Not ready for my HM in less than a week...

natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
My training has fallen apart in the last 3 weeks for various reasons (mostly life), and I am wondering if I should switch from running a HM race on Saturday to a 10K. In my training I have gotten in 1 13 miles run an 4-5 11+ mile runs. In August, I ran 129 miles, but in September I have only run 39 miles so far!! I ran 8.3 miles today, and felt great until the last couple miles when I really started to lose motivation, and my legs were tight and hurting. I could have pushed through and gotten a couple more miles in, but I also didn't want to ruin myself for a family bike ride later today.

I was hoping to PR on this one, but don't think that is possible now. My best HM time is 2:08. I did run a great 4 mile tempo run a few days ago at 8:46 avg pace. I think maybe the adrenaline and the race atmosphere will carry me through, but I am also doing a big server upgrade for a client starting on Thursday, and will need to work some this weekend too (hopefully remotely).

I do have another HM on November 2nd, which is pretty flat, and can really go for a PR on that one. So do I run this one, and just really hold my pace back, or do I run the 10K instead?


  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    It sounds like your mind set is not to run this one, from what I just read. Im sure you would do fine and make it through to the finish line but unless you feel good about doing it , I myself would not do it and wait for your Nov. 2 one. Do the 10 K like you mentioned :0 ) I hope what ever you decide ..all goes well for you :)
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I would go ahead and run the HM. If you are not feeling up to a PR effort on the day you can still get a strong training run done during the race. It will help you prepare for a PR effort in Nov.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I agree with Scott, use it as a training run, and focus on a PR in November. My goal half PR is in December - and I have plenty of halfs in between, that I am doing as training runs.
  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    It's normal to happen this in the last weeks before a race that we are aiming. Don't change your planes, go and do this HM! You had trained to much to do it, and do it well! You will be fine!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    You paid for the half marathon, sounds like you can definitely handle that distance ~ you should run it! I wouldn't pin my hopes on a PR, but rather, I'd go in with an open mind and see how I felt.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    My training has fallen apart in the last 3 weeks for various reasons (mostly life), and I am wondering if I should switch from running a HM race on Saturday to a 10K. In my training I have gotten in 1 13 miles run an 4-5 11+ mile runs. In August, I ran 129 miles, but in September I have only run 39 miles so far!! I ran 8.3 miles today, and felt great until the last couple miles when I really started to lose motivation, and my legs were tight and hurting. I could have pushed through and gotten a couple more miles in, but I also didn't want to ruin myself for a family bike ride later today.

    I was hoping to PR on this one, but don't think that is possible now. My best HM time is 2:08. I did run a great 4 mile tempo run a few days ago at 8:46 avg pace. I think maybe the adrenaline and the race atmosphere will carry me through, but I am also doing a big server upgrade for a client starting on Thursday, and will need to work some this weekend too (hopefully remotely).

    I do have another HM on November 2nd, which is pretty flat, and can really go for a PR on that one. So do I run this one, and just really hold my pace back, or do I run the 10K instead?

    If you need to PR, this might not be the race for you. OTOH, you've got the miles in the bank and you're well rested so know that you can cover the distance. Could you back off a little and look at it as a hard training run (as I did in February*)?

    *I has lots of injuries in 2012 but I was able to start training again in December of that year. During a conversation I had in January about the upcoming Half, I learned that it was scheduled on February 3 (2/3/13) when I thought the race was on March 2 (3/2/13)! O'****, right?

    I was very undertrained, had just lost a month of training, and the race was 4 weeks out. There was no way I could be ready for the race so I turned it into a hard training run.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    The magic at the HM will make you forget all the negative stuff. Worst case, you paid for a training run and got a shirt/medal too. Go for it - you got it!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks, everyone - I am going to go ahead and run the half. Just going to enjoy it!
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Have a great race.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yup, I'll echo what everyone else said!! =)

    Enjoy it!