Insulin Bubble Belly



  • Ghomerzgirl
    Ghomerzgirl Posts: 67 Member
    I wear my pump on my pocket. the tubing gets held to the pump with the clip, then I cut a small hole in my pocket to run the tubing inside my pants. Total control of the tubing. Works like a charm.

    Thats a great idea! Hoping to get mine back and will have to try that!
  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    I have the Medtronic Paradigm. Love it. It works with an accucheck that sends the bs to the pump and once you have the bolus wizard calculated, you just hit activate. It calculates how much insulin you have active at the time, so there's no doubling up on insulin causing you to bottom out. The bolus wizard works on the same idea. You enter the amount of carbs you ate and it calculates how much insulin you need, Also taking into account how much is already active.
    Being on the pump takes time to get the numbers right. testing every two hours without food, to adjust the basals. But, it's so worth the work.
    My daughter and I both got on the pump 14 years ago. Her doctor wanted me to do it first, and see how I made out. But, that's not how we roll here. We did this as a team.. worked on basal checks together and both love it. If you're going to have this condition, it shouldn't control your life, We control it, and our life is ours again.
    Good luck.
  • OhThatBlonde
    OhThatBlonde Posts: 98 Member
    Hole in the pocket - what a great idea!!
    After reading this post I started experimenting with other sites - to avoid the "bubble."
    Thank you so much for sharing your information!
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    This is a wonderfully informative thread ... I've never heard of "insulin bubble belly" but will certainly google it now. :bigsmile: Nine months ago I was diagnosed as a Type 1 and am now taking the steps so I can be considered for a pump. I was shocked at the cost ... of both the pump and then there's the supplies.

    There is a lot to consider when it comes to making the decision to get a pump; and, it comes at a great expense if I decide after 9 months that it's not for me. [I don't know why I chose 9 months - perhaps b/c that's how long I've been dealing with the injections.] I too, am concerned about the tubing and just what to do with the pump (where to wear it during the day and what about at night)... and, I know this sounds vain, but the psychological aspects of having the pump - having that constant reminder hanging on me that I'm somehow damaged goods, sick, whatever it is - clearly I haven't quite worked that out yet.

    Based on the research I've done, a pump will greatly improve my ability to control my BG #'s and that will make for a healthier me... it's hard for me to not take a shot at having better control of my numbers. I'm considering the Animas - I just hope my insurance company will help out on the cost ... ... ... ... and I want to do everything I can to avoid the insulin bubble belly.
    thx all

    Ive been on the Minimed pump since 2000 and have loved it the entire time. As for the fear of the cord, I just wind it up and tuck it into my pants. I wear my pump clipped to my waist band of my pants, or skirts. If I wear a dress I have a leg strap that it slides into so you don't even see it. Most people think my pump is an ipod or cell phone and never ask. Those that do I just tell them its an insulin pump. No biggie for me. I have also had friends who will wear theirs inside their jean pockets so it is not visible to the public.

    As for night time, I just toss the pump on the bed next to me and it rolls around with me. same with intimate moments, It goes next to use and if we move I grab it real quick and move. Or you can disconnect from it. there is also one called the T:Slim pump and it looks even closer to an iPod/iPhone if that is a big concern for you
  • Emsamom
    Emsamom Posts: 5 Member
    the pump would drive me crazy too - having an effing cord hanging from my body all the time. I can't even handle a purse on my shoulder half the time. lol. **** out of luck for me!

    Everyone who has a pump thought like that at one time or another. It truly works so well, it's worth the inconvenience.

    I do miss walking around the house nude. That's really the only time I notice it. In bed, it just goes under the pillow and is removed for intimacy. It turns out it's never that big a deal.


    So you know the expression "I'd lose my head if it weren't screwed on"? That's me with my pump. If it weren't physically attached I would forever be forgetting my insulin and needles! Agree it would be nice to be able to walk around naked occasionally, but it's an easy trade. Best part of pumping for me is I don't have to eat on a regular schedule.

    Before I started pumping I felt the same way about having something attached to me all the time... for me it's no more inconvenient than my glasses, and it makes my life SO much easier!
  • OMG THANK YOU SERIOUSLY THANK YOU!!!! You have no idea how many times Ive cried how many forums Ive posted this on how many doctors Ive asked.. FINALLY someone else knows my pain haha.
    I talked to my endocrinologist and she seriously believes that it is all diet and exercise and that it should go away so long as you move your sites around. I have noticed it has gone down since ive been eating healthy. Im actually going to see a naturalpath on Friday so they MIGHT have some other tips.
    In all serious I have considered getting lypo I hate it so much. What's your opinons?
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    OMG THANK YOU SERIOUSLY THANK YOU!!!! You have no idea how many times Ive cried how many forums Ive posted this on how many doctors Ive asked.. FINALLY someone else knows my pain haha.
    I talked to my endocrinologist and she seriously believes that it is all diet and exercise and that it should go away so long as you move your sites around. I have noticed it has gone down since ive been eating healthy. Im actually going to see a naturalpath on Friday so they MIGHT have some other tips.
    In all serious I have considered getting lypo I hate it so much. What's your opinons?

    Well i have seriously though of taking a knife to it myself just to get it off cause i hate it so much! lol. Too chicken though. lol. Just continueing with not using as injection site anymore and eating healthy and exercising......time will tell.