Anti-androgens affect on weight loss?

Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
I'm cross posting this from the transgender group here...

I'm halfway to my goal (235 --> 208 --> 180). I want to be in 170-190 before starting HRT if possible. I'm also waiting on full HRT for ~6-9 months due to marriage, kids, etc.

If I were to start anti-androgens now, how would that affect my ability to lose weight? My hunger?

My diet is currently ~1600 calories. Cereal and yogurt for breakfast and usually a salad for lunch, and one for dinner (both with meat). It worked great for the first month (20 lbs in 4 weeks) and is still working now (7-8 lbs in 3 weeks) - I expect it to slow down as I get closer to my goals. I'm starting exercise, though it's been hard to fit it in.


  • s3girl
    s3girl Posts: 14 Member
    This is all coming from my experience since there's next to nothing online about it.

    I'm three years into HRT. AAs really didn't start affecting my body shape until maybe 18 months. That was when losing weight starting getting a bit more difficult, but it's really not that much worse... more of a discipline/cheating thing. There are *tons* of women that lose weight it just comes down to diet and exercise.

    Lately (so, well into three years), I've started to notice that "maintenance" calories for a guy my age/height/weight make me gain fat especially if I'm not working out consistently. So, perhaps my metabolism is slowing to that of a cis woman.

    For the short of it: diet & exercise are going to affect you far more than HRT for the first couple of years.
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    That's awesome to hear! Thank you. <3

    As soon as I came out my diet turned very girl like... I don't want to stereotype (since my wife certainly doesn't eat like this), but it's what I need to do to get where I need to go. I figure on increasing my exercise (now) and increase or decrease my calories as needed in the future, based on exercise and metabolism.