Welcome guys!

I know the group description sounds pretentious but you get the idea. I'm bringing up the rear on this challenge so you guys have been exercising and food logging all over the shop but I'm here and my head's in the game.


  • pollysavvy
    Ok! Well I am doing some weight shifting after run sunday for sure! Has not been main focus of late as just been trying to do runs sporadically but come monday the food is back in the game also!
  • KateW29
    Good luck on Sunday Pauline! I will sponsor you v soon. Then Monday baby....it's onnnnnnnnnnn!
  • rrd88
    rrd88 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm IN!!!
    Although not the best start as I am sat in bed eating M&S Belgian Chocolate Biscuits ;(

    But I've been back to the gym this week loads so its a kick start in the right direction. From next week "it's on!"
  • KateW29
    So, all systems go today guys? :D

    I've had my protein shake for breakfast.....going to either do Zumba or 30DS tonight and only 1 mocha from our coffee machine, mint tea and water the rest of the day!