Check in here!



  • You know what's good for a salty sweet fix? Canteloupe or watermelon with a little salt sprinkled on. Seems to do the trick for me, and salty crap is my weakness lately!
  • Mmmm, that is a good combination branfran. Thanks for the reminder!
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a total emotional eater and can completely relate. I find myself in situations all the time where I am FULL and feel gross and am still eating just because I'm stressed or tired etc. It's such a hard habit to get out of. I fell off the wagon pretty badly a few weeks ago and just got back on this weekend, it's a constant battle.
  • Scale stayed the same as last week so hooray! Today my legs are so sore from the hour of biking and 4 hours of walking I did yesterday.
    I was totally pms eating last week and am back on track(fingers crossed!) starting my stair walking today as well.
    I was looking in my work calendar and I had forgotten that I had set my goals as appointments on certain halfway goal was supposed to be on October 7th. That won't happen unless I do something really unhealthy (it's 12lbs away.)
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I've been pretty well off the wagon recently. I'll do well for a couple of days and then just be like, "To hell with this," and end up spending three days in bed mindlessly shoveling in whatever's easy to find. It's a combination of a bunch of stuff:

    a) My aging, mentally ill mother moved in with me because she was homeless. We... do not get along, and I have a bunch of food issues that come to the surface when she's around. Part of that is coping mechanisms, part is the fear I have from childhood that she is going to eat all the food and I will starve again.

    b) I lost my job, which was probably for the best, but I panicked and took the first new job offered me. Huge pay cut (supposedly with a raise after a month) and much more physically strenuous/mentally tedious work. I'm not feeling so great about this, and it comes with an almost total reversal of the schedule I had for the past three years. Hard to adjust my meal prep/consumption.

    c) I suffered a pretty serious injury at the beginning of the month, and recovery is making exercise difficult. Compounding this is the loss of my gym membership, car, and workout buddy. (It's... been a long month.)

    I regained two pounds and somehow managed to drop them again, so the damage could be worse... but I need to quit making excuses, quit feeling sorry for myself, and get this crap back under control. I'm never going to feel any better or manage any of this more gracefully if I can't even be bothered to care about what I'm putting in my mouth. Right? Right.
  • I'm new here so I thought I'd come to the check-in first! I'm also having trouble staying on track. I'll do well during the week and then the weekend comes and I'm just too exhausted to try and deny all my cravings. I'm also a big emotional eater and I'm living abroad now so I'm homesick and lonely and I want to just eat to make myself feel better :(.
    I'm not weighing myself because I don't have a scale and because it just makes me obsess, so I'm just going by how I look and feel, but I'd like to lose a good 40 pounds. It's hard to stay motivated when I have so much to lose because it feels like 1 or 2 pounds barely makes a dent in the overall goal. Urgh. It also feels like I take one step forward during the week and then two steps backward at the weekend.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I'm totally with you on the one step forward, 2 steps back thing. I think I'm going to try to go more by a weekly calorie goal than daily. It's not that hard for me to eat well during the week on not a ton of calories, but on the weekends I want to just eat whatever (well, not totally but not worry about it as much) and also drink wine. Lots of wine. This weekend I overdid it, but I think if I plan better I will have enough calories left for the weekend that I can indulge myself some and still lose weight, albeit slowly.
  • cammyblair23
    cammyblair23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Hams!

    I don't check in often but wanted to post an update.. Weighed myself this morning and was 155.4! The highest I ever saw on the scale was 168.8 so this is great progress to me. I have never been able to stick to something and I have been tracking my weight for 3 weeks straight! I still have about 15-20 lbs to go, but I am excited to continue. Its a nice feeling to wake up and be excited to weigh, because I know I didn't go over my calories the day before. I have decided when I get to 153.8 (15 lbs down), I'm buying myself a "treat". I'm thinking a new pair of shoes or a new perfume. When/if I get down 20 lbs, I am getting a designer hand bag for fall. I am HOPING to be down 20 lbs by November 1st.

    BTW- Do you weigh yourself more than once? I also do 3-4 times (at the same time, just stepping off and back on) and it drives me crazy to see 3 or 4 different numbers. I know it doesn't matter, but this morning it said, 155.8, 155.4, 155.4, 155.0, 155.0. UGH! Also, I know I am crazy.
  • Haven't checked in in awhile, so thought I'd stop by! I was a little discouraged this weekend because I broke down and bought a scale. I did good all week, exercised and was under my calories and all that good stuff. Stepped on the scale and nada...I didn't lose a thing. I didn't gain, so I guess that's a positive. Not giving up and gonna make more effort to do some walk/runs this week, and clean my eating up again. I've been lazy since school started and sometimes dinner is just whatever I can get on the table in a hurry before we start rushing off to ball games and band competitions etc. I think I've finally gotten the rest of the family on board with a cleaner diet, my husband wasn't too thrilled with his weight either, lol.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm totally with you on the one step forward, 2 steps back thing. I think I'm going to try to go more by a weekly calorie goal than daily. It's not that hard for me to eat well during the week on not a ton of calories, but on the weekends I want to just eat whatever (well, not totally but not worry about it as much) and also drink wine. Lots of wine. This weekend I overdid it, but I think if I plan better I will have enough calories left for the weekend that I can indulge myself some and still lose weight, albeit slowly.

    I think the weekly calorie goal is a great idea. I was on WW for a little while, and that's one of the things I liked about it. You have a daily points number, and then a weekly points number, and then additional points for exercise, and the point is to use them all. So if you're conservative with the weekly points during the week, you can splurge a bit on the weekend, because the daily points are really quite low. I try to keep this in mind even though I'm not paying for WW subscription anymore. I'm ok with keeping my workweek calories a little lower so that I can relax and enjoy a beer on the weekend, then it all averages out.
  • Hi everyone! I'm going to put my name on the list of those who are having trouble staying on track. I'll do really well for a few days, but then I get a case of the "screw its" and my eating goes to hell. I'm also trying to balance a couple of different medications that affect weight and mood, so my body feels all weird right now. I think I'll feel much more energetic once I get everything balanced, though. Here's hoping!

    Hugs to all who are having a tough time. One day at a time...
  • My week has been neither here nor there.
    Although I've not been gaining I have not been losing. On Tuesday I had a work event and a lot of photos were taken and I feel like I don't recognize my body. Like I can barely look at the photos. I know part of it is my own deeply ingrained issues.
    I'm going to restart my more strict eating on Monday. I'm not going to binge or anything before hand which is what I would usually do but mentally I do best when I start something on a Monday.
    I'm thinking about joining dietbet because is a good motivator for me!
    Anyone do it before?
  • My week has been neither here nor there.
    Although I've not been gaining I have not been losing. On Tuesday I had a work event and a lot of photos were taken and I feel like I don't recognize my body. Like I can barely look at the photos. I know part of it is my own deeply ingrained issues.
    I'm going to restart my more strict eating on Monday. I'm not going to binge or anything before hand which is what I would usually do but mentally I do best when I start something on a Monday.
    I'm thinking about joining dietbet because is a good motivator for me!
    Anyone do it before?

    I'm also intrigued by Diet Bet. If you join, let us know how it goes!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm doing a little better overall, though yesterday I ordered takeout (wings) and am currently enjoying a little sodium bloat. I talked to my mom about the food stuff and she's going to try to either a) stick to normal portions of healthy foods or b) provide her own binge materials and have them when I'm not around. I've also taken a few proactive steps like buying more meal ingredients than single-serve whatevers, cooking healthy dinners and immediately plating to serve/portioning leftovers to save, and keeping the kitchen spotless so that we're both less inclined to go in and mess it up. It's a lot of work right now, but I'm hoping that by doing this I can model better habits to my mom, keep my own issues under control, and ensure that nobody has to go hungry because one person is binging.

    Blah blah blah, this stuff can get pretty boring and hard, you guys. I guess I just need to keep focusing on what I've already accomplished and continually re-make the decision to keep going.
  • Your accomplished quite a bit already, 34 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. Sounds like you're on the right track with your mom and hopefully things will be a little less stressful for you. Maybe she'll pick up some good habits from you!
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    Two pounds down this week, I'll take it! That makes me four pounds away from my mini goal for 11/1/13, I can do this right??
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    Two pounds down this week, I'll take it! That makes me four pounds away from my mini goal for 11/1/13, I can do this right??

    You totally can! You're doing great!
  • mkbarnes1775
    mkbarnes1775 Posts: 55 Member
    Two pounds down this week, I'll take it! That makes me four pounds away from my mini goal for 11/1/13, I can do this right??

    You totally can! You're doing great!

    Thanks! I need all the encouragement I can get!
  • Down a smidge this week. Started the Jillian Michaels body revolution last muscles be sore today.
    Will I do all 90 days? Will I end up with abs? These questions remain to be seen.
    I'd settle for a smaller pot belly and smaller arm flaps.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I have heard really good things about Body Revolution! Maybe I will try that in the spring. Let us know how you like it!

    I need to get on my bike. But I don't want to. Tell me to do it. I need a little Jillian Michaels on my shoulder to yell at me.