Weigh In #1 (Sep. 23-29)

shirlinap Posts: 40 Member
20 lbs in 9 weeks = 2.2 lbs/week

Hi all, I'm Shirlina from Alabama. I'm new to FitnessPal and have been looking for a group to keep me accountable to my weight loss goals.. I'm excited to start this weight loss journey and change my lifestyle in order to get healthy and fit. I've realized that diet is 80% of weight loss and that's usually the hardest part! Good luck everyone! I will be posting my starting and current weight. ROLL TIDE!

Starting Weight: 180 lbs
Current Weight: 180 lbs


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Hello! I'm Stacy and I'm a 26 year old artist who lives in Oahu Beach, Hawaii. I grew up in Michigan, and moved to Chicago for school about 5 1/2 years ago where I met my husband. We partied and went out all the time with friends and with all the amazing food that Chicago has, I packed on about 30 lbs. Then about 2 years ago, we go married and he got stationed in Hawaii (he's in the Navy). I gained about 10 more lbs when we got here. Halfway out of boredom, halfway out of loneliness. Not the biggest fan of the island, but when I found out my dad, aunt, and grandma were all coming to visit, I decided that it was time to not let them see me gain further, but instead, to see me getting healthy. So I joined MFP and love it! Right now I'm doing a combination of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution, T25, with a little bit of the Bikini Blaster workout from Blogilates along with eating right. My husband and I are attempting to go gluten free, so diet is going to play an even bigger role in the next few months.

    Starting weight: 163
    Current weight: 154
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello! I'm Christine and I've been a little bit stuck recently and I need a push and a motivator to get me out of my rut. I lost 40 pounds last year but I need to lose the rest of it. 20 pounds in 9 weeks sounds like a great place to start. :) Feel free to add me!

    SW: 226
    CW: 186
    GW: 166
    UGW: 145
  • shirlinap
    shirlinap Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Stacy! So glad you posted.. Being new to MFP, I was curious if its worked out well so its nice to hear that you love it! I know exactly what you mean.. I have a big family reunion on Guam in 2015 and I dread the thought of my family seeing me with my extra 50 lbs! Hopefully this will be a good start.. Congrats.. looks like you've had a lot of success with your programs! :)
  • Francesca3434
    Hi Guys, I'm Francesca from England, i lost about 35lbs last year using mfp but fell off the wagon a bit with maintenance. i gained 15lbs really gradually, a couple of pounds when i was sick and a few more on vacations, just small stuff that added up when i wasn't paying enough attention to it. Right now i'm a little above a normal BMI, which isn't great, but mostly i'm unhappy with how all of my clothes fit and how out of shape i feel when run... so the plan is to drop 20lbs and look awesome by christmas with you guys ;)

    SW 172
    CW 152
    GW 132
  • poleydog
    poleydog Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, I'm Denise from Wellington New Zealand. This group is just what I need to get re- motivated to lose the remaining weight. I got started easily enough last year on MFP and found the support from others great. This year I've changed jobs and had family members sick and its not been so easy to stay focused.

    SW: 211 pounds
    CW: 189
    GW: 150
  • poleydog
    poleydog Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, I'm Denise from Wellington New Zealand. This group is just what I need to get re- motivated to lose the remaining weight. I got started easily enough last year on MFP and found the support from others great. This year I've changed jobs and had family members sick and its not been so easy to stay focused.

    Add me as a friend if you wish

    SW: 211 pounds
    CW: 189
    GW: 150
  • kazajest
    Starting at 212 and ready to get going
  • kaylacollinscna
    kaylacollinscna Posts: 102 Member
    Hello, my name is Kayla (obviously from my screen name) and I live in Hanover, PA and work as a nursing assistant in a long term care facility. I'm working towards reaching either the weight or body fat percentage requirement to join the Navy (160 lbs). When I started I was doing strictly cardio and still only eating one or two meals and having binging problems (one or two meals because of how much I work and not having enough time to eat, nor do I feel hungry very often). I have worked my way up to about 5 meals in a day and have incorporated heavy lifting, upped my calorie limit and protein intake. I'm working through NROLFW right now actually. 20 lbs in 9 weeks is about my goal pace for losing weight in the first place.

    SW: 240
    CW: 221
    GW: 160

    This'll mean that at 9 weeks if I meet the goal I will be close to reaching Onederland!
  • melissaerrington3
    SW 202.8
    CW 198.4
    GW 178 (For this group)
    GW 143
  • lissaann29078
    lissaann29078 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm Melissa from Lugoff South Carolina. I think this is a great challenge and I look forward to it! I wish you all luck, We Can Do This!!!
  • zoecollins
    zoecollins Posts: 41 Member
    Hi , Im Zoe from England. Looking for motivation and i enjoy being part of the on going groups. I dont need to lose 20lbs but in 9 weeks would love to lose 10lbs to get to my goal weight which ive been struggling to lose this last 10lbs for a while now.
    Feel free to add me

  • vision4life
    vision4life Posts: 3 Member
    Hi every one,
    I have been on MFP for about 1 year now. Have had few ups and downs. started weight loss journey at 226lbs post partum and now at 190lbs. Inbetween had stress fracture of sacrum and was off any excercise for 8 months. I am loving how encouraging everyone can be. There are times when I have a horrible day and just logging in and reading everyone's status makes my day. Also seeing that people whose lives are more hectic than mine are putting in their work makes me work even harder.

    SW : 226lbs
    CW: 190lbs
    GW: 140lbs
  • gentle511
    Good Morning..I had used MFP for a few months in the past but I decided to give this another try. I am 183 lbs and hoping to get to at least 170 by Nov 10th (have a cruise on the 17th :) I know I am my own worst enemy. I tell myself everyday I will watch what I eat and what do I do already today..eat a piece of fudge..UGH..Let the 9 weeks begin!!
  • garciabm
    Just got re-started again with MFT after several years of gradual gaining weight. When I read the name of the group I said "Im IN, I Can do this! I want to be thinner by the Holidays. Nice to know I have support, I am feeling so hopeful. One day at a time and today is day one for me.
  • pennie440
    Hi I'm Penny from Cornwall England. Started diet yesterday and need to loose more than 20lbs but got to start somewhere and 20 lbs. sounds good to me.
  • Sasha1417
    Sasha1417 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm having a really hard time with my food intake, I walk six miles daily but I'm not losing at all. I'm really upset because I have been tracking and I'm low on calories but still holding on to weight.

    HW: 191
    CW: 179
    GW: 120

  • jesicaxnn
    jesicaxnn Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am 22 years old and graduated from college in May. I started my first full time job this summer so I'm still trying to balance my schedule during the week. I am 5'3" tall. Going into college I was 110 pound of pure muscle (I was a cheerleader). By the time I graduated, I had stopped cheering and started living the stereotypical college lifestyle which caused me to gain about 40 pounds! I want to get back to feeling comfortable with how I look and fit into my clothes. Let's go!

    Starting weight: 147
    Overall goal weight: 120 (and toned!)
  • TheWipingYears
    TheWipingYears Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Janet from Pensacola, Florida. I saw the title of this group and, like one of the people above, knew this was for me.

    I'm a runner but am currently on rest due to bursitis in my hips. I am still walking every day and doing exercises (plank, squat, lunge, push-ups, etc) here at home to get the rest in shape.

    I lost 20 pounds last year before I got pregnant and only gained a few pounds while pregnant. (That's just genetics. My mom and aunts had the same thing happened to them. I ate crap but was perfectly healthy.) So, it's really just the last few pounds I need to lose. I have mild PCOS (is there really such a thing as mild?) and take metformin daily.

    Just got a FitBit tracker and am excited about tracking using the little bugger. I'm 150 pounds now and am shooting for 130.

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, This is the motivation I need. I'm Sally, and I'm new to running and lifting, hopefully after 9 weeks I'll have made some progress.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    HI all,

    I'm Jenn and I'm desperate for some accountability. I have been getting derailed a lot lately. I was done to almost my goal weight until my son became a rebellious teen and now I have gained back 30 pounds. I just need someone to remind me to workout instead of letting the stress win.

    SW: 187
    CW: 167
    GW: 147 - For this challange
    GW: 135