Average WOD calorie burn

DazBraz Posts: 1 Member
Hi CF'ers,

What do you reckon the average calorie burn of a WOD?


  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    On average? I usually run just shy of 500 calories... but I've been as low as 400 and as high as 650-700. It really depends on the WOD and the intensity I decide to go at. This is for regular CF WODs. On MetCons, anywhere between 700-900 calories.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Very tough to say. My guess-timate is based on my calorie burn on a treadmill. I know what my hourly rate is, I know that if I run at about 5.5mph that CF is harder than that, so I bumped up the calorie total a bit and created my own cardio category. I'd say for me (at 6'3 and 295) it's about 700 calories an hour. Tonights was probably more, some of them are less.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member

    Honestly, I have no idea. The only way to really know is to wear a HRM for at least a week during classes, I'd think.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I've worn my HRM a few times just to get an idea. Our workouts vary a lot. The past two days were:

    Warmup 400m run, 15 toe touches, 15 air squats, 15 pushups, 15 shoulder dislocators, 15 overhead squats w/PVC
    Skill: 3-3-3-3-3 push press as heavy as possible
    WOD: For time - 800m run, Grace, 800m run (19 min)
    68 minutes - 685 calories.

    Warmup : 800m run, 30 pushups, 30 situps, 30 wallballs
    No skill
    WOD: AMRAP 10 rounds 30 sec on/30 sec off Clean Squat Thrusters (total working time 5 min)
    50 min - 545 calories
  • xX_Samantha_Xx
    xX_Samantha_Xx Posts: 166 Member
    Well, I USED to estimate between 400-500.. THEN, I got my HRM. I have found that I burn from 800-1000. I always estimate lower for MFP purposes, though. If it says 1000, I usually say 800 for accuracy issues. But, it's way more than I thought, regardless. I start it during the warm up, and run it the entire time. So, in the end... A LOT!

    *Edited to add that sometimes if the workout isn't SO intense, I've seen 500-600 or so. But that's rare. It may also depends on how much you weigh and how hard your heart has to work. Calorie burn might not be the same for someone thinner or in more shape.. But I'm not an expert.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I wear my HRM and it can range anywhere from 350 to 700 depending on the WOD. Running WODS and longer AMRAPS usually are on the higher end of the range. When we focus mainly on strength and then do a short WOD, I'm around 350.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    I generally wear a hrm and for 75 minutes (which include the full workout and stretching beforehand ) I burn anywhere between 800-1000 cals.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    My HRM for 60 minutes is between 450 and 650
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Thing is, with CF, there is also the afterburn factor which HRM can not estimate. I HATE not knowing how many damn calories to eat for the day, because no clue if my Polar is even close to what calorie burn is. Polar watch battery dead anyway and have not found one store who carries CR1632 batteries :(
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    I wouldn't rely on a HRM, on me and others I've known, they've proven to be really inaccurate. For me, at 114 lbs, I estimate that I burn 8-10 cal per minute when I'm working at a sprint pace...sprint pace being key...I'm obviously not burning that much during a warm up, OLY work or strength work... For the purposes of logging my exercise on here, I go with the lesser number (8 cal/min) so that I'm not overestimating and fooling myself. You'll burn a little more if you weigh more, but not much. 8-12 cal/min based on body weight
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Thing is, with CF, there is also the afterburn factor which HRM can not estimate.

    also this...
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Thing is, with CF, there is also the afterburn factor which HRM can not estimate. I HATE not knowing how many damn calories to eat for the day, because no clue if my Polar is even close to what calorie burn is. Polar watch battery dead anyway and have not found one store who carries CR1632 batteries :(

    I bought my batteries from a pound shop...
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    With me it varies, usually between 400-800 calories per hour
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Thing is, with CF, there is also the afterburn factor which HRM can not estimate.

    also this...

    Absolutely. This is why I switched to a TDEE calculation then eat at a deficit to that. Tweaked it a bit to find what worked but now I'm pretty comfortable.