
I was just thinking how I wished I had kept a fitness journal from the beginning of my change of lifestyle. I'd love to know how many miles I've biked, or ran. Kept track of how I felt after those workouts. Even specific things like if there might be a correlation between what I had to eat before a fantastic runners high run. Know what I mean?

I do know how much I've biked thanks to my computer....but I've used 2 different running apps and they've lost my runs a few times I've no idea there.

just some random thoughts- do you have any regrets?



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    The past couple of years I seem to do Really well (diet and exercise) until the holidays and then it tapers off. I wish I would've stayed strong through the whole entire year.

    So, this year it will be different! Sure, I will eat goodies but will log them and be held accountable!
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    I wish I had taken a before picture...but to get really deep, I wish I would have taken my health seriously well before 40.
  • kaogirlup
    I definitely agree with the "before" picture...wish I had done that, but I'm only 1/2 way to my goal, so I can probably still rectify that little issue.

    I wish I had joined MFP back when I first started this journey at the beginning of the has been INCREDIBLY helpful!!! Both the ease of use and the comraderie have been priceless since I signed up a month ago.

    Finally, I wish I has made my health a priority a LONG time ago. It's not that I didn't think about it, worry about it, talk about it, etc. I just let other things come first when it came to actually 'doing' something. Bad move...but I'm getting it right from here on out!
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    I regret not tracking better this whole year and yo-yo'ing 20 pounds off and on several times... I should have been able to get down to goal weight by now, but instead I've had to push back the goal, although I'm really thinking I've finally got my motivation back...
    I also regret not having a good "before" picture.. (although I'm also only halfway)
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I regret that I didn't start lifting sooner! I've learned a lot along the way so it's been good. I've kept my weight off for over a year now but I probably could have had the same results without working out as hard and as much as I did.
  • DSeay88
    DSeay88 Posts: 24 Member
    I regret not maintaining my fitness level and healthy weight when I had them. It would have been so much easier to maintain my athletic level of fitness and body fat than to gain weight and become sedentary... more than once. So here I am AGAIN with more than 30 pounds to lose, and I am in the worst shape I've ever been in. This time, once I get there, I want to STAY there! Maintenance will be a whole new challenge for me.
  • aeverton
    I also wish I had taken my health and fitness more serious at a younger age.... live and learn I guess.

  • dwntwnpengrl
    dwntwnpengrl Posts: 49 Member
    Same as everyone else . . . I wish I'd started sooner. I regret that in my 20s and 30s when I heard (and knew) that losing weight was easier the younger I was, that I didn't just get it done then. Every pound is now a struggle. As if motivation wasn't hard enough to find.
  • CaroleLynn65
    Folks....regrets live in the past. Look at what you (we) have accomplished now. No matter our age...we are doing it. We are achieving at the time in our lives when it is meant to be or we wouldn't be doing it.

    So recognize your past choices - EMBRACE YOUR TODAY CHOICES - and live your life to the fullest. YOU (WE) are doing it!!!
    That's my goal!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I regret

    ...not taking before pics.
    ...not using MFP religiously at first.
    ...announcing fitness goals to friends and family early on. My goals are private now. Smirks of doubt are not supportive.
    ...not telling my MFP friends that I signed up for the Indianapolis marathon. Which I completed. :happy:
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    I regret not posting every day in the Indy MFP forum..... :bigsmile:
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I've done that. So far over 2,200 miles. I keep calories as well and minutes/hours. I set a goal of going 1,000 miles this year but I fear I won't make it. Some of it due to a couple of minor knee tweaks.

    Regrets? Can't say I have any.