New to group - MFP for a few months - buddies?

suzybeer Posts: 3 Member
Hi everyone!

I've been working a LCHF/Paleo lifestyle for a a few months and down 25 lbs and so glad I looked at the groups and found you all!

So much to share with fellow MSers...

A bit about me -

My name is Suzanne. I am turning 45 in 28 days and, while I mentally feel 25, my body acts 60 most days. When I started my own weight loss journey more seriously in April of 2013, I had just had a mild exacerbation from working an average of 65 hours a week. I resigned my position, spent the summer with my 11 year old son, and found a great contract gig that is a wonderful fit and am hoping it takes me through to an employee conversion :) When I resigned my position, I decided NO JOB is worth my family or my health and that I needed to focus on getting my weight down. My MS has been fairly "stable" for almost 20 years now, but I don't like gambling craps, and facing MS is always like a game of craps. Or crap, depending on the day. Last month I was approved for Aubaugio, after being on Copaxone for more than 10 years and backed out due to the side effects. Copaxone has been effective for me, and while I hate hate hate the damn shot and the necrosis is some places, I'm game to wait out the new oral drugs that are on the horizon with LESS side effects.

Wow, that was a lot of blah, hope you choked through it.

Fun stuff? I'm a ginrourmous geek - am an ITPM yet went back to school in 2004 and got my IT degree. My original degree was in marine biology until I discovered it wasn't the study of marines (ok, bah dump bump). I have a graduate level certificate in cetacean echolocation studies and fell in love with an even bigger geek from Denver; after we were married outside of DC, we moved to Denver and had our son here (and save for the recent floods, there aren't any whales and doplhins here in CO). He knew "from jump" about my MS and we've dealt with everything together. It hasn't always been easy, but it's been worth it. So yep, you guessed it, we're raising another mini geek, which is fun. We all love sci fi books, movies, etc and try to enjoy everything Colorado has to offer. (Hubby and kiddos are HUGE skiers and kiddo is on a competitive ski team as well as swimming team).

Thing is, I miss out. Not that I will be on that mountain skiing, but I want to be healthier to face my MS, to really LIVE. Even after 25 pounds down, I feel like I am just starting to live and I was really just existing for the last few decades. Next year (Fall 2014) we're going with our son on a trip to Beijing and the Great Wall, etc and that trip is a great jumping off point to ensure I stay with my plan.

So, would love to find buddies who "get" where I'm coming from as well as where I want to go! Down on the scale and up on life!

Nice to meet everyone! :smile:


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Welcome! I am not on here that much but I think this group is active at times. Thanks for sharing all that information about yourself. I just recently got married and am thinking about having a little "mini-geek" (I like that term :) ) as well! I have been diagnosed with MS just a little over two years and it's been pretty under control but it is nice to have this group to read about other people's experiences sometimes. Feel free to add me--I was off MFP for some time but recently started to get active on it again, trying to keep it up. Good luck with your journey here!
  • suzybeer
    suzybeer Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Christina :) Good luck on your mini-geek, but be forewarned....after 10, you have to carry a calculator for "math facts" - mine wants me to do them all the time - like 387*52. Seriously, I can do it, but not while driving and even with an app on my phone I have to wait for a stop light. LOL.