How is everyone doing?

mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing...

I will be 18 weeks Friday and that is when I get my anatomy scan and hopefully find out what I am having... super excited to finally put a gender to my sweet baby and start shopping!!!

I started this pregnancy at 225 and as of 2 minutes ago I am 215.8... I am pretty sure I am retaining water right now because I have had a crazy amount of sodium in the last week... I have seen a low of 213 but then ate crazy sodium for a week and saw as high as 221 or so, so I am trying to be good with my sodium and see if I can see a true number again... I will go by my weight at the doctor on Friday and hopefully I will see a good number then ...this will let me know if I have indeed gained weight in the last weeks... My doctor and I have agreed that a 10 pounds is my max weight gain so I want to make sure that I keep doing well... the doctor is fine with me not gaining any but I don't know if a zero weight gain is going to be possible for me ... especially if I am already starting to gain in this pregnancy... blah...

I also have not been working out... I know I need to start again but I haven't because I have been losing weight eating where I am at and some days eating all my stomach can hold and I know that if I workout my calorie count would be even lower and right now my body is not allowing me to eat more lol... if my body is truly starting to gain I will try and work out to keep maintaining until third trimester...Third trimester I will definitely try to work out more... I don't want to lose weight necessarily anymore but I don't want to gain yet either... Third trimester is when I want to start gaining...

So how is everyone else doing??


  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    Great update! Good luck at your appointment on Friday. I'm sure your doctor will be pleased with your success concerning your weight. A lot of women SAY that they are going to work hard at losing/maintaining, but never do. Great job!

    I know what you mean about the working out. I feel guilty for using a million excuses. First, it was morning sickness (all day), then I had strep throat, now I can't get over this sinus infection. I know that I need to work out, but by the time I make it home, I just want to sleep!

    I also have a check up today. I'm actually worried that I will be fussed at for not gaining any weight since my last appt, last month. I am almost 18 weeks, and so far I'm down a pound or 2. My goal gain is between 25-35. Is it normal that I'm not really up much yet? I just don't have much of an appetite!
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    I hope your appointments go smoothly!

    I had my anatomy scan last Thursday at 18w3d, then didn't get to see a doc about results until Friday. Baby girl's(!!) head measured 1.5 weeks behind her body and the sonographer didn't say anything... and after I kept thinking about it that night I started getting super worried... needless to say the blood pressure was at 138/68 on Friday and the CNA was concerned, doctor didn't even mention it.. I get terrible white coat syndrome when seeing new people, but the last few times I went in to see my midwife it was totally normal. Maybe this is why the doctor didn't say anything?

    Anyway, her little head was normal, and in the doctor's words: "She will be just as smart, if not smarter than all of the other babies" :happy:

    PS- edited to say that I also am not working out as much as I should- with school just getting back into the swing of things and not getting home until 5-6 (I leave at 6:30 am for work), I am POOPED! I don't know how some teachers can sit down when teaching... I'm trying to figure out how they can actually do it so I am not so tired when I get home!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I just had my anatomy scan yesterday at 19w3d...and our baby boy is measuring 20w1d! I am fairly pleased that my little Roo is growing so well since I have not gained any weight (sitting 2lbs below pre-preg weight right now). He was kicking and squirming so much the poor u/s tech was having hard time getting pictures! Both the tech and the doc said that Roo looks perfect. :happy: