Newbie - 1st Tri

Hi everyone! I just found this board and hoping I can find some tips and support!
I'm only 5 weeks pregnant, but have already gained about 7lbs. I'm guessing this is primarily bloat, but not being able to get my pants on is quite devastating considering the emotional/hormonal rollercoaster I'm on.
Anyone else had significant weight gain in the first trimester, despite keeping up with their pre-pregnancy workout regime? Did it eventually even out? I'm just terrified of already needing to buy new clothes.
(I typically do 45 min. interval cardio and weight training; obviously cut my interval training down a bit, since I am concerned about doing too much and don't want to harm the baby).

Thank you so much!


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    welcome and congrats! I just wanted to point out that as long as you are feeling up to it and dont have any medical issues then you can continue your normal exercise routine, you dont need to cut down. Exercise in pregnancy is great for both you and baby. good luck!
  • Hi! Welcome & congrats! I am 29 1/2 weeks and have gained 6lbs so far. In the beginning I was up a little more but it did balance out for me. Of course I was also on bed rest for about 6 weeks so being able to be more active helped. I think only 2 pounds are from beyond my 1st trimester. I wouldn't worry too much. For me drinking plenty of water has helped a ton. I'm still wearing my wedding ring & last time I couldn't even get it on weeks before where I am now.
  • oh my yes! After maintaining my weight loss for over a year, my first trimester killed me. I couldn't exercise because my body was just too exhausted all the time. When I started feeling better (second trimester) I started faithfully logging and exercising. The damage was done though, I gained 20 pounds my first trimester. The good news is, is that I didn't gain any weight my second. I'm about to hit 29 weeks and have gained 22 pounds total so far (doctor is okay with that because I started at 115 lbs). The best advise I can give you is to keep logging and try not to be too hard on yourself. I have the hardest time following that last part. Make preggy friends and look at other people's diaries. It will help keep you accountable. Congratulations and welcome!
  • Thanks everyone! This makes me feel better and hearing from others who are currently pregnant. I'm trying not to obsess about weight, but stay healthy. Hoping that being a part of this community will help keep me on track and hold me accountable.