Week 2: 9/8 to 9/14 weigh in and discussion



  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    Starting Weight: 257.1
    This Weeks Weight: 252.8
    Total Amount Loss in last week: 4.3lbs
  • Adaelion
    Adaelion Posts: 10 Member
    sorry I'm late with this but I've been busy with work
    my starting weight 2 weeks ago was 270
    current weight now is 264.7
    I plan on being 240-245 by Nov 30th
  • I'm a bit late, but I weighed in at 161lbs this week. I'm down a pound from my start weight of 162lbs. My goal for this challenge is 148lbs so only 13lbs to go!
  • Starting Weight: 174.6
    This Weeks Weight (9/16): 173.6
    Total Loss: 1 lb
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting weight 97kg
    Current weight 96.3kg
    Current Loss 0.7kg

    Had a good week last week and even though I was out for dinner Saturday night and had 3 courses including a ridonkulous chocolate mousse the good work I did for the rest of the week held me in good stead.

    I rode 30 km's on Sunday morning. It's a great ride which is in general uphill the whole way out to the 15 km point and then I turn around and it is mostly downhill the whole way home. I also did a 13 km ride and a 2.5 km walk earlier in the week.

    I cooked dinner 6 nights last week and lunch was mostly a small tin of tuna and a salad of some description throughout the week.
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Haven't exercised in 2 weeks and I saw that result on the scale. Up one pound this week.
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