
Embera Posts: 291 Member
i know its only September but im already getting excited its my favorite night of the year i was wondering what your traditions are for it just a simple ritual or do you have a big dinner a fire perhaps? its the first year im really going to have money to do anything well at least i hope it will be i recently lost my job. but even then i was wondering what you guys do ill admit ive fallen out of practice and i dont remember nearly as much as i should since i lost my bos but again its a little besides the point but if any one has any recommendation for books specifically on stones or tarot but im mainly posting for samhain traditions


  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    eh, since I live in the city, I don't get to do the bonfire much, but a bunch of special hand picked candles (turn off all the lights/electricity from sundown to sunup), offerings, and such with good close friends does the trick too? (after private mediation) and I say a blessing over each candle as I light them (I collect them over the year for such an occasion~and special candles, not the cheap crap either)

    I also tend to regenerate my stones on such a night, the energy is easy to collect? family, field, livestock, hearth, and home is the general aspect of the tradition, so anything you do is a blessing to those you honor? make your offerings to those you honor, give some altar treats to the those that honor and ward you, and be blessed?

    and read your cards, sometimes they can be a bit miffy due to the energies of the day?

    IMO the aspect of the tradition is to be truly thankful and blessed for the preceding bountiful harvest and the embracing of the winter and the fruitfulness of the spring to come. Granted, we don't all live on a farm and live by what the field gives us anymore, but it is a time to let bygones go and feel the energy of life around you? And in today's day and age, sometimes the bountiful harvest is that we have enough to eat and look forward to the herb window garden in the spring? (we have evolved as a people/society and what we used to do does not always have bearing on us in a city life, but the inherent message is the same, honor the family, field, livestock, hearth and home) ~these are items/beings/love that we always cherish and honor in whatever form...Blessings to you!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    It depends on where I am and how much money I have. In college I went to the UU church and had fun at the rituals there. Before I moved to where I am now, one of my besites had rocking alcohol free Halloween parties so I went there an had fun and cooked and got to celebrate life with my besties. Now, I'm not too sure what I'll be doing. My current lease is up Oct 20th ish so I may still be scrambling to get my house set up while burning an autumn spice candle, once for my ancestors, and just making a big dinner for me and my Partner and maybe for the people who help us move.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I will be with my coven.
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    I carved a pumpkin, yeah I know hokie. I feed the seeds from the inside to my chickens they love it. After dark I light a candle in it and put it on my door step. I invite positive energy to enter my home and the negative to be repelled. I set my alter and do a ritual. Sometime I have a bonfire if not I light candles thru out the house.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I am still gearing up for Mabon/Autumn Harvest, lol. But Samhain is usually a time of reflection, thanks, and celebration for me. I am planning on a bonfire this year at a campsite I share with friends. Pagans and nonpagans are welcome, as long as they are respectful of the ceremonies. Me and my fellow witches make a potluck of seasonal food & treats. We give thanks for the last year and the bounty of our personal harvests'. We light candles/lanterns for our loved ones who have passed to continue to watch over us. We also set resolutions and goals for the new cycle. Not sure of what our symbolic sacrifice will be, but luckily I have creative friends.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    I will be honoring ancestors with my druid group this year :)
  • crittergirl222
    crittergirl222 Posts: 120 Member
    I always leave a plate of goodies, as a ceremonial offering to the Others when the veil is thin.I cast my circle, light my candles and I thank the Goddess and God for all of my blessings.

    Then I go to work. :(