weekend = trouble

fishnr2 Posts: 31 Member
yes, it's Friday. So i should be happy the working week is over but... Now i'm going to spend 2 days at home with my family. I love them but they do not share the same eating habits as me. Which means trouble as I will have to cook for them. and they eat chocolate, cookies, cakes etc. I'm not saying they are not supportive but they just have different requirements. You probably all know what I mean.. So I usually slip over the weekends from whatever routine I'm on. how do you deal with that?
any meals ideas?


  • RedVelvette
    RedVelvette Posts: 213 Member
    It is SO much harder to stay on track when there is temptation around the house! Especially if it's in plain site. My nutritionist once suggested that I hide all the junk food so at least it's not somewhere I would see it. Can the family have one shelf in the pantry for all their snacks? Somewhere that you won't see as often? The fewer times you have to say "no, not for me", the easier it will be on your spirit.
    Another option is to try to get them on board with healthier eating. What if you had fresh fruit available instead of cookies. I mean, really, no one is required to eat chocolate, cookies, and cake..., right? Even if they are trying to bulk up for sports or weightlifting there are healthier ways to do it. And to incorporate healthier eating habits now might save them from having to learn it/struggle with it later in life.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    Your post just made me soooooo grateful that I live alone!

    I don't know, because I haven't been tested yet, but it would seem to be so much more difficult to abstain in a household where all that stuff was readily available.

    I think my only salvation in a circumstance like that would be the fact that I try to maintain a vegan diet and now that I know white sugar (at least in the US) isn't usually vegan ... I don't have a problem with keeping it out of my life anymore.
  • fishnr2
    fishnr2 Posts: 31 Member
    So I had a slip over the weekend as expected. Just wasn't able to resist. But today is a new day.
    About replacing the sweets with fruits. Hmm.. they will eat the fruits and then they will demand some cookies. So not sure if that's going to sort out anything. Tried that before.Chocolate is a must. And hiding sweets is a perfect solution.
    thanks for all the replies.
    How were yours weekends?
  • Difficult, real difficult. What I have found to be helpful is smaller potions...then graduate yourself onto a different healthier food. Try not to give up, it'll happen.
  • My problem is the hidden sugars in food, that and the hidden salt are killing me!
  • fishnr2
    fishnr2 Posts: 31 Member
    So another weekend and even more trouble. this time not the family but work. As I was working the whole weekend and staying at a hotel. Food provided so didn't have much choice on what I'm going to eat. Tried to avoid added sugars but that wasn't possible. Not so good. Back on track today. I have to say I don't miss all that sugar. I don't even have any cravings.