
missmylin Posts: 32 Member
I don't enjoy running. There. I said it. The only thing that keeps me going is that I want to know more about the story. And I will continue on with the ZR app after I'm done the 5K because I'm enough of a geek that I want to build my base and hear the whole story.

And maybe I'll learn to enjoy running for its own sake. Someday.


  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I actually enjoy it but the App is the only reason I have been sticking to it. Yesterday, i was cussing the Dr out. No really. I had some one be hind me and I didn't know it and they busted out laughing.
  • krazeedr
    krazeedr Posts: 35 Member
    I don't enjoy running at all. It hurts my knees and hips something awful and I find myself entirely incapable of doing it for longer than 1 minute at a time. It meant that I walked my way thru the ZR5K, season 1 and now thru season 2. I find that I walk more (3-5 miles a day), at a stronger pace (about 3-3.5mph), and more consistently (5-6 days a week) than I ever did before. I don't think you have to run to enjoy ZR. Come join me..."walker"
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I think sometimes it’s a love hate relationship. Some days I love it & other days I’m like !WHAT! were you thinking, this is torture! The thing is I know that I love it. It’s the days that I can’t seem to find my groove that are the hardest & the ones I have to really push myself to keep going. After the run, when it’s one of these hard ones I do feel good though, because I know I pushed through & got it done. Other days though when you do find your groove are just like nothing else. It’s an amazing feeling.

    I think once you finish the program and see how far you have come & how much you can actually run now you will be amazed & want to keep running. I mean why stop after all the blood & sweat you put into it. I also tell myself that if I stop now I will have to start all over again. I have had blisters on top of blisters, PF, etc. etc. & still go back for more. It’s not easy, but I can’t see myself not doing it. So yes, it’s definitely a love hate relationship. Hang in there. The good days will outnumber the bad ones.
  • missmylin
    missmylin Posts: 32 Member
    I actually enjoy it but the App is the only reason I have been sticking to it. Yesterday, i was cussing the Dr out. No really. I had some one be hind me and I didn't know it and they busted out laughing.

    That's awesome! I've caught myself answering back to Sam or the Dr under my breath a few times. :laugh:
  • missmylin
    missmylin Posts: 32 Member
    I think sometimes it’s a love hate relationship. Some days I love it & other days I’m like !WHAT! were you thinking, this is torture! The thing is I know that I love it. It’s the days that I can’t seem to find my groove that are the hardest & the ones I have to really push myself to keep going. After the run, when it’s one of these hard ones I do feel good though, because I know I pushed through & got it done. Other days though when you do find your groove are just like nothing else. It’s an amazing feeling.

    I think once you finish the program and see how far you have come & how much you can actually run now you will be amazed & want to keep running. I mean why stop after all the blood & sweat you put into it. I also tell myself that if I stop now I will have to start all over again. I have had blisters on top of blisters, PF, etc. etc. & still go back for more. It’s not easy, but I can’t see myself not doing it. So yes, it’s definitely a love hate relationship. Hang in there. The good days will outnumber the bad ones.

    Thanks for the inspiration asp415! It kept me going today while I was doing the Week 6 Workout 1 because I got super frustrated halfway through. (My fault for picking a gravel trail instead of the usual paved ones.) I've run daily for the last 4 days, even though I know I'm supposed to rest, and I think my body is mad at me. I know, I know. It's the story, I tell you. I need to know what happens next! So rest for a couple of days and back at it.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I think sometimes it’s a love hate relationship. Some days I love it & other days I’m like !WHAT! were you thinking, this is torture! The thing is I know that I love it. It’s the days that I can’t seem to find my groove that are the hardest & the ones I have to really push myself to keep going. After the run, when it’s one of these hard ones I do feel good though, because I know I pushed through & got it done. Other days though when you do find your groove are just like nothing else. It’s an amazing feeling.

    I think once you finish the program and see how far you have come & how much you can actually run now you will be amazed & want to keep running. I mean why stop after all the blood & sweat you put into it. I also tell myself that if I stop now I will have to start all over again. I have had blisters on top of blisters, PF, etc. etc. & still go back for more. It’s not easy, but I can’t see myself not doing it. So yes, it’s definitely a love hate relationship. Hang in there. The good days will outnumber the bad ones.

    Thanks for the inspiration asp415! It kept me going today while I was doing the Week 6 Workout 1 because I got super frustrated halfway through. (My fault for picking a gravel trail instead of the usual paved ones.) I've run daily for the last 4 days, even though I know I'm supposed to rest, and I think my body is mad at me. I know, I know. It's the story, I tell you. I need to know what happens next! So rest for a couple of days and back at it.

    You are very welcome. I'm glad it helped you. You are brave runner 5, rocky terrain is tough. The story is really fun & does get you going. I finally downloaded the actual storyline one & have used it twice np now to run. It's really good.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't enjoy running at all. It hurts my knees and hips something awful and I find myself entirely incapable of doing it for longer than 1 minute at a time. It meant that I walked my way thru the ZR5K, season 1 and now thru season 2. I find that I walk more (3-5 miles a day), at a stronger pace (about 3-3.5mph), and more consistently (5-6 days a week) than I ever did before. I don't think you have to run to enjoy ZR. Come join me..."walker"

    ^^Love this! :)^^ Walker 5 :laugh: :drinker:

  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I think sometimes it’s a love hate relationship. Some days I love it & other days I’m like !WHAT! were you thinking, this is torture! The thing is I know that I love it. It’s the days that I can’t seem to find my groove that are the hardest & the ones I have to really push myself to keep going. After the run, when it’s one of these hard ones I do feel good though, because I know I pushed through & got it done. Other days though when you do find your groove are just like nothing else. It’s an amazing feeling.

    ^^ this ^^ is exactly how I feel. :) I know I love running, but some days.... ugg! haha!

  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I hated running when I started too, this was back when I was doing run/walk intervals. Not only was it hard and put me out of my comfort zone, but I also was dealing with pelvis pain (9 lb baby). Once I was running 10 mins, if I stoped to walk and started running again I'd get terrible pain in my pelvis. Generally I couldn't start back up again. So I gave up. I tried again a few months later and I kept getting strep throat so I stopped again.

    For some reason I was determined to learn to run. I tried again last year, but stopped with the intervals because of the pelvis pain. I just ran as long as I could and added 5 mins each week, all running no walking.

    Once I got up to running the 5k distance (39:20 at the time) something clicked. Suddenly I enjoyed it and really wanted to see what my body could do. So I kept it up. Right now I'm training for my 3rd and 4th half marathons. I've got a 15 mile training run on the schedule for Sunday. And now my 5k is down to 27 minutes without doing any specific 5k training.

    My advice to you is keep at it! Intervals are no fun, just a means to an end, but if you stick with it, it gets better!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Meh... Biker 5 here! I hate running also. I walked all through season one, unless I was being chased, and I made it most of the way through the 5K training... sorta. But I just really don't like running. Now, this app while biking is the bees knees! I've been having SO much fun with it. Even the chases are fun, unless they catch me going up a hill. Nope, when the zombie apocalypse happens, give me a good bike.
  • missmylin
    missmylin Posts: 32 Member
    Meh... Biker 5 here! I hate running also. I walked all through season one, unless I was being chased, and I made it most of the way through the 5K training... sorta. But I just really don't like running. Now, this app while biking is the bees knees! I've been having SO much fun with it. Even the chases are fun, unless they catch me going up a hill. Nope, when the zombie apocalypse happens, give me a good bike.
    Ha! That's why your speeds are so fast! I was wondering what I was doing wrong when I compared my times to yours, LOL :laugh:
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm a runner for Abel Township!! HOOAH!! Hehehe - I love running. I'm not terribly good at it, and I'm not thin and lithe, but I am determined. :D