When I Get Stressed I...

m23prime Posts: 358 Member
used to reach for cigarettes...then it was potato chips...

But neither smoking or comfort eating are compatible with my current goals...and YET...wouldn't you know it?

There is still stress in my life! There are still emotional triggers that demand a physical response!

Just because I declared that is was Time to Change and do good things for myself and all that stuff we talk about...nothing actually changes except me.

The obligations, duties, and stresses of work, family, death and taxes all remain.

Holly inspired this tread with a NSV about a change in mindset.

Please finish the sentence suggested by Topic Subject:

Here's my replacement for cigarettes and potato chips to:

When I get stressed I ...

take the dog for a walk.


  • coretha38
    coretha38 Posts: 11 Member
    My replacement for veggie out on comfort food while watching TV (sweets are my Achilles' heel):

    When I get stressed ...

    I work out on my stationary bike while watching TV
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Up until a couple of months ago, when I was stressed out I would chain smoke.


    When I get stressed I listen to music and write.
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    If I'm at work, I do pushups or take a walk. If I'm home, I do pushups or eat. Mostly pushups.
  • hollyla9905
    When I get stressed I cry... I cried less when I was a smoker an drinker but I gave those up some time ago up until a month ago I cried while having a date with my fridge but now I just cry... I'm told this is a healthy emotional response but Its very embarrassing for me so i usually hide to do it! And for the last month I also come log on and go to some of my favorite threads that make me happy.

    Yes much better coping tools!

    Givens I liked your answer!
    And I see a few other reformed smokers... What a difference it makes to exercising I love that I can walk for 40 minutes and still breath!
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Ohhh, I like this topic. Mostly it's still 'eat' but I have been working on changing that. Must just remember that even though stressed spelled backwards is desserts doesn't mean I need to have a sweetie!

    Here are my new things I will do when I'm stressed:

    Go for a walk or do some yoga
    Read a good book
    Pet my kitties
    Have a cup of herbal tea
    Talk to a friend
    Vent on MFP :) (Yay, lucky you guys!)

    Holly - crying is good release. I cry for all kinds of things not just stress - the onion ninjas get me for sappy facebook posts, commercials, songs, and so on. Happy things, sad things, even if I laugh too hard... and stress too. Whatever helps to release some of the tension can't be bad.

    Jess - oooh, writing :) Journal or stories? I am just nosy so shush me if too personal to talk about :)

    Everybody who works out - yay, you :) You are an inspiration!!
    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    When I get Stressed: I will go downstairs and walk on my treadmill, ride my stationary bike, or tackle my elliptical.

    When I get stressed: I will sit on the floor and play with my pup

    When I get stressed: I will go sit out on the deck and enjoy the weather

    When I get stressed: I will read my book
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Jess - oooh, writing :) Journal or stories? I am just nosy so shush me if too personal to talk about :)

    Both, actually. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I will just write whatever comes out and it doesn't make any sense, other times it comes out as poetry or short stories. :-)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    used to graze, non-stop. (Physically can't do that any more.)

    Now I pace, or play Plants vs. Zombies (great way to get your mind off anything for a couple of hours.)

    If I'm really stressed I will find any way possible to head ot the gym. Lifting and treadmill for an hour will leave me stress relieved, at least for a while.
  • slh0307
    slh0307 Posts: 50 Member
    My favorite thing to do when I am stressed/exhausted is to pop in one of my all time favorite movies.

    Light candles and have a good soak.

    When I get stressed I start cleaning and straightening something.

    When I get stressed I practice square breathing, inhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and begin again.

    When I get stressed I sing out loud.

    When I get stressed I brew some tea.

    I am not a stress/emotional eater. I do think stress makes me store fat.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    My favorite thing to do when I am stressed/exhausted is to pop in one of my all time favorite movies.

    Oh yeah? What are some of your favorite movies? I'm not sure how relaxing mine are.

    (Or if I even know what my favorite films are anymore...I mean...Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Metropolis, and The Good The Bad and The Ugly are all fun and interesting films...but relaxing is not an adjective I would choose to describe ANY of them.

    I am sure there are lots of threads Out There...on the main site...(shudders) for sharing those kinds of opinions and suggestions...but I only want to talk to you and the rest of the group...not All Of Them.)
  • myndikins
    Music is my best option when I'm stressed out. Sometimes though, if its really bad, they only thing you can do is take a nap lol

    If I have time (which I usually don't, hence the stress), I love to take a few hours to play the Sims 3, but my computer has died on me so I can't do that anymore. I also cook a lot when I'm stressed (healthy cooking though :drinker: ). Honestly though, usually I just don't have time to stop what I'm doing, so I just get some music and power through until I can collapse later on.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    When I get stressed I...

    read a book
    take a bath