Do it on the Daily



  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Had a great weekend. The spouse and I had date night which doesn't happen often. So needless to say, I drank and ate too much. It doesn't happen often so WTH right?!

    I have done all the things that I need to do to stay on track with my meal planning and logging, so here's to Monday!

    I hope you all had a great weekend!
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    So yesterday, my husband went out and bought me two 12 packs of soda. fml. wtf? I can't decide if he's trying to sabotage me, or if he's just plain stupid. He probably thinks he's helping. I'm irritated, but I guess it will be a good way for me to test my resolve? He also bought two half gallons of ice cream (my favorite kinds) when I asked him to pick me up a Mcdonalds fudge sunday. I'm incredibly irked. I know it's more cost effective to buy the half gallons... but we're not worried about money, we're worried about my weight. I will glady pay more, for less food.

    That can make it sooooo challenging. I'm convinced that my spouse likes me fat so he feels more confident. lol Shame on him, but he has always done this. The only thing that changed it was me being strong and staying away from whatever he brought as my weakness. It sucks. Stay strong. Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels!
  • ibculverized
    I ate some pretty "rich" foods this weekend and even went a little over on my cal intake. I am still dedicated to getting this weight off. It was fun to eat in moderation though and not feel like I was depriving myself of the things I like. I hope that when I weigh on Wednesday the scale tips in my favor. If it doesn't I know that I am moving in the right direction because I already feel better and my clothes are not as snug as they were two weeks ago. That in itself is motivation. So here is to Monday and getting back at it! Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Morning all! I couldn't agree more w ibeculverized :) it's not just about the scale but also how our clothes fit etc .. Went crazy this weekend but I ran for today am am doing well
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Happy Monday all!!!!
    Had a good weekend, was finally able to get in my pool..... i beat the battle of the algae (although my liner is stained :( )
    My football team won yesterday - AND Peyton Manning had an amazing game on Thursday!

    Although I got up late this morning - I did manage to make it to the gym for my workout - ran home and got ready there VS the gym - got the dishes done, some laundry done, ironed my shirt.... its been a good day....
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Hi all!

    Yep, I had a disastrous Saturday, as anticipated. Ate too many calories, and my only "exercise" was walking around and shopping! So when I logged in on Sunday to complete my disastrous diary for Saturday, my head was hung pretty low. But guess what?! As soon as I got on the site, there it was... My food diary for SUNDAY, all neat and pristine. Nothing eaten yet, and a whole day in which to get something done. Tomorrow really was a brand new day, and it made me smile.

    Not sure how my Wednesday checkin will go. My weight has been trending upward, but not drastically. And I've got a couple of Brand New Days until then... and a whole lot more until Christmas.

    I think I'll be okay. :-)
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all!

    Yep, I had a disastrous Saturday, as anticipated. Ate too many calories, and my only "exercise" was walking around and shopping! So when I logged in on Sunday to complete my disastrous diary for Saturday, my head was hung pretty low. But guess what?! As soon as I got on the site, there it was... My food diary for SUNDAY, all neat and pristine. Nothing eaten yet, and a whole day in which to get something done. Tomorrow really was a brand new day, and it made me smile.

    Not sure how my Wednesday checkin will go. My weight has been trending upward, but not drastically. And I've got a couple of Brand New Days until then... and a whole lot more until Christmas.

    I think I'll be okay. :-)

    Great attitude!
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    So today I've been kicking *kitten* and taking name just like I did in the beginning. Food all good, weighed, and logged. Workout done. And the best part, tomorrow I get to do it all over again. The great part is soon my booty and all other parts of me will be getting smaller and firmed.

    Here's to losing weight and getting fit!

    Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels!
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    So today I've been kicking *kitten* and taking name just like I did in the beginning. Food all good, weighed, and logged. Workout done. And the best part, tomorrow I get to do it all over again. The great part is soon my booty and all other parts of me will be getting smaller and firmed.

    Here's to losing weight and getting fit!

    Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels!

    You so motivate me! Thanks for your great attitude!
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Well today not so good. Not so bad either. My gf's and I get together about once a month for coffee, so I indulged in flavored coffee creamer and lots of it. You know loaded with sugar and fat. I almost brought almond milk and stevia with me but really this is only once a month. Everything else was good and I'm getting ready to go on my run. I think my body is finally adjusting to heavy lifting. I am sore today from yesterday's workout but not like I was last week. Last week I couldn't move for daaayyysss afterward. It was bad.
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Heavy lifting is the BEST, if your body can handle it without breaking, of course. I figure, I'm going to be sore anyway, so why not lift as much as I possibly can?? Pain is pain, and whether you're going for "toning" or going for "gaining" (lean muscle, that is), pretty much it allllll hurts the same. Might as well pack on the muscle mass (= calorie burning body mass), and be stronger. Trust me ladies, unless you're juicing (a la Arnold-style, not the Vitamix thing!), you will NOT get all weird and man-looking. We just don't have the testosterone to look like that. I used to be all freaked out about it (when I was younger and lifting H-E-A-V-Y), and sure enough, I always just looked like a girl.

    Anyway, just my lifting rant. Finished my arms & shoulders day. Oweeee. Gonna hurt tomorrow. It's all good!
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Heavy lifting is the BEST, if your body can handle it without breaking, of course. I figure, I'm going to be sore anyway, so why not lift as much as I possibly can?? Pain is pain, and whether you're going for "toning" or going for "gaining" (lean muscle, that is), pretty much it allllll hurts the same. Might as well pack on the muscle mass (= calorie burning body mass), and be stronger. Trust me ladies, unless you're juicing (a la Arnold-style, not the Vitamix thing!), you will NOT get all weird and man-looking. We just don't have the testosterone to look like that. I used to be all freaked out about it (when I was younger and lifting H-E-A-V-Y), and sure enough, I always just looked like a girl.

    Anyway, just my lifting rant. Finished my arms & shoulders day. Oweeee. Gonna hurt tomorrow. It's all good!

    Doesn't it drive you crazy when you tell people that you lift and they think you want to be like Arnold and are going to grow an adam's apple?! I bought a Monster Muscle and the cashier asked me if I was trying to bulk up. Went with my sister when she signed up at a local gym, told the "personal trainer" that I wanted to start lifting. She said I would need to eat more calories than I'm burning, and she's supposed to be the professional. Makes me crazy.
  • ibculverized
    I want to add lifting into my workouts eventually. Right now I have been concentrating on cardio and trying to get some weight off first. I want to be ale to flap the heavy comforter across my bed when I am making it up and not feel like my arms are gonna fall off. LOL!!
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    Had a nice NSV today - I've been working my way through C25K and it's been tough just about every day. Today, I got all the way through and went "Wait, that's it? I'm finished and still feeling good?" so I added an extra chunk of running into my walk home from the park...and I still didn't feel like I was dying.
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    The calories you ingest when drinking. Drinking itself is bad calorie-wise..add in a potluck appetizer= :ohwell: :drinker:
  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    I want to add lifting into my workouts eventually. Right now I have been concentrating on cardio and trying to get some weight off first. I want to be ale to flap the heavy comforter across my bed when I am making it up and not feel like my arms are gonna fall off. LOL!!

    ^^I thought the same thing when I first started out. I talked to two different trainers & they both said cardio is good for you, but lifting weights are even better. You should do more weight lifting then cardio throughout the week. Building lean muscle will help with fat loss, and it will also help pull your skin back as you lose weight; which that way you wont get loose skin. It will seem like your weight loss slows down but its just because you gaining muscle, but you can def feel it in your clothes.

    My trainer told me this which has stuck with me "If cardio was the key to weight loss, then there would be no point to have gyms or a trainer. Everyone would be thin if all you had to do was walk." Makes sense right???