Lose weight by healthy eating and little/no exercise?

esescovar Posts: 11 Member
Hi all,

With a full-time job, being on-call 24/7 (I'm a pediatrican), and a 15 month old at home, I am finding no good time to exercise. I was wondering if anyone has had any success with any degree of weight loss by eating healthy and not relying so much on physical activity?

I clean my house daily (between picking up constantly after my toddler, or running around the hospital every day), I also clean my kitchen and sweep/mop my entire house daily. So I am not sedentary, per se, but I don't have the time for a daily run. I used to be a runner (avg 2mi daily) until I had a baby.

Is my plan going to work, or do I need to figure out how to get more physical on a daily basis?


  • rainavsfood
    rainavsfood Posts: 79 Member
    You're a busy mom, we get it! But it's not impossible to fit in your workouts! :) I do all of mine at home! Sure, you can lose weight with healthy/clean eating and no/little exercise but it's going to get you 'skinny-fat' ... You'll have no muscle definition/tone, just skinny. My recommendation... Fit it in. If you want to look fit/healthy, you can't rely on diet alone. :)

    Feel free to add me!
  • esescovar
    esescovar Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! Any thoughts on what type of at-home workouts work with a busy life? I used to be fit, I played soccer all my life, including at the college-level, so I know I can get back into being physically active again... I guess I just need to make it a priority.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Kettlebell is an EXCELLENT way to burn mega calories in a short time AND build muscle! Just PLEASE make sure you watch a tutorial on how to do each move correctly BEFORE attempting it!! Form is crucial! There are several 15-20 minute workouts on youtube. You can pick up kettlebells for about $25-40 just about anywhere.
  • You could try using your little one to help with exercise. Like, try leg lifts with your little one on your feet. They think its a fun one on one game and u get to work out. Play chase or tag. I have an 18 month old, and believe me, he doesnt ever want me to stop "playing" with him. It's a great way to get some exercise along with quality play time, especially if you are a busy mom. Hope this helps. :)
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Planks with my 2 year old on my back absolutely KILL the abs. I also do squats with him on my shoulders sometimes. He has 2 pound weights and we "work out" together when I'm doing lifting with the husband, he's "lifting" off to one side.
  • esescovar
    esescovar Posts: 11 Member
    I've tried doing exercises 'with' my 15 month old, but he wiggles off of me or wanders off (he started walking 2 months ago and now refuses to stand still). So exercising with him is a no-go. I tried to figure running into my daily routine before (multiple times) but the mornings are already chaotic between a toddler, and both my husband and I trying to get ready for work and get out the door. By the time I get home in the evenings, I want to spend the hour or two I get with my kid before he gets put to bed. By that point, it is too dark to run outside (we have no street lights anywhere in our neighborhood).

    We do still have naptimes in the afternoons, so between evenings on workdays and afternoon naptimes on my days off, I could work in some indoor exercising. It looks like doing weights or kettlebells, yoga, etc is the best way to go. I really wanted to get running in during his naptimes, but I can't leave a 15 month old home while sleeping and I go out running!!!

    Thanks for the suggestions! I'm excited that I have so many good options to choose from.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    Well i actually lost about 50lbs during my pregnancy, just by eating healthy.
    I had about one or two fast food treat every month, and everything else i ate was from home.
    it can be done by eating healthy and just try getting some light walking in... although i didn't walk =/

    but it CAN be done!!

    good luck!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Things you can do with you kid that will help.
    - Squats- holding your kid centered, using body weight as resistancey
    - Dips- Using edge of a couch
    - Jumping jacks (good easy to do cardio)- My son loves to do them with me
    - Plank- hold a plank and put your kid on your back, Huge help and the wobbliness of the toddler adds another element.
    - Walking lunges (with or without your kid)
    -Yoga- Since my son was about 15 months we do stretches together. He loves it and it gives me a chance to work on flexibility
    - Burpees- my son Loves to copy me (although he didn't start until recently)

    Remember-10-15 minutes is better than nothing. I have also started to incorporate little things into my day. For instance, I had to make 180 copies today at work. I did calf raises at the copier.

    If you have pinterest, browse around there. I have found a ton of 15-20 minute workouts you can do with little to no equipment. They aren't the best burns but it is better than nothing.

    Good luck. You can loose weight without exercise, but exercise is an important part to being healthy.
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    my 3 toddlers love to dance so i get my wii dance ready and we dance for an hour at a time twice a day. they love it and beg for it.