Team Yellow Meet & Greet!

Hi Yellow team! If you could please make sure that your current starting weight is posted in the spreadsheet found under the "teams and week one" thread that would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to throw out the suggestion that we friend each other here on MFP so that we can motivate one another. Another suggestion that I'm going to throw out but is entirely up to you is making your diaries viewable to your friends (if it isn't already). I'm throwing this out there because sometimes we struggle and the diaries are where we can look to help try to get each other back on the road after a slight "detour."

For weigh in's if you could please get me your weights and challenge information by Sunday evening at 9 pm CST? That gives me time to follow up and send reminders out on Monday if need be. My goal is to have minimal late weigh in's. If you do happen to weigh in late that's cool still send me your info so I can put it in the spreadsheet. I'd rather have a few late weigh in's than see anyone disqualified.

NOTE: If you miss 3 weigh in's you will be disqualified from the challenge, per the rules.

Now for the fun part! Let's tell a little bit about ourselves.....

My name is Jamie. I've been trying to lose weight since last November but just recently got serious about my weight loss. Honestly, I struggle with the nutrition portion of the weight loss process. My diaries are public so I may be asking for TONS of help on the nutrition portion. I work with a trainer 2 days a week too. He's showing me how to safely use the equipment in "manland." I LOVE the progress I've been making and it's turned me into a bit of a gym rat. I'm hoping this challenge will jumpstart my weight loss again...I've been stuck at the same weight for almost 2 months!

Personal wise...

I'm turning 30 in February and I want to start my 30's on my way to being at a healthy weight for probably the first time in my life. I'm an aunt to my completely adorable 19 month old niece. When I'm not working out I'm either knitting, reading, watching classic movies or playing with my dogs.

Totally random....

My family just adopted a group of Marines deployed in Afghanistan.

I've spilled my guts now it's your turn.....


  • MrMatt1982

    I'm Matt. Happy to be on the team!

    I have tried losing many times before with some small successes, but never found a consistent routine that allowed me to make it a permanent change which is what its all about. Now I find myself in a great point of my life where I have the ability to make permanent changes and set steady routines.

    I've been married to a wonderful woman for 8 years and we have 3 kids, a 7 year old girl and 13 month boy/girl twins. So our life is full of "play time." LOL. I know that it is time for me to make a change so I can give myself the best chance to provide for the family long term, and be here with them every step of the way.

    Looking forward to this! GO YELLOW!
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    Hello Team Yellow,

    Since I began my journey (with serious effort) I have lost 27 pounds. Lately the number on the scale has been stuck. I recently added strength training to my weekly routine and have been losing inches instead. I am hoping this challenge adds that extra motivation I need to push harder and get the number going down. Unfortunately I am leaving for a cruise on Wednesday so I will be out of contact for several days. I will log on for the weigh in and.......... I promise to work out and watch what I am eating while I am on vacation. I am thankful that this challenge is starting now because it will keep me on track while I am away :happy:

    I don't usually add workouts to my diary because the calorie counts are off, I don't eat them back, and I'm blonde and it confuses me :tongue: I want to reassure you that I am still working out!

    On a more personal note... I am a mom to 7 year old daughter and have a wonderful Man who is my partner in this weight loss journey. We share the cooking and take turns picking the work outs we do.... so far so good! I am mostly vegetarian and try to eat whole foods as often as possible. I love my job but its stressful. Life is always busy but I want to enjoy it and I feel like I don't live life to fullest because of my weight.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Hey there, I'm Kate!

    I'm 21, soon to be 22, and I've been losing weight since May of this year. So far I've lost a bit over 58 pounds, and have just recently reached normal weight range for my height. So sorry guys, I'm not going to be a wonderful teammate when it comes to numbers! My ultimate goal is to lose 82 pounds, so I've still got a bit to go. Right now my exercise routine is Insanity, and my diet is pretty relaxed as far as what types of food I eat. I'm mainly concerned about hitting my calories and protein, but other than that, anything goes within reason! I'm a student right now studying kinesiology, and in December I'll be moving to a new part of town so that will be an interesting challenge. Fortunately the new place has a huge fitness center and loads of stuff within walking distance, so I think it will be good for my new lifestyle.

    Nice to me you all!
  • Bambi48433
    Hi my name is Kaye. I just joined My Fitness Pal a couple weeks ago and so far am doing really well. I started on Sept. 30th at 221.4 lbs and as of today I am at 213.8 lbs. Most of this weight was lost in the first week. Probably water weight. I haven't listed any exercise I have done so far. The first week, I mainly centered on my eating and this week, I have started to do some exercising here at home. I have been over weight for years and have done all kinds of diets. I lost, then gained, then lost, then gained. This time I am trying my hardest to do it with a smart head on my shoulders by eating healthier.

    I found out a couple years ago, that I was a type 2 diabetic. I was in big denial at first, but now realize I need to get my weight, eating in order if I want to live along life.

    I am a 55yr old divorcee that is in a very serious relationship. I love my boyfriend with all my heart and he supports me in my journey of weightloss. For him it is the opposite, he can't gain. I keep telling him, he can have all my extra fat free of charge. LOL.

    I work the grave yard shift as a lines manager in a local 24hr retail/grocery store. (most of my shifts are the night shift, but I do get a day shift here and there). I do get plenty of walking in at work too.

    I just love the show The Biggest Loser and when I found this challenge, I felt it was meant for me to join it. I need the extra push (I am hoping this challenge offers) like the contestants get on the show. I need the discipline.

    I have an open food diary and try to eat sensably, but I do have my bad days too. I am not perfect by a long shot. I promise you team yellow, I will do my best to make our team the winning team. I will give it all I can give it.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Ashley. I'mm 22 years old and I've been trying to lose weight on and off for around the last 3 years. I did really well about a year and a half ago, but then I moved, started a new job, and basically completely rearranged my lifestyle and it did not fit very well into the routine I had picked up.
    Since I've started again I was doing really well, but now I'm at the point where it isn't fun and exciting anymore so I'm starting to lose motivation. I'm hoping this challenge will give me the kick in the *kitten* I need.
    I am still in school right now, and I also coach a 12 and under softball team. Between those two things I'm pretty busy, but I'm training for a half marathon (November 9th! I'm so excited) and that training schedule makes it easy to plan how to fit in workouts. Unfortunately the thing that holds me back is my diet. I buy great stuff at the grocery store, but I'm too lazy to cook a proper meal, so I hit take out places instead. Usually they're not the worst kinds of places, but things like Panera, and Wegman's, where I try to make healthy choices, but some delicious something or other sucks me in. One thing I'm hoping this challenge gives me is a reason to say no to the bad stuff.
  • Pfil
    Pfil Posts: 73 Member
    Hey everyone! I started working on losing weight June 1st of this year when I hit 200 lbs (I'm 5'4") and decided enough was enough. I lost roughly 30 lbs in 3 months which I'm really proud of. The past couple of months I gave myself a bit of a break from being so strict with my diet and have been primarily maintaining and losing pounds very slowly but I'm still losing inches which I don't really understand. I log everything I consume even on days when I know I'm going to go massively over because I'm a data hoarder. If I don't log it, how will I know why something happened? I even logged while camping by writing everything down on paper and putting it into MFP when I got home. I have spreadsheets and charts and I love it all. :) Because of the data analysis I know exactly what I need to change to lose the next twenty pounds - I drink too many calories from alcohol. If I changed nothing else and simply cut back on booze, I could lose a pound a week!

    I was exercising a little - going on walks (I hate to run), riding my exercise bike and playing Dance Central :) I basically don't exercise at all right now and know I need to improve there. I wear a fitbit which I love and the data backs up the TDEE numbers it gives me. I'd like to start lifting heavy but I'm scared of joining a gym. My goal weight is under 150 after which weight matters less to me and it is more about body shape and size.

    I live outside Portland, OR and work in development at a software company. I live with my awesome boyfriend and our four cats (all strays and rescues). I have too many hobbies - I love making things and play around with fusing glass, sewing clothes, knitting, cross-stitch, making soap, candles, curing meat, canning everything I can get my hands on, brewing hard apple cider, and just last night I made some Colby cheese which now goes into the "cheese cave" for a few months before I get to eat it.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    Pfil, I know the gym seems scary, but since you already said you'd like to start lifting, there ain't nothing to do but do it!!
    The first time I joined a gym it really helped me that I knew someone who already belonged. We didn't become workout buddies or anything, but he did show me how to use the weights and after my first day alone I started to find my groove. You can totally do it!
  • lacbrit85
    lacbrit85 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all! My name is Brittney im 27 yrs old. I have never really struggled with my weight until I gave birth to my daughter. Well that was 19 months ago and I've yet to lose any of the weight from that...I've actually gained weight since then. I'm recently married (Oct 9th) we were married at the courthouse but our wedding will be June 28th. I really want to have this weight gone by then.
  • progressnotperfection84
    Nice to meet everyone! It sounds like we have a pretty amazing team here! We're a pretty diverse group and I really like that. I can hardly wait for the show tonight!

    Pfil, I have agree with AshleyMeggg take the plunge. It'll be one of the best investments you make for yourself, especially if you want to lift. My trainer told me this one yesterday "To be different, you have to do something different." But my personal favorite is "A lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep."
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey yall! Im Melissa. I just turned 30 and Im work full time and I am a full time momma to 3 kids ages 9,7 & 2. The older two are involved in little league sports so needless to say my life is pretty hectic, but thats ok because I consider myself to be very blessed. I would love to loose about 100#s. I am 5'10" and weigh 250#s. Im participated last season and I am so excited to participate again this season!
  • Pfil
    Pfil Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really do just need to get up and go through the doors of the gym. Once I've done that I know it'll be easy. And I love feeling strong - a couple months ago I needed to buy a bag of sand from home depot and it was only available in 100lb sacks and I was alone. I somehow managed to deadlift that thing up onto the cart and into the car and then out onto the driveway all by myself! My only thought was "holy crap, I'm way stronger than I thought!" I'd love to have those thoughts more often :)
  • mrob04
    mrob04 Posts: 88 Member
    It was suggested that we make our diaries open and I really like that idea as to give us an added level of accountability. Mine is open but only with the password which is KJM13. And let me just say that its still a lil scary that now yall can see what Im logging! LOL!!! I know that sounds crazy!!! Anyway, yall have a great Wednesday! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • SkinnyNSweet822
    SkinnyNSweet822 Posts: 41 Member
    Helloooo Yellow Team!!!! Sorry I'm late! I'm Jasmine. A 23 year old college student who has been on this portion of my journey for a year. 20 lbs down! 70ish to go. Recovering yo-yo dieter! Always had weight/body image issues. Smallest: 140 lbs Size 8. Largest: 220 pushing Size 20. Gained 60 lbs in 3 years after a break up. When I'm not being a gym rat, or my academics aren't torturing my soul :brokenheart: , I'm a devout Netflix/Hulu girl catching up on my shows & movies! My fav exercises are ZUMBA & Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    Hello Team Yellow!

    I'm so happy that I have been added to the team - I hope to be an awesome part of it. I just turned 30 this past week and I think it was a great thing! I've really been trying to loose for what seems like ever. I've done all sorts of diets and just recently my doctor diagnosed me with a Wheat allergy/intolerance and it's helped me loose some. My spouse travels a lot for work (we've been married 7 years) - I've only seen him 57 days so far since January. I'm 5'2" and weigh currently 232 but started at 264 - so at least I've done something but I feel stuck and I'm so happy to have more motivation to just PUSH through and be strong! I'm happy to be here and make something happen in my own life!
  • progressnotperfection84
    Hello Team Yellow!

    I'm so happy that I have been added to the team - I hope to be an awesome part of it. I just turned 30 this past week and I think it was a great thing! I've really been trying to loose for what seems like ever. I've done all sorts of diets and just recently my doctor diagnosed me with a Wheat allergy/intolerance and it's helped me loose some. My spouse travels a lot for work (we've been married 7 years) - I've only seen him 57 days so far since January. I'm 5'2" and weigh currently 232 but started at 264 - so at least I've done something but I feel stuck and I'm so happy to have more motivation to just PUSH through and be strong! I'm happy to be here and make something happen in my own life!

    Nice to meet you and welcome to our team!