mrsspj Posts: 8 Member
Hello Mommies!

So we all gained beautiful babies in May, but lost our bodies in the process! Well this group is for us to get our sexy back!!! Introduce yourself!

My name is Stephanie! I'm 31 years old, and I may not have my body, but I have a beautiful baby boy named Christian who is 4 months of course :)

Can't wait to start this journey with you all!


  • Hi all! My name is Colleen and I'm 33. I had the most beautiful little girl, Fiona, on May 18th. Through the magic of breastfeeding I've lost the pregnancy weight (yay!), but I'm out of shape and I needed to lose weight before I got pregnant. Even though I hit my pre-pregnancy weight, I can only fit into one pair of pre-baby jeans. I think the weight moved from my belly to my thighs! I need to start eating better since I picked up a lot of bad eating habits during pregnancy and I think I can keep doing them because of the breastfeeding :)
  • Hi my name is Lauren, I am 25 years old and gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Ivy, on May 20th. I was a little underweight when first got pregnant. I ended up gaining around 50 pounds by the end! I have lost about 35 so far and would be nice to lose 10 more! But more than losing weight, I would love to get back into running shape and fit into my favorite jeans! Not super worried about being a certain weight, but definitely want to live a healthy lifestyle, especially while breastfeeding :)
  • Hi all, I'm Tracy, 31, and gave birth to my sweet boy Kylan on May 29. I'm looking for motivation / support to workout even when it seems it is the last thing you have time for these days. I'm back to work full time and between daycare drop off, going to daycare at lunch to breastfeed (it is nice and on site where I work), pumping 2-3 times at work, there is barely time to get actual work done let alone a workout. =( Also, while breastfeeding I have craved more sweets than ever before in my life! Looking forward to this journey with you all.
  • Leiding09
    Leiding09 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Katie and I am 29 years old. My 2nd son Laythe was born May 1st and my other son Landyn will be 3 in December. I lost all the weight I gained shortly after I gave birth. I have gained some since then. I love to eat junk food! I also come up with every excuse in the book to not work out. Between raising 2 boys, working full-time, breast feeding, and pumping, I am too exhausted to want to do anything. I can't wait to begin to eat healthier and start exercising on a regular basis with all of you. I can't wait to shed theses extras inches and pounds!!
  • Hello, all! I'm Carrie, and I'm 31 years old. I gave birth to my first child, Mae, on May 31 a month early. She was a whopping 7 lbs 6 oz and healthy as a horse, so now it's time to get me nice and healthy. I'm one of those unfortunate few who holds onto weight when breastfeeding, so I'm having some trouble shedding pounds. And thanks to working full time, mommyhood and 4-month sleep regression, finding time to workout is...challenging. But here goes nothing! :)
  • Hi, I'm Cassie, 27, had twin girls May 24 & gained 64lbs! I have 12lbs of baby to lose and 45lbs total as a goal! Today starts my diet! My husband and I watched Fat, Sick, and NearlyDead and we now plan on doing a 30 day juice diet, but that isn't stating today. Next week starts biggest loser and I'm really hoping for their weight lose to inspire me too.

    Thanks for making this group!
  • mrsspj
    mrsspj Posts: 8 Member
    I was overweight before I gave birth. I kept trying to workout during my pregnancy but Sciatica stopped me in my tracks. When I saw 211 on the scale in my 9th month, I about passed out and knew I had to get it together! I've gotten down to 180 with breast feeding and pumping, but I stopped when my son was 3 months. Now I'm trying to get down to the 130s 140s. Aren't may babies awesome?!?!?
  • Hi everyone :) My name is Jill and I'm 29 years old. Currently live in Indiana and I gave birth to Isaac on May 21st. I am 5 lbs from my pregnancy weight, and I would like to lose an addition 5 to 10 off of that. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy and am ready to fit in my old clothes again. Pants are a little tight. I have not been eating too well since I got a really bad cold and now Count Chocula is on sale! Halloween candy....mmmmm. Very difficult time to eat salads. Thanks goodness for breastfeeding!