Jogging stroller that can be used with newborn?

I'm looking for recommendations for a jogging stroller. I have had to stop running while pregnant, because my pelvis hurts too badly, and I want to get back to it as soon as possible once the baby is born. I don't know much about strollers because I don't usually use them, and I don't know ANYTHING about jogging strollers. I have heard that some are not supportive enough for newborns, though? We won't have an infant car seat (we'll be using a convertible), so I need to be able to put the baby directly into the stroller.

Oh, also, this stroller will be used on paved sidewalks and streets, as I do all of my running in my neighborhood. I need to be able to turn easily, as I will be making 90 degree turns, not running on a track.


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I have the mountain buggy and I used it from day one. It does come with bassinet and carseat adapter options if u want to buy those, I didnt bother though.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    We have the Cougar Chariot 2 which, when used with the infant sling, can be used at 4 weeks old. We're not buying the sling since our December due date probably isn't the best time to jog outdoors with a newborn in Chicago, but it's an option.

    (The CC2 is really cool as it has adapter kits for cycling, jogging, snow skiing/snowshoeing, hiking.... If you do a lot of outdoorsy stuff it might be worth it, as opposed to buying separate units for each sport.)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Wow. Um, anything closer to the $100-200 range?
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    We have the Cougar Chariot 2 which, when used with the infant sling, can be used at 4 weeks old. We're not buying the sling since our December due date probably isn't the best time to jog outdoors with a newborn in Chicago, but it's an option.

    (The CC2 is really cool as it has adapter kits for cycling, jogging, snow skiing/snowshoeing, hiking.... If you do a lot of outdoorsy stuff it might be worth it, as opposed to buying separate units for each sport.)

    That's the one my husband is set on! Expensive investment but as he is a marathon runner I know it will be an important one :) I am envisaging afternoons of me-time when he is out running with the baby... Hope so!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    I have the mountain buggy and I used it from day one. It does come with bassinet and carseat adapter options if u want to buy those, I didnt bother though.

    Another friend of mine also recommended this one, but most of the running buggies seem to start at the $500 mark... Maybe try second hand, Michelle?
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    We have the Cougar Chariot 2 which, when used with the infant sling, can be used at 4 weeks old. We're not buying the sling since our December due date probably isn't the best time to jog outdoors with a newborn in Chicago, but it's an option.

    (The CC2 is really cool as it has adapter kits for cycling, jogging, snow skiing/snowshoeing, hiking.... If you do a lot of outdoorsy stuff it might be worth it, as opposed to buying separate units for each sport.)

    That's the one my husband is set on! Expensive investment but as he is a marathon runner I know it will be an important one :) I am envisaging afternoons of me-time when he is out running with the baby... Hope so!

    We actually got a great deal on it.... It's list is $685 but it was 20% off, plus a $50 rebate. I have an REI points Visa card and have been saving points/dollars for something "special" which knocked another $225 off of the price. Then we used ebates and get cash back from that. All in all, it cost less than $285 with tax! Keep your eyes open for a good deal. The way I see it is it is something that we can use for many years. Friends of ours have older kids (7+) and still use it to haul "stuff" to the park/baseball practice, etc...
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    We actually got a great deal on it.... It's list is $685 but it was 20% off, plus a $50 rebate. I have an REI points Visa card and have been saving points/dollars for something "special" which knocked another $225 off of the price. Then we used ebates and get cash back from that. All in all, it cost less than $285 with tax! Keep your eyes open for a good deal. The way I see it is it is something that we can use for many years. Friends of ours have older kids (7+) and still use it to haul "stuff" to the park/baseball practice, etc...

    Wow!!! That is an excellent deal!!
    Yes, we have chosen this as our luxury item. We bought the crib, changing table, cupboard, bouncer seat and many other things such as clothes second hand but the pram and our cloth diapers will be the items we'll splurge on since they'll make our life easier (fingers crossed).
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Actually you are not "suppose" to "run" with an infant until 1 yr of age as with the softness of their head and possibility of an accident. I do recommend the bob which is what I have, I do have a chariot as well loved it but love my bob more and use the chariot for cycling only bought both second hand through kijiji (Canada) like craigslist. I know of nothing new for that price range that would have the support needed for newborns.
  • SeamsSewWright
    @sally is right...though I think most are "okay" at 6 months. We actually got a Schwinn jogging stroller from Craigslist. Hubby took over on that one because I'm not thrilled buying that way, but he got us one for about $75. Took it to a local bike shop and they adjusted it and tuned it up well. We've both used it on the trails and on pavement and in a few 5K/10K's. It's held up well enough that we're keeping it for #2.

    And this is very odd* this post is edited because you are in my neck of the woods!! SMALL WORLD. I'm in Houston, too. Check out Craiglist for sure. There are even a few good second hand shops that I'll recommend if you want to private message me!!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    This might be a silly question so please forgive me.....but if they are in a carseat in the baby jogger, can they be in there as a newborn? I'm thinking I wrong? I can't see how that would be more dangerous than a car.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    This might be a silly question so please forgive me.....but if they are in a carseat in the baby jogger, can they be in there as a newborn? I'm thinking I wrong? I can't see how that would be more dangerous than a car.

    Having them in a jogger in the car seat is what most of my friends have done. From what I understand if they are in a recline position and the head is stabilized it's fine (that's what the sling accessory for my jogger does).
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Actually you are not "suppose" to "run" with an infant until 1 yr of age

    Ah right, I'd better look into that!
  • McFelix57
    McFelix57 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a BOB (it was on sale for about $320 on Amazon) and put him in the carseat (set on the BOB adapter) to run in. I've heard it's not safe to use a jogging stroller until 6 months when you want to have them int the actual stroller, and not use the carseat. But if you are worried, check with your pediatrician. My son loves being in the stroller - he fell asleep on our run Saturday afternoon!
  • lmercil
    lmercil Posts: 26 Member
    I can't recommend any particular one as I will be a FTM in Dec, but check out craigslist. There are so many jogging strollers on there that have barely been used (at least in my area). Good luck!