Paleo Project

Hi guys. I ran across a link for this project and wanted to share it b/c I think it's a great idea. The idea is for 52 people to agree to submit 9 recipes (7 dinner ideas and 2 breakfast ideas) that will be placed in a collection and distributed to the participants. This will give you one dinner recipe for every single day of the year, and breakfast for every saturday and sunday. Great idea! Takes the thought process out of being paleo. Included with each week's menu will be a grocery list (compiled by the participant) to accompany the menu.

I struggle with coming up with new ideas for meals each week and, let's face it, the same old starts to get boring after a bit. I think what Brooks is doing here is a great idea. The original deadline has passed, but he's still accepting participants who are willing to help.

Right now, he's got 7 participants. That's not very many people. We need way more people than that to get this off the ground.

He highlights the "rules" in the article, but basically there are none. You can submit original or published recipes b/c the collection will not be sold, therefore there's no legal ramifications for submitting a published recipe. May or may not include dairy, but he prefers not to make it more useful to those who can't have dairy in their diet.

Recipes can be complex or easy. Your call.

Wanna join up? Good! Go to this link and email Brooks. He'll send you an email back with specifics.


  • That's a great idea, thanks for sharing! I am working on my entries.
  • alice1128
    alice1128 Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds like fun...I'm in. I sent an email today to see if he's still doing the project.