Weekly Check-In 10/1/2013 = 12 more weeks

kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
Ok here's the thread for tomorrow! Hope you're all enjoying this group. Feel free to add your ideas & threads. Remember even if you're not losing lbs you can post your inches lost, other NSVs and so on.. We officially have 84 days, 14hrs, 23min and 15sec when I am posting this.

Recommended posts are :

1. Current weight (optional)
2. weight lost since last week
3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. weight to go by Christmas


  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    Hey and Good Morning All :flowerforyou:

    1. Current weight (optional) -- So Not up for Discussion
    2. weight lost since last week: 1.4 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: Better fitting Bra... Boo <not really a victory>:sad:
    4. Goals for next week: To Complete Insanity!!! Yessss! So Excited!:bigsmile:
    5. weight to go by Christmas: Ideally about 29 lbs ... realistically 20 for sure.... Gotta work it!!!

    Let's get out there and knock it straight out of the park! I'm so ready, are YOU???
  • mabbzie
    mabbzie Posts: 161 Member
    1. 146.5lbs
    2. 1.7 lbs
    3. I'm starting to feel hot. :D
    4. Keep under calorie goal, only eat back 1/2 exercise cals, hit running harder!
    5. 16.5 lbs
  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    Hello all, New here. First time in a group. Been doing mfp for 2 weeks now so I'm here to stay.
    C.W 267 lbs
    Weight loss since last week, 5 lbs
    Did my first aerobics video, only 1 mile in 20 min, but big for me
    Do 2 aerobic videos twice a day x 3, walk 2 miles a day for 4 days, eat no calories back(just me)
    Lose 30 more pounds by X-mas, When I do I will be back to a weight I was 20 years ago/ then only 20 lbs to first goal of 220lbs
  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    1. Current weight (optional)- 234
    2. weight lost since last week- 1 lb
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week- I'm starting to notice my face in thinning out
    4. Goals for next week-Go to the gym 3 to 4 times. lose 2 lbs
    5. weight to go by Christmas-34 lbs, but I'll be happy with 25 lbs
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) --More than it needs to be....we'll go with a size 16 pants
    2. weight lost since last week --I havent weighed myself since 8/27- and I have certainly gained since then :(
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week --I stayed under my calorie goal yesterday and I have been working out 3x a week for 3 weeks. I want to make sure this continues.
    4. Goals for next week --lose 3 pounds (I will weigh myself in the morning so I can accurately track), stay under calorie goal each day, work out 4x per week
    5. weight to go by Christmas--lose 30 pounds!...if the weight, however, wants to be a jerk, then I would love to lose 2 pants sizes
  • srmacey29
    srmacey29 Posts: 11 Member
    Current Weight = Same (ugh)
    Weight Lost = None
    Other Accomplishment or NSV = jogged the furthest I ever have this week
    Goals for next week = Make some tough choices when it comes to discipline in my daily nutrition
    Weight to lose by Christmas = 27 pounds
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    So I'll start to discuss NSV's.

    I HATE burpees. I have no upper body strength, and I honestly feel pretty stupid jumping all over the place with my shirt flying abouts. Well, I have attempted boxing several times, and each time somthing takes me away from it (family, sickness, finances...)

    Anyway, since I have been back the last few weeks, I told myself I was going to conquer this feat. I have made myself do the burpees, punches, pushups, etc. I feel like my strength is increasing. I feel strong! The burpees aint as bad. They still suck. My shoulders are finally feeling like they should. I feel great!

    My turning point was a photo of myself a few weeks ago at my sons bday party I saw a pic of my arms and was like EEEWWW.

    So, if I can get my strength and arm fat and stomach fat under control by CHRISTMAS then I will be stoked. Getting my strength up will only benefit my weight loss goals!!!
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    1. 200.2
    2. 1.4 lbs lost
    3. I can fit in one of my non stretch pair of jeans for the first time in months! I was also disciplined and logged, even when I didn't want to. Now I need to do that when I don't want to exercise.
    4. Goal: Get that # on the scale below 200 lbs!!!
    5. 20.2 lbs to go by Christmas.
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    Current weight: 10 13lb (153 lbs) YES! BYE BYE 11 STONE-SOMETHINGS!

    Weight lost: 1 lb again! I am loving MFP! (6 lbs loss since I joined - unprecedented!)

    NSV: Had a whole week where I didn't go over my calorie goal once!

    Goals for next week: One more pound ... and then one more pound ...

    Weight to go by Christmas: 11 pounds (making me 10 stone 2)

    You guys are keeping me accountable :) ... and you're all doing really well still posting on here and going for it!
  • Two pounds a week every week! Lets do it!!

    Current Weight: 201lbs

    Goal Weight by Christmas: 177lbs

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140lbs

    Weight lost: SO far, 39 lbs.

    NSV: I can shop at the mall again!!! woooo.

    Goal for next week: 199lbs and into ONEderland <3

    Weight to go by Christmas: 24 pounds to go! :)
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    1. Current weight 182
    2. weight lost since last week: 2 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: okay, this is definitely a SCALE victory--I hit 100 lbs lost this week! Also, I bought a bicycle today. It's not an expensive one, since I haven't been on a bike in 30 years. We'll see how THAT goes. Lol.
    4. Goals for next week: lose 2 lbs (and re-learn how to ride a bike)
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 22 lbs.

  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning all! I have to say you all done so well! Great to be in this group!

    1. Current weight 177.4 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week 2 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: realizing that you DON'T have to finish everything on your plate! bought smaller size jeans!
    4. Goals for next week: continue running even in the rain
    5. weight to go by Christmas 10 lbs (changed my goal, I am feeling ambitious now! I can do 10lbs!)
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Wow, everyone is doing such a great job - y'all are truly an inspiration to me!

    So.... this week (and last) are why I weigh every day, and as a result am reluctant to fully trust the scale, which this week reports:

    1. CW = 137.8
    2. Weight lost = 5.2 lbs (uh, yeah... I DON'T THINK SO!)
    3. NSV = last night as I begrudgingly did my 15 minute jog, I was shocked to find myself at my half-way point so quickly! AND the whole jog only took 13 minutes. It's working... I'm getting better at this!
    4. GOAL = I decided to pick up the c25k program... starting in week 5, I think it is. I'm close to my goal weight/body shape now, so want to re-vamp my exercise routine to something that doesn't consume all of my free time. It's still going to consume most of it, I'm afraid, but that's just the way of living a healthy, active lifestyle.
    5. Weight to go until Elf Status = 2.8 (again, if we can believe the scale today)

    Last week the scale told me I weighed 143.0 on Wednesday... my high in quite awhile. Today is the lowest weight I've seen in years. I've been doing well on my hydration, but I know that last week I was retaining water (Tuesday dinner was sushi (i.e., soy sauce) and THREE Saporos). Last night (all of yesterday, really), I ate well and didn't consume as much sodium as usual (skipped the pretzel snack!). So in one week I'm seeing two extremes. What's my real weight? Don't know, don't care much. Tummy is looking better, butt is considerably less flappy. All good!
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    1. CW 218.6
    2. Lost 1.8 lb this week
    3. NSV - playing tennis for 4 hours without feeling like I would die :)
    4. Goal for next week - work on better meal planning & prep
    5. 22.8 lbs to lose by Christmas
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey guys and girls!! I haven't had a great week. Life is very stressful right now but I'm trying not to let it bring me down. I only got in 3 workouts this week. Here's to a better week !! Congrats to you all on your weight loss and if no loss keep your head up, We can do this!!

    1. Current weight (optional) : 155.5 lbs.
    2. weight lost since last week : 1.5 lbs.
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week :
    4. Goals for next week : Lose 2 lbs. & Do Turbo Fire 6 days and go to the gym at least 2 days.
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 25 lbs.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) : 226.8 lbs.
    2. weight lost since last week : 2.2 lbs.
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week : YES!!!!! the scaled moved for the first time in 4 weeks!!!
    4. Goals for next week : keep the scale moving and add in the KFX (Krav Fitness Xtreme) workout 2-3x week and keep running 4x week min
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 27lbs :)

    Im so freakin happy!!! Ive felt like a bad leader on here not losing weight week after week. Glad to see I broke through the plateau. Gotta keep in going. Only 40ish more pounds to go :)

    Hope your all having a fantastic Wednesday

  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) : 166
    2. weight lost since last week : 0.4 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week : Exercise is back on to normal :)
    4. Goals for next week : make better food choices
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 26 lbs
  • cfeineigle
    cfeineigle Posts: 39 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) : 143
    2. weight lost since last week : 0.2 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week : Completed my first ever 5K. Woot, Woot! :)
    4. Goals for next week : Break this PLATEAU!
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 18 lbs.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • I am loving MFP!! I have been able to stay motivated and I am seeing the scale move down! I am feeling better and I can't wait to get rid of the first 30 pounds for good! Now for my stats:

    1. CW: 221
    2. Weight Lost: 2 pounds!!!
    3. NSV: I can get through the first 20 min on the Elliptical/level 6 before I start feeling winded. Huge for me!!
    4. Goals for next week: Continue logging, lose 1.5 pounds, exercise 3 times for 55 min.
    5. Weight to go by Christmas Day: 22 lbs
  • homeechez
    homeechez Posts: 94 Member
    Has been super frustrating since starting on this journey. Plus side is that I have only gained 3 pounds since I got back from camp (where I lost roughly 20-25 pounds in 4 months).

    1. Current weight (optional): scale hasn't moved
    2. weight lost since last week: still the same
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: I fit into another pair of jeans I hadn't been able to in 2 years!!!
    4. Goals for next week: find time to work out and stop making excuses!
    5. weight to go by Christmas: 20 lbs
  • Hello!! Can I Join? I found the group following My friend Lynette - but forgot to check in on Wednesday. This will be from my Wednesday Weigh in - I just started back on plan on Sunday so I was 3 days in by this point..

    1. Current weight (optional) : 233.6 lbs.
    2. weight lost since last week : 3.2 lbs. ( was 236.8 on Sunday)
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week : the Biggest NSV I've ever had, and that was changing my diet freed me from almost 2 months of consistent abdominal pain.(was starting to notice this on Wednesday, but it's been a week officially now)
    4. Goals for next week: Keep following the new diet plan, learning more variety and start adding in some exercise (eventually getting back to Crossfit workouts)
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 26.8

    Ideally, I'd like to hit around 150 with good muscle tone. That's a ball park, but I'll know when I get there. I might have to go to 145, or might find that 165 is fine. No interest in being 'tiny' just healthy and look decent. I'm probably too old to be 'smokin' anyhow :) LOL so I'm guessing I have about 65-80 lbs overall to lose.

    It'd be sweet to lose close to half that by Christmas. Fingers crossed! :)

  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    HI all -
    everything is still the same for me...
    I did up my running this week and did get out before work twice!!!
    I still have 13 lbs to lose before xmas...
    have been eating horribly these past two weeks... I have the exercise down need to get my food back on track....