Be my friend

Hi, I need some friendly competiton. Please add me as a friend on fitbit.




  • AztecKermit
    AztecKermit Posts: 27 Member
    I only bought my FitBit Flex yesterday so today is my first full day of use.
    Looking for friends for encouragement etc.
    Add me here (please tell me you are a Flex user) and over at FitBit as well
    Thanks. x
  • I just bought mine two days ago and am already hooked! I loved the feeling of the "10,000 step buzz" last night, and made it a goal to reach it before noon today :-)

    How do I add you?
  • AztecKermit
    AztecKermit Posts: 27 Member
    Go to the webpage links people have posted, they are our FitBit Profiles and there is a add friend button on them. If you go to your own FitBit profile your public link is shown at the top. Hope that helps.
  • jenk7356
    jenk7356 Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't even know that you could have a friendly competition with the fitbit website. This might help me take the stairs more or push myself alittle further. Sundays seem to be the hardest days. I think I added the two user numbers that I see, but not sure. My number is 265C9F in case I did something wrong.
  • jenk7356
    jenk7356 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't think it worked!
  • AztecKermit
    AztecKermit Posts: 27 Member is your url. I've added you as a friend.
  • AztecKermit
    AztecKermit Posts: 27 Member
    In the Friends tile on FitBit it gives you your friends average daily step count and total daily step count for the last 7 days, I've not had mine for 7 days yet so my figure isn't accurate yet.
    They are ranked according to the total steps in the last 7 days. :D
    If you pass someone you can taunt them, if they pass you you can cheer them.
    I tend to cheer people who have higher average steps than me, or really high numbers. As well as taunt people who are a little lower than me, taunting isn't nasty it's just to say hello I am currently beating you but look forward to seeing you run past me so that I can cheer as you pass. :D Well that's how I see it anyway. xx
  • I added you all as friends. Here's my url in case I missed any!
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member I think this one is mine, I am still pretty new...anyone is welcome to add me. I am having syncing and logging issues which i hope will resolve as I learn more.
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    Hello All!

    My fitbit profile is

    Please feel free to add me. I am looking for all of the support and encouragement I can get.
  • Kentucky_Ellen
    Kentucky_Ellen Posts: 10 Member
  • linda_v33
    linda_v33 Posts: 59 Member
    Please feel free to add me. My profile is:
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member


    I don't have any friends on there yet I don't think!

    tho I think it's gone a bit blinky today. lol It's telling me I've burned 3000 calories
  • I just started 2 days ago. And would love to have some friends. //
  • dezim8er
    dezim8er Posts: 11 Member
    I am to get my band today. I was looking at getting a friend to connect with. I do not know how to set up friends or anything
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member
    One week in on using the fitbit flex and I loooooove it! It is a constant reminder right there on my hand to make good choices, drink my water, and stay on track. I am still working on the 10,000 steps. My first week was tough as I work 2 sit down jobs. But yesterday I decided I was going to make it my goal to reach 10,000 steps for the rest of May.

    Please friend me at

    Thanks and make it a beautiful day!!!

  • 0161colin
    0161colin Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me on MFP or FitBit...
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Always up for friends and MFP and Flex friends are my current favourites.

    New to the Flex and still trying to learn how to add friends, but please add me on MFP and on the FitBit site: