Time to check in :)

Hello ladies :)

We havent done a check in in a few months. How is everyone doing?

I have been having a bit of depression, causing me to not care what goes into my mouth which then makes me more depressed :(

I am at day 9 or a 2 week wait. If I dont get a BFP then I guess its off a specialist :( I was hoping I could do it on my own with weight controll since it has worked twice in the past but I really don't have years to be messing around with this, it already has been 2 years of TTC...

Well that is what is up with me.. How about you?


  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    The weather where I live has turned from gorgeous long summer days to dark grey and stormy, seemingly overnight. And I think my mood has gone with it.

    My naturopath has me on Rhodiola which is supposed to be good for depressed mood. I just started so hopefully it helps.

    I have gone through 3 cycles of TTC now, without any ovulation, BUT at least my TOM has come every time. And the most recent cycle my temps went up on their own before I started the progesterone cream, so even though I still didn't get a positive on the OPK strips, I still think my body is really trying to do something. So I'm cautiously optimistic.

    Besides the Rhodiola I am also starting Vitex this cycle, and a "pregnancy hormone pack" that is homeopathic medicine taken days 1, 8, 15, and 22.

    So now I am up to:
    Folic acid
    Estro Adapt
    the homeopathic hormones
    Progesterone cream

    I am seeing a naturopath and she's recommended all of these and says they are fine to take together. Hopefully this is all doing something!

    Since I'm only at month 4 of TTC, I still have a couple of more months to go til my MD will refer me to a specialist, I'm hoping I don't have to go that route since we don't have any cover for fertility treatments, and my naturopath appointments are at least covered, although the supplements are starting to add up!

    I hope everyone has success very soon! Good luck all!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I'm extremely hormonal this cycle, I'm on my second cycle at the fertility DR. Our treatment is Clomid on days 5-9, Follicle monitoring, the HCG shot when my follicles are ready to release the egg, and then 3 days later progesterone suppositories. I have one more week wait before I get my results. Take my Pregnancy test at the fertility clinic the day before our anniversary. But I'm very forgetful, and moody. Get overwhelmed by things easily and having a hard time staying away from sweets. We have been trying for16 months. if this isn't' the month we will then try IUI as our insurance only covers 6 months at the fertility clinic total with Super Ovulation and IUI combined. No IVF coverage.
  • mecq77
    mecq77 Posts: 5
    My doctor reccomended Pregnitude. Its over the counter.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    So me and my hubby r starting this process I have to have a test done for my tubes to make sure they r not blocked.....they can not get me in till the end of the month if they r not blocked than we get to do iui in November I hope that iui works for us but being that I am obese and have a thyroid issue....and pcos I was told that my chances r only 5% our insurance does not pay for fertility treatments so everything is out of pocket....on the up side I have lost over 100lbs in the last year so I was told that will help.....I asked about holistic interventions such as acupuncture and was told it does nothing to help.....what is everyones opinion on this.....I have seen how it can be helpful in some things ie stress reduction pain reduction.
  • fairie_marie
    Well 2 week wait ended yesterday with a visit from AF :(.. I will be calling my doctor on Tuesday ( my day off)....