Pre gastric sleeve



  • Hey everyone, I am going through the phases to the sleeve procedure done. I am almost done with phase one. I'm not sure how it's done in other places, but where I am we have 2 phases to complete. The 1st one is primarily educational. I have just a few more steps to complete in phase 1. I am currently at 239 and I need to lose about 9 more lbs before I can do the surgery. My daily calorie goal is 1200 calories, as assigned by the nutritionist. So far, I am having difficulty adhering to 1200 calories a day. Today is the closest I've gotten with 1594 calories. The first day was my birthday and I did really well until dinner time but I tried to do better than my normal birthdays.

    Does anyone have any tips?
  • My team suggests that we use protein shakes as a way to help us get the necessary protein needed.
  • Thank You! Sounds like it took you about a month to get used to the changes. I'm ready for "my normal". Rt now I just feel an overall since of being uncomfortable at times. wishing you the best, too.
  • Thank You! Wow rt now I can't imagine getting in that much h2o lol. But I know that it'll happen, over time.
  • Randicooper19, What I did b4 deciding to take this step is I dieted for yrs with success. I changed my eating habits yrs before now. I have always enjoyed trying new recipes etc. I created a folder & I'm on pinterest with ALL healthy recipes. That way, I'm still getting delicious meals but low cal high protein. You're at a point where you have a lot of flexibility, take advantage of it. Also, plan your meals. With many of these meals I was below my calorie goal. Wishing you the best.
  • Thanks for the advice Charmin!
  • Thanks all of you for sharing your experiences, I stop it the pain
    medicine the second day after my sirurgy, so that I can drive. I feel
    good, only a little of pain when I move hard, yesterday
    I went back to my work, couldnt finish my day since started to
    feel tired, so I come back home to rest. Now i may be taking about 42 oz
    of liquid including the 12 oz of protein shake (160cal/30protein), my taste
    changed a lot, theres no way I can even taste Jello. Havent experiment
    nausea except for 3 times the same day and the day after, so Im doing good.
    Im ready to start excersising by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So far
    i loose 10 pounds last week. ; )

    Thank you all!
  • critelyn72
    critelyn72 Posts: 10 Member

    hello new here I am Christy,

    I am already into the journey towards surgery in January 2014

    I am struggling to soda & coffee addiction and walking 20 minutes a day need motivation & self-disciple I suppose.
    I heard there is a lot dietary problems afterwards. I have diabetes kidney disease neuropathy through out my gi track and left leg
    I'd like to meet with both pre & post op patients hear of their struggles and how over come them

    how is ur recovery going? I curious if ur having any struggles
  • wjohnsey
    wjohnsey Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Christy, I'm new here too. I am 1 week post-surgery and I am doing great. I was on insulin, metformin, and glipizide for my Type 2 diabetes. My doc had me stop the metformin a few days before the surgery and my last insulin shot was the day before. My sugar readings were between 120-140 in the hospital and they restarted my glipizide before I left. The day I got home my sugar was 60 so I stopped the glipizide (with my doctor's blessing). So I am on no diabetes meds now and my sugars are holding steady between 90 and 110ish. As I add more carbs back to my diet I may have to take something again but I'm real encouraged right now that at least I appear to be done with the insulin injections. The neuropathy in my feet is still bothering me and I'm still taking neurontin to control that. Hopefully that will get better with time.
    I've been very fortunate in that I have had almost no real pain except for the first couple of days. As soon as I came home I was only taking liquid Tylenol and now less than a week I'm not taking anything for pain. I was spared the surgical gas pains I heard so much about.
    The liquid diet hasn't been that bad. I like Jello so I have that going for me. The broth is getting old but it is only temporary. Tomorrow I get to move on to the full liquid diet so I get to have runny cream of wheat. I'm really quite excited about that. My brain still thinks I'm hungry all the time but if I listen to my body I know that it just doesn't take much more than some Jello and broth to satisfy me for a while.
    I cut back on coffee and soda but I didn't quit completely before my surgery. I didn't have any withdrawal headaches. I'd love to have a cup of coffee in the morning but I know I shouldn't just yet.
    Everyone has a different experience but mine has been very positive. I hope the same for you.
  • critelyn72
    critelyn72 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for giving me your story... can I add u as friend?:smile:
  • wjohnsey
    wjohnsey Posts: 5 Member
  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm Randi and I just started down the path towards getting sleeved. My insurance requires 6 months of supervised diet/exercise so I'm targeting surgery in late March/early April. I'm going on a cruise in August and really hope that I'll be on a roll by then.

    The nurses say that I'm the perfect candidate as the only co-morbidity that I have so far is pre-diabetes and hypothyroidism. I'm on Metformin, which should go away with the weight loss, and synthroid, which I'll probably be on for life but hopefully at a lower dose.

    I'm a little nervous about my psych eval on Thursday. I've never been to a psychiatrist before and I know that he can stop the whole process. Then again, I'm not depressed and I think I understand what I'm in for, so maybe it won't be a big deal?
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a little nervous about my psych eval on Thursday. I've never been to a psychiatrist before and I know that he can stop the whole process. Then again, I'm not depressed and I think I understand what I'm in for, so maybe it won't be a big deal?

    No need to worry. At my psych evaluation, afterward, I asked the shrink whether I "passed". He explained that he wasn't there to tell my doctor whether I should have the surgery, only whether he saw anything that leads him to believe I should NOT. Be honest about your past, and realistic about your future leading up to and post-surgery. They just want to know that you're stable enough to give the requirements your honest effort. Thousands of us have succeeded with this - there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't.
  • Where do you live that you were able to have it so quickly? I live in the US and our insurance requires six MONTHS of Dr monitored weight loss attempt before ok-ing surgery
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    I just realized that I posted on here on April 30th, right before I started my pre-op diet. Thought I'd check back in now that it's been almost 6 month since my surgery. Well, it's been quite a journey. Who knew that the surgery itself would be the easy part? The pre-op diet, the recovery food stages for nine weeks, that was really hard. But now that I can eat regular food and pretty much live a normal life, it's all been worth it. I exercise almost daily and physically cannot eat much food so the weight has dropped off. As of today, I have gone from 278 lbs to 198 and from 50+ waist to 38. I eat mostly protein and try to avoid carbs. I also allow myself some indulgences, a drink or two or something unhealthy. My opinion is that this surgery should not be a punishment. I still want to have fun and enjoy myself; just with alot less weight! I miss aspects of my old way of life sometimes, life a huge steak or a buffet but if it wasn't for my sleeve, I would have long gone back to my old habits and gained back all my weight as I've done many times. I've told people it's more fun being fat, eating and drinking whatever and whenever I want; but that's a dead end street and no way to live. Best of luck to all pre-sleevers, it's not easy but worth it if you are serious about losing weight once and for all.
  • Thank you for that tip...about the pillows ..
    hope everything went well for you.
  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks Nick for the feedback. I had my psych eval and it went well. He said that he usually has two meetings but since I seemed really knowledgeable about the surgery and well prepared, he was going to see if he could get the insurance to accept only one meeting. If not, I'll go back to him next week. It seems like a waste of insurance dollars,but if that's what my insurance wants, so be it.

    I have my second meeting with the dietitian on Friday, four to go! This month's goals were journaling, increasing my water intake and exercise. No changes to my diet yet, but I expect that to change on Friday. I know that I've got to get started on some of these lifestyle changes no so it's easier later.

    Anyone have suggestions as to what I should set for next month's goals? What were the hardest changes for you?


    p.s. Mamaof5, I've also got 6 months of supervision Oct - March. Insurance said 3 weeks from last appt to surgery was a normal timeframe.
  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    2nd Dietician appt. done and all's well. I didn't lose any weight but didn't expect to as I wasn't making much in the way of changes. This month I'm going to try to increase the exercise to 150 min/week.
  • LisHardesty
    LisHardesty Posts: 4 Member
    I have my sleeve surgery this coming Friday... Today is day 9 on the pre op liquid diet... My husband and I have found several different flavored broths at walmart... One of our favorites is Mexican tortilla soup... We mix in a little fat free sour cream with unflavored protein powder and xanthum gum... This makes an amazing creamy protein soup... We have learned to use a variety of seasonings and broth flavor to keep things from getting boring... I also do a tropical protein smoothie for breakfast using pineapple juice... Coconut extract and fat free yogurt... Add some sweetener and ice and blend it up and I'm a happy girl!!! This has made the liquid diet doable and actually fun... I'm shocked how satisfying the soup can be... Of course having snow and cold weather helps!!! I also in between protein shakes will do the broth only or jello... It helps that I love jello... At night I gave a sugar free bomb pop and those are my dessert... I would have really struggled with just vanilla or chocolate protein shakes... I don't care for the flavor or the consistency...
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Where do you live that you were able to have it so quickly? I live in the US and our insurance requires six MONTHS of Dr monitored weight loss attempt before ok-ing surgery
    I live in the US and started looking in December 2012. I decided in February, was approved in March and sleeved in June 2013.

    The insurance companies' six month requirement started just after me. My friends now need to wait too.

    With all the education, decision-making, testing, dieting, various doctor appointments, and learning a new lifestyle, it still took me four months. And this while rushing to meet a serious deadline at work. My poor doctor's aide - I was very pushy!

    It disturbed me that it kept taking more time. I wasn't forewarned about everything that would be needed. You, on the other hand, have a heads up that it will be 6 months. If your program is as thorough as mine, those six months will be full and you wont be ready until then anyway.

    Good luck!