in there! With my current I had heavy bleeding & clotting around 11 weeks. They decided it was a subchorionic hemmorage. And once again I thought the worst but was very happy my girl held on. :-) good luck to you. I know the emotional rollercoaster you're on & it's tough. Try to relax & drink your water. Stay positive. :-)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Best to see the doctor...lots of prayers
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I had bleeding at 8 weeks, a lot more than spotting and everything turned out fine. I wouldn't be too concerned especially if it's just spotting. The sad thing about the 1st trimester is if there is something going wrong there's nothing they can do about it. Hope all turns out well. I'm sure it's probaby nothing.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    You're probably okay, I was told some light bleeding in the first tri was fine. I had severe bleeding (almost as bad as my miscarriage bleeding) and even that turned out fine.

    There is very little they can do, but I think a call or visit to your doctor should give you the peace of mind you need. I found the wondering was always the worst. Once you know what's going on, you can deal appropriately.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I had bleeding in week 5 - it was later determined to be cervical trauma from sex (TMI - I know but that's supposed to be one of the most common reasons for early bleeding). I did have to go to the doctor though because I'm Rh negative and I have to get a shot every time I bleed.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    YES! I spotted prior to having a M/C AND I also bled heavily in this pregnancy from one day prior to my period being due off and on up until I was 7.5 weeks. I literally could have been one of those women on TV who did not know they were pregnant it was so heavy (like a period at times). We were actively trying to get PG before I took the EPT, otherwise I may have not known I was even PG! The only difference in the two bleeding episodes was that my M/C bleeding was pink/brown and very light at first but increased up until I actually had the M/C. With this pregnancy, it was bright red and sometimes pretty heavy. You really should go see your doctor to get checked out although mine was not super concerned unless the bleeding left a drop bigger than a quarter or filled a pad in under 30 minutes. They still sent me in for an U/S considering what had just happened previously, but they didn’t send me to the ER or anything. I found out through U/S that my M/C baby had actually died in utero weeks before I showed any signs but my body was just starting to recognize it which is why I was spotting (missed M/C). Try not to get to worried or upset about it as it isn't going to help anything....but go get checked.
  • amberlyna5
    amberlyna5 Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely check with your doctor. I spotted off and on throughout my pregnancy, I had recurring bacterial vaginosis which inflamed the cervix and created spotting. We treated it each time but my OB explained that our hormones put everything out of balance and some women get yeast infections (overgrowth of yeast) and some get BV (overgrowth of normal bacteria) and some women have no issues at all :) It's nerve racking though and I obsessively read blogs and pregnancy boards every time it happened. My daughter was born 5 weeks early but we were out of the hospital in 2 days and she is a very healthy 5 month old now.