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Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member


  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    Just a quick question- for the lunges: is it 10 lunges total or 10 lunges per leg for today?
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Do whatever you're comfortable with, but that's a great question. Today I did ten each side, but I don't know about 70 on each side by the end of the month! Since there are some odd days like 25 I think we're supposed to do each side. Feel free to split them though too.
  • I don't understand the progression of the squats is it one set or several sets ? Also it needs to have a cycling and not the misnomer of contained upwards progression which has been scientifically proven to be counterproductive
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Yeah, these challenges are definitely not perfect. I was really planning to do my own calendar this month, but alas, September ran away from me. Please feel free to modify if you find this counterproductive and the squats are the total number that you would be doing for that day. I normally do sets of 20.
  • I prefer the off the bench hip thrusts with a barbell for low reps high resistance to build and sculpt glutes. The high rep routine tends to flatten out the *kitten* and hips and shrink them so the waist to hip ratio is not enhanced. For instance a woman that has a 36 in waist and 38 in hip goes down to 30in waist and 32 in hip! That is not what I call enhancing curves at all. The coveted 0.8 waist to hip ratio is not achieved with this method
  • Glutes are the strongest muscle group in our bodies and we need sufficient resistance to sculpt them, for the beginner that is at higher body weight (200+ lbs) glute bridges on the floor or hip thrusts off the bench for say 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 10 second isolation hold on the last rep is a demanding routine squeezing them with maximum focus and contraction. But after a 3 months of training one has to move up to one leg progressions and 1/2 of body weight for 5-10 reps or even Lower reps ocassionally. It is truly the lower body bench press.
  • Squats and lunges though helpful in metabolic hormonal response and sculpting the thighs and hamstring are not the most direct activators of the glute muscles. Only glute bridges or hip thrusts at higher resistance with heavy resistance bands and or weights directly activate the glutes of the three exercises listed on this calendar
  • My three glute exercises would be

    3 sets x 8 reps glute bridges or hip thrusters
    3 sets x 8 reps cable or ankle weight donkey kicks
    3 sets x 8 reps (each leg) glute step ups
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I definitely appreciate that feedback! Maybe that's something we can implement. If you'd like to make a calendar with your cyclical progression on that that we can follow or your own group even I'd love an invite!
  • One should start with body weight and use maximal contraction of the glutes before adding significant resistance. Glutes will adapt rather quickly and more resistance is required example
    A woman that is 170 lbs

    Glute bridges 3 sets x 8 (first set warm up using 40 lb barbell set 2 50 lbs set 3 60 lbs )

    Donkey kick backs x 8 ( ankle weights at least 5 lbs each leg)

    Step ups X 8 ( body weight first and then hold a 5-10 lb dumbbell off hand)
  • shell1379
    shell1379 Posts: 79 Member
    One of the best exercises that shows results is doing squats with a Barbell. Trust me your glutes will feel the pain also lunges as well. I go to Good Luck everyone:smile:
  • Thank you. Honestly I want woman to realize the massive amount of misinformation and conflicting pseudo science training and nutritional methods out there. For instance Julian michaels looks like a man to me, has no curves to speak of, and yet the media tries to shove her body type down our throats as the epitome of female physiques. Are you kidding me lol!! I look back at hourglass models of the 50s and earlier with the classic hourglass of 36-24-36 or even more of the pear shaped models in king magazine say 5 6 140 lbs 36d 26 42 as the epitome of feminine beauty. It is so frustrating that most women have bought this media driven hoax of looking masculine. I sincerely hope things are looking up and we can go back to those times again
  • Emg results are conclusive showing that squats are moderate activators of the glute muscles. They are however very good activators of the thigh muscles though. Of course the glutes are activated to a degree with deep squats and lunges. However a glute specialization routine is not only one of the most physically demanding programs but can have a great overall metabolic effect, it is the best method to maximize strong glute development and shape.
  • Glutes are the strongest muscle group in our bodies and we need sufficient resistance to sculpt them, for the beginner that is at higher body weight (200+ lbs) glute bridges on the floor or hip thrusts off the bench for say 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 10 second isolation hold on the last rep is a demanding routine squeezing them with maximum focus and contraction. But after a 3 months of training one has to move up to one leg progressions and 1/2 of body weight for 5-10 reps or even Lower reps ocassionally. It is truly the lower body bench press.

    This makes sense for me as I am in the 200lb+ range.....but what exactly are glute bridges?
  • Look up Bret contreras youtube glute bridges and hip thrusts
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 173 Member
    Thank you. Honestly I want woman to realize the massive amount of misinformation and conflicting pseudo science training and nutritional methods out there. For instance Julian michaels looks like a man to me, has no curves to speak of, and yet the media tries to shove her body type down our throats as the epitome of female physiques. Are you kidding me lol!! I look back at hourglass models of the 50s and earlier with the classic hourglass of 36-24-36 or even more of the pear shaped models in king magazine say 5 6 140 lbs 36d 26 42 as the epitome of feminine beauty. It is so frustrating that most women have bought this media driven hoax of looking masculine. I sincerely hope things are looking up and we can go back to those times again

    Thank you for encouraging curvy girls. I do not want to lose my hourglass, just reduce it to healthy levels. I have read that isolation of muscles is counter productive to reducing, so I am awaiting delivery of my barbell so I can begin lifting heavy (Starting Strength) so I can see if it makes my body change, so I appreciate the insight.