What time of day do you run?



  • txguard61
    txguard61 Posts: 51 Member
    5:30 am for my longs. During the week about 6:30 pm
  • larosita57
    larosita57 Posts: 60 Member
    I tried running early in the morning, before work, for a while. I found that it made me dread running....unlike most runners, I really dislike early morning running. I now go after work, in the evening. It really helps me unload all the stress of the day. I have a very stressful job - inner city social worker! - it's mental health care for me.

    For long runs, I kinda run early (for me). I'm the idiot you'll see struggling along in 85 degree heat at noon :)
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    within an hour of waking up. Usually 4:30 am
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Mid-week, I'm usually out the door by 4:30 am too. I also tend to head out pretty early during the summer for my long runs on the weekend - but that's mostly because (1) I hate running when it's hot and (2) I want to get as much of my running done as possible while my kids are sleeping because weekends are when I actually get to see them!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have to check to see if my neighbor's car is in their driveway...if it is, the dog is out and will chase me. If it isn't, I am ok to run. So I now go by their schedule, or run Treadmill. :(

    You're nicer than me. If I had a neighbourhood dog chasing me I'd have the bylaw folks on them so fast their heads would spin......

    How did we get sidetracked from the dog topic. I think this is terrible! Yes, please. Talk to your neighbor, or call the police or the dog catcher or somebody. No dog should interfere with your moving up and down a public road. That is absolutely not fair. I am sure they have laws concerning this kind of thing to protect mailmen, if no one else.
    Oh yeah. I tend to go early. But it is not hard and fast.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I run almost any time of day. Just not before 6 am or after 7pm because I'm home alone with the 3 y.o. at those times. But my long runs are at 6:30 a.m. I do speed during lunch at the office and I do easy 5 mile runs home from the office with the kid in the jogger.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    My long runs I'm out the door by 6am, especially on days where we have high humidity. Those are Saturdays or Sundays.

    As for my varying distances week day runs, I usually hit the pavement after the kids have settled into bed, so, around 8PM. It's actually giving me some good incentive to incorporate some speedwork now that the light of day has disappeared just after 9PM. I don't enjoy running alone in the dark, even though we live in a safe neighborhood.

    During the winter those week-night runs will be done 90% on my tredmill.
  • PollyWolly98
    In the summer, I run in the evenings (it may be hotter, but there is usually less humidity and a bit of a breeze). In the winter, I try to do some mornings, but I struggle with morning workouts and usually end up running in the evenings also. I love weekend runs in the cooler months from about 11am-4pm....my absolute favorite runs. I really wish that I could like running early, it would make my life much easier! I'm going to attempt my long run this weekend on Sunday morning and I just hope I can survive (I always suffer with body aches and belly issues on morning runs, ugh).
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    So far, mornings seem to be my preferred run time - I go out at 6am before work and even on my day off I'll get up and go so usually never later than 7am. Evening runs never feel as good for me.

    As Winter arrives I might try and 'train' myself to like evening runs more, mostly for flexibility in my schedule but also because the paths will hopefully be less slippery when the over night frost has disappeared.

    I'm not bothered about running on my own in the dark as I live in a very safe area but I will use the lighted paths more than the trails just because I'm a clumsy sort and the chances of me going heels up in the dark and snapping my coccyx again are high lol
  • Hollie704
    Hollie704 Posts: 59 Member
    During the week, I run on my lunch hour around 12:30 p.m. I have a gym in my building, so I'll run outside or on the treadmill if it's extremely hot and humid or freezing out and then shower and get back to work. It's a nice break in the day, and since my partner travels a lot and it's just me watching our son when he's gone, it's the only time I'm guaranteed.

    On the weekends, I run in the afternoon while my son is napping.

    Never been much of a morning person, so the only time I'll run early in the morning is when I have a race. I think the earliest I've run when I'm not running a race is 10:30 a.m.
  • emyloohootoo
    emyloohootoo Posts: 13 Member
    Do you prefer running with a headlamp? I've been running in the morning and it's so dark on the trail/path. I've thought about light, but not sure?
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Do you prefer running with a headlamp? I've been running in the morning and it's so dark on the trail/path. I've thought about light, but not sure?
    If I am really familiar with the route I don't bother with the headlamp but if I run a route that I am not real familiar with then I will wear a head lamp.

    I also will wear my head lamp if I am running in places where people walk their dogs. Some of my neighbors walk their dogs in the early morning so they don't have to pick up after them. UGH!