What is the best regimen/diet that you found?

I'm new to the group. Looking for some motivation and some tips to help me kick start my weight loss. I was on a weight loss plan and then I got preggers and had baby #2. Now I'm ready to get back in the game, especially since I have added baby weight to loose on top of the weight I lost the first time around. Help!


  • traceylynnRN
    traceylynnRN Posts: 25 Member
    With all the different options out there for dieting it is crazy ridiculous and kind of confusing. I however have found that for me, if I just stick to the basics of eating as close to natural as possible, I start feeling and looking good. No processed stuff or at least limit it if you can't get rid of it. I try to get most of my carb intake from fruits and vegetables instead of the breads and pastas. I believe the more acidic we make our body or the more alkaline we make our body, the more problems with weight loss we will have. I drink a lot of water and will have a whole lemon added to the water through out the day. This is supposed to make your body more neutral. Also try not to consume too much dairy. I am a coffee addict and I am trying to fix the problem of having creamer in my coffee... The other thing I make sure to do is add green vegetables to EVERY meal. I am thinking about juicing too just so I can really get the added nutrients. Ultimately whatever you do though, stick to it. Don't flop back and forth between two
  • kinneygirl86
    kinneygirl86 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, That is really helpful. I've started adding more protein and veggies and I keep trying to consume as much water as possible. I just have to stick with it! I even made a motivation board today to try and get my butt into gear! lol Good luck with your journey!:smile: