Need suggestions on lowering body fat percentage

I am currently at 16% and would like to be between 13 and 14%. I have been lifting more at the gym, increased my protein intake, keep my calories in check but I am not seeing the results. My goal is to seem more definition especially in my abs. Any help is appreciated.

Ps sugar is my arch enemy. I am always over my sugar goal, two pieces of fruit puts me over.


  • Are you kidding me? I'd love to have your current percentage. I'm fighting to get to 18%. I agree on the sugar poison, but never cut out my fruits, only sucrose. Maybe that's my mistake. I take 90 gm protein a day. I've never seen my abs :( I think you look great and apparently already know much of the science behind it. Congrats on your hard work.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I have been lifting more at the gym, increased my protein intake, keep my calories in check but I am not seeing the results. My goal is to seem more definition especially in my abs.

    How long ago did you start lifting more and added in the extra protein? It could take a few weeks for you to start seeing the results.

    Also did you up your ab workouts as well? < not going to effect your body fat loss but once it is lost will make everything look better.

    Good luck!
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    It have been about 4 months on the increased protein, and increased lifting and abs about one month ago.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    What routine are you following? It needs to be "progressive strength training" to develop. If you're doing really high rep low weights, you'll turn it into a cardio session which isn't helpful.
  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    I have been doing high weight low rep to muscle failure. One day of arms, back/shoulders and legs. I include abs in each of my workouts but and thinking about giving them their own day.
  • As far as greater definition, for short term thing (photo shoots, a day at the beach, ect...) you might look into water restriction type diets, these will reduce water retention in the body and show definition well. but this is not a long term type solution.

    Beyond that sounds likely that you just need to keep doing what your doing, maybe go on a maintance diet for a week or two, then drop back into a slight deficit maintaining your current activity level.

    Also not sure if you have done this aready, but make sure to check out other sources for basial metabolic rates based on body fat persentage. I personally set myself on a sedentary diet, and add in all extra workout calories. otherwise the settings may actually be highter then you are actually burning, expecially if you do add in exercise calories on top of the activity level calories, making it appear like you can have more then you should be having.

    These tips are more for if you are on a plateau that you cant seem to break. Hope this is of help.