
VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
Anyone taking Armour?


  • Hi, I have just rejoined this site and have hashimotoes. I was wondering the same thing. Hoping to get info from those with thyroid issues. How are you doing?
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I'm actually doing quite better! I did not feel all that great the first few days of staring Armour. It started turning around at day 5 and then by day 10 I was feeling pretty good! Most days are pretty positive however once a week or so i Have a really drained/wiped out day. Also, around my menstrual cycle week I am completely fatigued! Not sure if that is thyroid related or something else! I have only been on aarmour for 7 weeks so my body probably is adjusted or regulated yet
  • I've been back on Armour for nearly a year now and it really makes a huge difference in my energy levels and how I feel in general. I also have Cushing's disease as well so while being on Armour eases and balances out some of my symptoms, it unfortunately doesn't solve them all. That being said, at least being back on Armour I have the energy to get myself to the gym nearly every day, stepping up my workouts from the walking and dancing and resistance bands I was doing before, now I'm able to include swimming, aqua aerobics, and Zumba. I was also looking to see if there were any fellow Cushie's on here but not had any luck so far.
  • I am taking Armour and have been since mid July of this year. I feel much better most days but I am still struggling to lose weight even with working out 3-4 times a week and eating a very clean diet. I am so frustrated that my journey is so much harder than anybody else around me....
  • heidstress207
    heidstress207 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm hypo...not taking it currently. Wondering more about it though. Don't have a lot of info. Do you all take it instead of scrip thyroid drugs or in addition to?? I am experiencing some sort of thyroid down right now...fatigue, hair loss, still managing to lose weight though. I have started/been on NOW thyroid energy supp. and eve. primrose supp. for two almost three weeks now. I think it's working...can't totally tell. Hair still falling out though:( Any and all info discussion appreciated!! :love:
  • willbfit4life
    willbfit4life Posts: 9 Member
    I'm taking Armour, started around 3months ago. I already feel much better since my last increase around 2 weeks ago and I'm finally starting to lose some of the 30lbs I have gained over the last year since my thyroidectomy. I see an integrated doctor rather than an endocrinologist, as the endocrinologist would not listen to me and my symptoms, but rather only went by TSH level. Best thing I could have done! I highly recommend it! To the person with Hashi's-have you ever heard of the AIP diet? It is a modified Paleo diet for people with autoimmune disease. Perhaps this could help? I don't follow the protocol myself, but I know a lot of people do and have found they felt much better.
  • willbfit4life
    willbfit4life Posts: 9 Member
    P.S. Armour is a prescription medication-it is natural desicated pig thryoid hormone. You get it at the pharmacy, just like synthroid