Reward ideas?

Hi! So, I'm setting goals for my self (mini-goals, if you will) & I'm trying to come up with some non-food rewards for each milestone I reach. I've got a spa treatment, getting my nails done, & my cousin and I are even planning a trip to Cali when we both lose 15% of our starting body weight.

What do you guys think? What are some rewards you've come up with for yourselves?


  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Those are all good ones! I buy a new nail polish color, new clothes, shoes and I love the trip idea. Seems like you're on the right track!
  • hobbitgeekgirl
    I booked myself a back massage at the St. Francis Women's Hospital. I went there because if you are a Spirit of Women member you can get a discount and, well, I am all for discounts. It was great to not be as self conscious about it and they all seem to be great folks when I get over there.

    Maybe for smaller goals do something local like go for a night or a weekend at Nashville, IN or on a walking day trip in one of the parks? I am also big on sewing, so things like a new cloth I had been eyeing, or sewing dummy have made my list (although that last one was for graduating collage).

    Oh! For some bigger milestones, look into taking a class of something you might enjoy or that you have always wanted to try from one of the collages, art guilds, or fitness places. A lot of them seem to offer continuing education. Or going to a convention for something that holds interest for you. I go to pop culture conventions, but look around and you may find one up your ally?
  • thehalls98
    thehalls98 Posts: 12 Member
    When I reach my goal weight, my reward will be a new tattoo. I really want one, so I have to make myself work for it. As for smaller goals, new outfits and such.
  • Chelsarrr
    Chelsarrr Posts: 65 Member
    I go to Goodwill and buy something "new" that fits well! I feel like that emphasizes all my hard work :)